Handel Edition, John Eliot Gardiner, Marc Minkowski, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, William Christie - Handel Edition Volume 1 - 10 (2009)
BAND/ARTIST: Handel Edition, John Eliot Gardiner, Marc Minkowski, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, William Christie
- Title: Handel Edition Volume 1 - 10
- Year Of Release: 2009
- Label: Warner Classics International
- Genre: Classical
- Quality: flac lossless
- Total Time: 63:02:01
- Total Size: 16.6 gb
- WebSite: Album Preview
Handel Edition Volume 1
001. Alcina: Sinfonia
002. Alcina: Menuet
003. Alcina: Musette
004. Alcina: Act 1 "Oh Dei! quivi non scorgo alcun sentiero!" [Bradamante, Melisso, Morgana]
005. Alcina: Act 1 "O s'apre al riso" [Morgana]
006. Alcina: Act 1 "Questo è il cielo de' contenti" [Chorus]
007. Alcina: Act 1 "Ecco l'infido" [Bradamante, Melisso, Alcina]
008. Alcina: Act 1 "Di', cor mio, quanto t'amai" [Alcina]
009. Alcina: Act 1 "Generosi guerrier" [Oberto, Melisso, Bradamante]
010. Alcina: Act 1 "Chi m'insegna il caro padre?" [Oberto]
011. Alcina: Act 1 "Mi ravvisi" [Bradamante, Ruggiero, Melisso]
012. Alcina: Act 1 "Di te mi rido" [Ruggiero]
013. Alcina: Act 1 "Qua dunque ne veniste" [Oronte, Bradamante] "Io sono tua difesa" [Morgana, Bradamante]
014. Alcina: Act 1 "E gelosia" [Bradamante]
015. Alcina: Act 1 "Io dunque" [Oronte, Morgana] "La cerco in vano" [Ruggiero, Oronte]
016. Alcina: Act 1 "Semplicetto!" [Oronte]
017. Alcina: Act 1 "Ah, infedele, infedel!" [Ruggiero, Alcina]
018. Alcina: Act 1 "Sì, son quella!" [Alcina]
019. Alcina: Act 1 "Se nemico mi fossi" [Bradamante] "Bradamante favella?" [Ruggiero]
020. Alcina: Act 1 "La bocca vaga" [Ruggiero]
021. Alcina: Act 1 "Fuggi cor mio" [Morgana, Bradamante]
022. Alcina: Act 1 "Tornami a vagheggiar" (Morgana)
023. Alcina: Act 2 "Col celarvi a chi v'ama" [Ruggiero] "Taci, taci, codardo" [Melisso, Ruggiero]
024. Alcina: Act 2 "Qual portento mi richiama" [Ruggiero]
025. Alcina: Act 2 "Ah! Bradamante!" [Ruggiero, Melisso]
026. Alcina: Act 2 "Pensa a chi geme d'amor piagata" [Melisso]
027. Alcina: Act 2 "Qual odio ingiusto contro me?" [Bradamante, Ruggiero]
028. Alcina: Act 2 "Vorrei vendicarmi" [Bradamante]
029. Alcina: Act 2 "Chi scopre al mio pensiero" [Ruggiero]
030. Alcina: Act 2 "Mi lusinga il dolce affetto" [Ruggiero]
031. Alcina: Act 2 "S'acquieti il rio sospetto" [Alcina, Morgana] "E la tua pace" [Morgana, Alcina, Ruggiero]
032. Alcina: Act 2 "Ama, sospira" [Morgana]
033. Alcina: Act 2 "Non scorgo nel tuo viso" [Alcina, Ruggiero]
034. Alcina: Act 2 "Mio bel tesoro" [Ruggiero]
035. Alcina: Act 2 "Regina, io cerco in vano" [Oberto, Alcina]
036. Alcina: Act 2 "Tra speme e timore" [Oberto]
037. Alcina: Act 2 "Regina, sei tradita" [Oronte, Alcina]
038. Alcina: Act 2 "Ah! mio cor!" [Alcina]
039. Alcina: Act 2 "Or, che dici, Morgana?" [Oronte, Morgana] "All'offesa, il disprezzo giunge l'ingrata?" [Oronte]
040. Alcina: Act 2 "E un folle" [Oronte]
041. Alcina: Act 2 "Eccomi a' piedi tuoi" [Ruggiero, Bradamante, Morgana]
042. Alcina: Act 2 "Verdi prati" [Ruggiero]
043. Alcina: Act 2 "Ah! Ruggiero crudel" [Alcina]
044. Alcina: Act 2 "Ombre pallide" [Alcina]
045. Alcina: Act 3 Sinfonia
046. Alcina: Act 3 "Voglio amar e disamar" [Oronte, Morgana]
047. Alcina: Act 3 "Credete al mio dolore" [Morgana]
048. Alcina: Act 3 "M'inganna, me n'avveggo" [Oronte]
049. Alcina: Act 3 "Un momento di contento" [Oronte]
050. Alcina: Act 3 "Molestissimo incontro!" [Ruggiero, Alcina]
051. Alcina: Act 3 "Ma quando tornerai" [Alcina]
052. Alcina: Act 3 "Tutta d'armate squadre" [Melisso, Ruggiero, Bradamante]
053. Alcina: Act 3 "Sta nell'Ircana" [Ruggiero]
054. Alcina: Act 3 "Vanne tu seco ancora" [Melisso, Bradamante]
055. Alcina: Act 3 "All'alma fedel" [Bradamante]
056. Alcina: Act 3 "Niuna forza Io arresta" [Oronte, Alcina]
057. Alcina: Act 3 "Mi restano le lagrime" [Alcina]
058. Alcina: Act 3 "Già vicino è il momento" [Oberto, Alcina]
059. Alcina: Act 3 "Barbara!" [Oberto]
060. Alcina: Act 3 "Le lusinghe, gl'inganni" [Bradamante, Alcina, Ruggiero]
061. Alcina: Act 3 "Non è amor, nè gelosia" [Ruggiero, Alcina, Bradamante]
062. Alcina: Act 3 "Ah! mio Ruggier, che tenti?" [Alcina, Ruggiero, Bradamante] "Misera, ah, no!" [Alcina, Morgana] "A che tardi?" [Melisso, Ruggiero, Oronte, Alcina, Morgana]
063. Alcina: Act 3 "Dall'orror di notte cieca" [Chorus]
064. Alcina: Act 3 Entrée
065. Alcina: Act 3 Tamburino
066. Alcina: Act 3 "Dopo tante amare pene" [Chorus]
067. Orlando: Overture-I Lentement
068. Orlando: Overture-II Allegro
069. Orlando: Act 1 "Gieroglifici eterni!" [Zoroastro]
070. Orlando: Act 1 "Stimulato dalla gloria" [Orlando] "Purgalo ormai" [Zoroastro, Orlando]
071. Orlando: Act 1 "Lascia Amore" [Zoroastro]
072. Orlando: Act 1 "Imagini funeste" [Orlando]
073. Orlando: Act 1 "Non fù già men forte Alcide" [Orlando]
074. Orlando: Act 1 "Quanto diletto avea" [Dorinda]
075. Orlando: Act 1 "Itene pur fremendo" [Orlando, Dorinda]
076. Orlando: Act 1 "Ho un certo rossore" [Dorinda]
077. Orlando: Act 1 "M'hai vinto al fin" [Angelica]
078. Orlando: Act 1 "Ritornava al suo bel viso" [Angelica, Medoro]
079. Orlando: Act 1 "Chi possessore è del mio core" [Angelica]
080. Orlando: Act 1 "Ecco Dorinda, nè sfugirla io posso" [Medoro, Dorinda]
081. Orlando: Act 1 "Se il cor mai ti dirà" [Medoro] "Povera me!" [Dorinda]
082. Orlando: Act 1 "O care parolette" [Dorinda]
083. Orlando: Act 1 "Noti o me sono i tuoi fatali amori" [Zoroastro, Angelica, Orlando]
084. Orlando: Act 1 "Se fedel vuoi ch'io ti creda" [Angelica] "T'ubbidirò" [Orlando]
085. Orlando: Act 1 "Fammi combattere" [Orlando]
086. Orlando: Act 1 "Angelica, deh lascia..." [Medoro, Angelica] "O Angelica, o Medoro" [Dorinda, Angelica, Medoro]
087. Orlando: Act 1 "Consolati, o bella" [Angelica, Medoro, Dorinda]
088. Orlando: Act 2 "Quando spieghi i tuoi tormenti" [Dorinda]
089. Orlando: Act 2 "Perchè, gentil Dorinda" [Orlando, Dorinda]
090. Orlando: Act 2 "Se mi rivolgo al prato" [Dorinda] "E questa la mercede Angelica spietata!" [Orlando]
091. Orlando: Act 2 "Cielo! Se tu il consenti" [Orlando] "A qual rischio vi espone incauti amanti" [Zoroastro, Angelica, Medoro]
092. Orlando: Act 2 "Tra caligini profondi" [Zoroastro]
093. Orlando: Act 2 "Da queste amiche piante" [Angelica, Medoro]
094. Orlando: Act 2 "Verdi allori" [Medoro] "Dopo tanti perigli" [Angelica]
095. Orlando: Act 2 "Non potrà dirmi ingrata" [Angelica]
096. Orlando: Act 2 "Dove, dove guidate, Furie" [Orlando] "Tutto a poter partire ha già disposto il mio gradito amante" [Angelica]
097. Orlando: Act 2 "Verdi piante" [Angelica]
098. Orlando: Act 2 "Ah perfida, qui sei!" [Orlando, Angelica] "Ohimè! Che miro!" [Medoro] "Amor, caro amore!" [Angelica, Orlando]
099. Orlando: Act 2 "Ah, Stigie larve!" [Orlando]
100. Orlando: Act 2 "Già latra Cerbero" [Orlando]
101. Orlando: Act 2 "Vaghe pupille, non piangete" [Orlando]
102. Orlando: Act 3 Sinfonia "Di Dorinda alle mura" [Medoro, Dorinda]
103. Orlando: Act 3 "Vorrei poterti amar" [Medoro]
104. Orlando: Act 3 "Più obbligate gli sono" [Dorinda] "Pur ti trovo, o mio bene" [Orlando, Dorinda]
105. Orlando: Act 3 "Unisca amor in noi" [Orlando, Dorinda]
106. Orlando: Act 3 "Già lo stringo" [Orlando]
107. Orlando: Act 3 "Di Dorinda all'albergo" [Angelica, Dorinda]
108. Orlando: Act 3 "Così giusta è questa speme" [Angelica] "S'è corrisposto un core" [Dorinda]
109. Orlando: Act 3 "Amor è qual vento" [Dorinda]
110. Orlando: Act 3 "Impari ognun da Orlando" [Orlando]
111. Orlando: Act 3 "Sorge infausta una procella" [Zoroastro]
112. Orlando: Act 3 "Dorinda, e perchè piangi" [Angelica, Dorinda] "Più non fuggir potrai" [Orlando, Angelica]
113. Orlando: Act 3 "Finché prendi ancora il sangue" [Angelica, Orlando]
114. Orlando: Act 3 "Vieni!" [Orlando, Angelica] "Già per la man d'Orlando" [Orlando]
115. Orlando: Act 3 "Già l'ebro mio ciglio" [Orlando]
116. Orlando: Act 3 "Ecco il tempo prefisso!" "Tu, che del gran Tonante" [Zoroastro, Dorinda] Sinfonia
117. Orlando: Act 3 "Dormo ancora" [Orlando, Dorinda]
118. Orlando: Act 3 "Per far, mia diletta" [Orlando]
119. Orlando: Act 3 "Orlando si mora" [Orlando] "Dei viver ancora" [Angelica, Orlando, Medoro, Zoroastro, Dorinda] "Vinse incanti" [Orlando, Angelica, Medoro, Dorinda, Zoroastro]
120. Orlando: Act 3 "Trionfa oggi 'l mio cor" [Orlando, Angelica, Medoro, Dorinda, Zoroastro]
Handel Edition Volume 2
001. Il Trionfo Del Tempo E Del Disinganno: Part 1 Sonata
002. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Fido specchio" [Bellezza]
003. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Io, che sono il Piacere" [Piacere, Bellezza]
004. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Fosco genio, e nero duolo" [Piacere]
005. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Ed io che 'l Tempo sono" [Tempo, Disinganno]
006. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Se la bellezza perde vaghezza" [Disinganno]
007. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Dunque, si prendon l'armi" [Piacere, Bellezza, Tempo, Disinganno]
008. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Una schiera di piaceri" [Bellezza]
009. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "I colossi del sole per me caddero a terra" [Tempo]
010. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Urne, voi che racchiudete" [Tempo]
011. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Sono troppo crudeli i tuoi consigli" [Piacere]
012. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Il voler nel fior degl'anni" [Bellezza, Piacere]
013. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Della vita mortale" [Disinganno, Bellezza]
014. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Un pensiero nemico di pace" [Bellezza]
015. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Folle, tu nieghi il Tempo" [Disinganno, Piacere, Bellezza]
016. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Nasce l'uomo, ma nasce bambino" [Tempo, Disinganno]
017. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Questo è la reggia mia" [Piacere]
018. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Taci-qual suono ascolto?" [Bellezza]
019. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Un leggiadro giovinetto" [Piacere]
020. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Ha nella destra l'ali" [Bellezza]
021. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Venga il Tempo" [Bellezza]
022. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Crede l'uom ch'egli riposi" [Disinganno]
023. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Tu credi che sia lungi, e il Tempo è teco" [Tempo, Bellezza]
024. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Folle, dunque tu solo presumi che non voli più il Tempo" [Tempo]
025. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "La reggia del Piacer vedesti" [Disinganno, Tempo]
026. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Se non sei più ministro di pene" [Bellezza, Piacere, Disinganno, Tempo]
027. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Se del falso piacere vedesti già la favolosa scena" [Tempo]
028. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Chiudi i vaghi rai" [Piacere]
029. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "In tre parti divise l'ore del viver tuo misura" [Tempo]
030. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Io sperai trovar nel vero il Piacer" [Bellezza]
031. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Tu vivi invan dolente" [Piacere]
032. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Tu giurasti di mai non lasciarmi" [Piacere]
033. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Sguardo, che infermo ai rai del sol si volge" [Tempo]
034. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Io vorrei due cori" [Bellezza]
035. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Ma, dimmi, a qual piacere?" [Disinganno, Bellezza]
036. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Più non cura valle oscura" [Disinganno]
037. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "E un ostinato errore" [Tempo]
038. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "E ben folle quel nocchier" [Tempo]
039. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Dicesti il vero" [Bellezza]
040. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Voglio Tempo" [Bellezza, Tempo, Disinganno, Piacere]
041. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Presso la reggia ove il Piacer risiede" [Bellezza, Disinganno]
042. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Lascia la spina" [Piacere]
043. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Con troppo chiare note la Verità mi chiama" [Bellezza, Disinganno]
044. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Voglio cangiar desio" [Bellezza]
045. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Or che tiene la destra vero specchio" [Bellezza, Piacere, Disinganno]
046. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Chi già fu del biondo crine consigliero" [Disinganno]
047. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Ma che veggio, che miro?" [Bellezza]
048. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Ricco pino" [Bellezza]
049. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Sì, bella Penitenza" [Bellezza]
050. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Il bel pianto dell'aurora" [Tempo, Disinganno]
051. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Piacer, che meco già vivesti" [Bellezza]
052. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Come nembo che fugge col vento" [Piacere]
053. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Pure del Cielo intelligenze eterne" [Bellezza]
054. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Tu del Ciel ministro eletto" [Bellezza]
055. Teseo: Overture to Act 1
056. Teseo: Act 1 "Sia qual' vuole il mio fato" [Agilea] "Clizia, son gli Ateniesi" [Agilea, Clizia]
057. Teseo: Act 1 "E pur bello, in nobil core" [Agilea]
058. Teseo: Act 1 "Ora svelaci Arcane" [Agilea, Arcane]
059. Teseo: Act 1 "Deh serbate, o giusti Dei, quella vita per cui vivo" [Agilea]
060. Teseo: Act 1 "Parte Agilea per venerar la Dea" [Clizia, Arcane]
061. Teseo: Act 1 "Ti credo, sì, ben mio" [Clizia]
062. Teseo: Act 1 "Comanda dunque, o bella" [Arcane, Clizia]
063. Teseo: Act 1 "Ah! cruda gelosia" [Arcane]
064. Teseo: Act 1 "Dunque all'affetto mio" [Clizia, Arcane]
065. Teseo: Act 1 "Addio, mio caro bene" [Clizia, Arcane]
066. Teseo: Act 1 "Serenatevi, oh luci belle" [Egeo]
067. Teseo: Act 1 "Or ch'affermato ho il soglio" [Egeo, Agilea]
068. Teseo: Act 1 "Ricordati, o bella" [Egeo]
069. Teseo: Act 1 "Ah, che sol per Teseo arde quest'alma" [Agilea]
070. Teseo: Act 1 "M'adora l'idol mio" [Agilea]
071. Teseo: Act 2 "Dolce riposo, ed innocente pace" [Medea]
072. Teseo: Act 2 "L'infelice Medea" [Medea]
073. Teseo: Act 2 "Quell'amor ch'è nato à forza" [Medea]
074. Teseo: Act 2 "Delle armi nostre" [Egeo, Medea]
075. Teseo: Act 2 "Sì, ti lascio, altro amore io chiudo" [Medea, Egeo]
076. Teseo: Act 2 "Sire, tutto è periglio" [Arcane, Egeo]
077. Teseo: Act 2 "Ogn'uno acclami il nostro Alcide" [Chorus] "Amici, a bastanza mostraste il vostro affetto" [Teseo]
078. Teseo: Act 2 "Teseo, dove te n'vai?" [Medea, Teseo]
079. Teseo: Act 2 "Quando che a me sian care le luci del mio bene" [Teseo]
080. Teseo: Act 2 "Ai vostri amori, temo qualche fatal incontro" [Medea, Teseo]
081. Teseo: Act 2 "Non so più che bramar" [Teseo]
082. Teseo: Act 2 "Ira, sdegno, e furore" [Medea]
083. Teseo: Act 2 "O stringerò nel sen" [Medea]
084. Teseo: Act 3 "Risplendete, amiche stelle" [Clizia]
085. Teseo: Act 3 "Perdona, omai perdona" [Arcane, Clizia]
086. Teseo: Act 3 "Più non cerca libertà" [Arcane]
087. Teseo: Act 3 "Quivi sarà fra poco Teseo" [Clizia, Agilea]
088. Teseo: Act 3 "Vieni, torna, idolo mio" [Agilea]
089. Teseo: Act 3 "Teseo qui giunge" [Clizia] "Pur ti riveggio al fine" [Teseo, Agilea]
090. Teseo: Act 3 "S'armi il fato, s'armi amore" [Teseo]
091. Teseo: Act 3 "Egeo di qui venir m'impose" [Arcane, Agilea, Clizia] "Tu ben sai, principessa, quant'è grave il mio sdegno" [Medea, Agilea] "Numi, chi ci soccorre?" [Agilea, Clizia, Arcane] "Deh, dammi aita, Arcane" [Clizia, Arcane, Medea]
092. Teseo: Act 3 "Ombre, sortite dall'eterna notte" [Medea] "O ciel, che mai sara?" [Agilea]
093. Teseo: Act 3 "Sibilando, ululando, fulminate, la rival" [Medea]
094. Teseo: Act 4 "Sire, come imponesti" [Arcane, Egeo]
095. Teseo: Act 4 "Voglio stragi, e voglio morte" [Egeo]
096. Teseo: Act 4 "Amor per Agilea" [Arcane]
097. Teseo: Act 4 "Benchè tuoni e l'etra avvampi" [Arcane]
098. Teseo: Act 4 "Cruda, ed ancor non vuoi" [Agilea, Medea] "E che mai veggio, oh Dio!" [Agilea]
099. Teseo: Act 4 "Deh! v'aprite, o luci belle" [Agilea]
100. Teseo: Act 4 "E ancor su' gli occhi miei" [Medea]
101. Teseo: Act 4 "Dal cupo baratro venite, oh furie" [Medea]
102. Teseo: Act 4 "S'arma contro di me tutto l'inferno?" [Agilea, Medea]
103. Teseo: Act 4 "Chi ritorna alla mia mente la perduta rimembranza" [Teseo]
104. Teseo: Act 4 "Mira qual cura prendo" [Medea, Teseo] "Agilea più non m'ama!" [Teseo, Agilea]
105. Teseo: Act 4 "Qual tigre o qual megera" [Teseo]
106. Teseo: Act 4 "Tu piangi, e a me l'ascondi?" [Teseo, Agilea]
107. Teseo: Act 4 "Amarti sì vorrei" [Agilea]
108. Teseo: Act 4 "Troppo un re che t'adora ti fa temere" [Teseo, Agilea, Medea] "Chi di noi più beato?" [Teseo, Agilea]
109. Teseo: Act 4 "Cara, caro, ti dono in pegno il cor" [Teseo, Agilea]
110. Teseo: Act 5 "Dunque per vendicarmi" [Medea]
111. Teseo: Act 5 "Morirò, ma vendicata" [Medea]
112. Teseo: Act 5 "Scopria, ma non veduta l'ascosa fiamma" [Medea] "Questo vaso che miri" [Medea, Egeo]
113. Teseo: Act 5 "Non è da re quel cor" [Egeo]
114. Teseo: Act 5 "Ma del popolo l'odio avrà quel figlio" [Medea, Egeo] "Giuro per questo acciaro" [Teseo] "Che miro, o Ciel!" [Egeo] "Ah! perfida Medea!" [Arcane, Egeo, Agilea]
115. Teseo: Act 5 "Tengo in pugno l'idol mio" [Teseo]
116. Teseo: Act 5 "Signore, in questo giorno" [Arcane, Egeo, Agilea, Clizia]
117. Teseo: Act 5 "Unito ad un puro affetto" [Clizia, Arcane]
118. Teseo: Act 5 "Essenti dal mio sdegno ancor non siete" [Medea] "Soccorreteci o Numi!" [Agilea, Clizia, Egeo, Teseo, Arcane]
119. Teseo: Act 5 "Il ciel già si compiace" [Priest of Minerva]
120. Teseo: Act 5 "Goda ogn'or alma in sì bel giorno" [Chorus]
121. Amadigi di Gaula: Ouverture to Act 1
122. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Or che di negro ammanto" [Amadigi, Dardano]
123. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Pugnerò contro del fato" [Dardano]
124. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "O notte, oh cara notte" [Amadigi]
125. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Notte amica dei riposi" [Amadigi]
126. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Che miro!" [Amadigi] "E tu cerchi fuggir?" [Melissa, Amadigi]
127. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Non sa temere questo mio petto" [Amadigi]
128. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Il crudel m'abbandona" [Melissa]
129. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Ah, spietato! e non ti muove un affetto sì costante" [Melissa]
130. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Risveglian queste fiamme il mio coraggio" [Amadigi, Dardano]
131. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Vado, corro al mio tesoro" [Amadigi]
132. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Deh! ferma, oh Dio!" [Dardano]
133. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Agitato il cor mi sento" [Dardano]
134. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 Sinfonia
135. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Cieli, che fia?" [Oriana, Amadigi]
136. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Gioie, venite in sen" [Oriana]
137. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "In questo istante io provo" [Amadigi, Oriana]
138. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "E si dolce il mio contento" [Amadigi]
139. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Andiamo ora, mio ben" [Oriana, Amadigi]
140. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "O caro mio tesor" [Oriana]
141. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Cieli! Numi! che miro?" [Amadigi, Dardano, Melissa]
142. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Io godo, scherzo, e rido" [Melissa]
143. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Ferma, deh! ferma, oh Dio!" [Amadigi]
144. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "O rendetemi il mio bene" [Amadigi]
145. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Io ramingo men' vado" [Amadigi]
146. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Sussurrate, onde vezzose" [Amadigi]
147. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Numi! che veggio?" [Amadigi] "Svenne Amadigi" [Melissa] "Cieli, che sarà mai?" [Oriana]
148. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "S'estinto è l'idol mio" [Oriana]
149. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Ma qual scampo al mio affanno?" [Oriana, Amadigi]
150. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "T'amai quant'il mio cor" [Amadigi]
151. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Chi mai creduto havria?" [Oriana, Amadigi]
152. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Ti pentirai, crudel!" [Oriana]
153. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Dunquel colei, da cui speravo ogni conforto" [Amadigi, Melissa]
154. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Crudel, tu non farai" [Melissa, Amadigi]
155. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "D'un sventurato amante" [Dardano]
156. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Pena tiranna io sento al core" [Dardano]
157. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Arresta, o Prence!" [Melissa, Dardano]
158. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Se tu brami di godere" [Melissa]
159. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Ma, se questo non basta a mitigar la pena mia crudele" [Dardano]
160. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Amadigi, mio ben" [Oriana, Dardano]
161. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Tu mia speranza" [Dardano]
162. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Ma qui il rival?" [Dardano, Oriana]
163. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Cieli! Numi! soccorso" [Melissa, Oriana]
164. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Affannami, tormentami" [Oriana]
165. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Mi deride l'amante" [Melissa]
166. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Desterò dall'empia Dite ogni furia" [Melissa]
167. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Dove mi guida il fato mio tiranno!" [Oriana]
168. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Dolce vita del mio petto" [Oriana]
169. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Sento, nè so che sia" [Melissa]
170. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Vanne lungi dal mio petto" [Melissa]
171. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Se t'offese Oriana" [Oriana, Amadigi, Melissa]
172. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Cangia al fine il tuo rigore" [Oriana, Amadigi]
173. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "No, no! ho già risolto" [Melissa]
174. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Han penetrato i detti tuoi l'inferno" [Dardano]
175. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Cieli ingiusti, e inclementi" [Melissa, Oriana, Amadigi]
177. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Che orrore!" [Oriana, Amadigi]
178. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 Sinfonia
179. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Son finiti i tormenti" [Orgando, Amadigi, Oriana]
180. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Sento la gioia" [Amadigi]
181. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Godete omai felici" [Orgando]
182. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Godete, o cori amanti" [Chorus, Oriana, Amadigi]
Handel Edition Volume 3
001. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Hence loathed Melancholy" (Tenor I)
002. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Hence vain deluding joyes" (Soprano I)
003. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Come, thou Goddess" (Soprano II)
004. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Come, rather, Goddess" (Soprano III)
005. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Haste thee, nymph" (Tenor I)
006. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Haste thee, nymph" (Chorus)
007. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Come, and trip it" (Tenor II, Chorus)
008. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Come, pensive nun" (Soprano III)
009. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Come, but keep thy wonted state" (Soprano I)-"Join with thee" (Chorus)
010. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Hence, loathed Melancholy" (M. Hill)-"And if I give the honour due" (Soprano IV)
011. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "First, and chief, on golden wing" (Soprano I)
012. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "If I give thee honour due" (Bass)
013. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Oft on a plat of rising ground" (Soprano III)
014. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Far from all resort of Mirth" (Soprano II)
015. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "If I give thee honour due" (Tenor II)
016. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Straight mine eye" (Soprano II)
017. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Or let the merry bells" (Soprano IV)-"And young and old come" (Chorus)
018. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "Hence, vain deluding joys" (Soprano III)
019. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "Thus night oft see me" (Soprano I)
020. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "Populous cities" (Bass, Chorus)
021. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "There let Hymen oft appear" (Tenor II)
022. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "Me, when the sun begins to fling" (Soprano I)
023. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "I'll to the well-trod stage anon" (Tenor I)
024. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "And ever against eating cares" (Soprano II)
025. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "Orpheus' self may heave his head" (Soprano II)
026. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "These delights if thou canst give" (Tenor I, Chorus)
027. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "But let my due feet never fail" (Soprano I)
028. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "There let the pealing organ blow" (Chorus)-"And let their sweetness" (Soprano I)
029. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "May at last my weary age" (J. Smith)-"These pleasures, Melancholy, give" (Soprano I, Chorus)
030. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 3: "Hence, boast not" (Bass)-"All this company serene" (Chorus)
031. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 3: "Come, with gentle hand restrain" (Soprano III)
032. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 3: "No more short life" (Tenor I)
033. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 3: "As steals the morn upon the night" (Soprano I, Tenor II)
034. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 3: "Thy pleasures, Moderation, give" (Chorus)
035. Tamerlano: Overture to Act 1
036. Tamerlano: Menuet
037. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Esci, oh Signore!" [Andronico, Bajazet]
038. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Forte e lieto a morte andrei" [Bajazet]
039. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Non si perda di vista il disperato" [Andronico, Tamerlano]
040. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Vo' dar pace a un alma altiera" [Tamerlano]
041. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Il Tartaro ama Asteria" [Andronico]
042. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Bella Asteria, il tuo cor mi difenda" [Andronico]
043. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Non è più tempo Asteria-Serve Asteria di prezzo" [Tamerlano, Asteria]
044. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Se non mi vuol amar" [Asteria]
045. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Non ascolto più nulla" [Bajazet, Andronico, Asteria]
046. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Ciel e terra armi di sdegno" [Bajazet]
047. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Asteria non parlate?" [Andronico, Asteria]
048. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Deh, lasciatemi il nemico" [Asteria]
049. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Così la sposa il Tamerlano accoglie?" [Irene, Leone, Andronico]
050. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Dal crudel che m'ha tradita" [Irene]
051. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Chi vide mai più sventurato amante?" [Andronico]
052. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Benchè mi sprezzi l'idol ch'adoro" [Andronico]
053. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Amico, tengo un testimon fedele" [Tamerlano, Andronico]
054. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Bella gara che faronno" [Tamerlano]
055. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Qui l'infedel! cogliamo" [Asteria, Andronico]
056. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Non è più tempo" [Asteria]
057. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Ah nò! dove trascorri, idolo mio?" [Andronico]
058. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Cerco in vano di placare" [Andronico]
059. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Signor, vergine illustre" [Leone, Tamerlano, Irene, Asteria]
060. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Par che mi nasce in seno un raggio di speranza" [Irene]
061. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Dov'è mia figlia, Andronico?" [Bajazet, Andronico]
062. Tamerlano: Act 2 "A suoi piedi padre esangue" [Bajazet]
063. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Se Asteria mi tradisce" [Andronico]
064. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Più d'una tigre altero" [Andronico]
065. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Al soglio, oh bella!" [Tamerlano, Asteria, Bajazet, Andronico, Irene]
066. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Ecco il cor, sarò contenta" "Voglio stragi, voglio sangue" "Ecco il petto, non mi paventa" [Asteria, Tamerlano, Bajazet]
067. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Padre, dimmi son più l'indegna figlia" [Asteria]
068. Tamerlano: Act 2 "No, il tuo sdegno mi placò" [Bajazet]
069. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Andronico, son più l'infida amante?" [Asteria]
070. Tamerlano: Act 2 "No, che del tuo gran cor" [Andronico]
071. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Amica, son quella superba donna?" [Asteria]
072. Tamerlano: Act 2 "No, che sei tanto costante nella la fede" [Irene]
073. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Sì, sì, son vendicata" [Asteria]
074. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Cor di padre, e cor d'amante" [Asteria]
075. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Figlia, siam rei, io di schernito sdegno" [Bajazet, Asteria]
076. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Sù la sponda del pigro Lete" [Bajazet]
077. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Andronico, il mio amore" [Tamerlano, Andronico, Asteria, Bajazet]
078. Tamerlano: Act 3 "A dispetto d'un volto ingrato" [Andronico]
079. Tamerlano: Act 3 "L'empietà de' ministri" [Leone, Andronico, Asteria]
080. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Vivo in te, mio caro bene!" [Asteria, Andronico]
081. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Eccoti Bajazete" [Tamerlano, Bajazet, Andronico]
082. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Eccomi, che si chiede?" [Asteria, Tamerlano, Andronico, Bajazet]
083. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Padre, amante" [Asteria] "Folle sei" [Asteria] "Beva dunque la rea" [Asteria, Andronico, Bajazet, Tamerlano]
084. Tamerlano: Act 3 "E il soffrirete" [Bajazet]
085. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Empio, per farti guerra" [Bajazet]
086. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Signor, fra tante cure" [Irene, Tamerlano]
087. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Vieni, Asteria" [Leono, Andronico, Tamerlano, Asteria]
088. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Oh per me lieto" [Bajazet, Tamerlano] ... "Sù, via, furie, e ministre" [Bajazet]
089. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Barbaro! al fin sei sazio ancor?" [Andronico, Asteria] "Mirami, io quella son che già due volte" [Asteria]
090. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Padre amato, in me riposa" [Asteria]
091. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Io più non posso vivere" [Andronico, Tamerlano, Irene]
092. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Coronata di gigli e di rose" [Andronico, Tamerlano]
093. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Ora invitta regina" [Tamerlano, Irene]
094. Tamerlano: Act 3 "D'atra notte già mirasi a scorno" [Irene, Andronico, Tamerlano, Leone]
095. Alcina: Prelude-Overture
096. Alcina: Prelude-Musette
097. Alcina: Prelude-Menuet
098. Alcina: Act 1 Ballo-Sarabande-Ballo da capo
099. Alcina: Act 1 Menuet
100. Alcina: Act 1 [Gavotte]
101. Alcina: Act 3 Sinfonia
102. Alcina: Act 3 Entrée
103. Alcina: Act 3 Tambourino
104. Alcina: Act 3 Entrée des songes agréables
105. Alcina: Act 3 Entrée des songes funestes
106. Alcina: Act 3 Entrée des songes agréables et effrayés-Combat des songes funestes et agréables
107. Alcina: Act 3 Entrée de Mori
108. Alcina: Act 3 Rondeau
109. Terpsichore: I Prelude-Chaconne
110. Terpsichore: II Sarabande
111. Terpsichore: III Gigue
112. Terpsichore: IV Air
113. Terpsichore: V Ballo
114. Il pastor fido: I A tempo di bourrée
115. Il pastor fido: II Bourrée
116. Il pastor fido: III Musette-Bourrée da capo
117. Il pastor fido: IV Menuet
118. Il pastor fido: V Menuet
119. Il pastor fido: VI Menuet
120. Il pastor fido: VII Gavotte
121. Il pastor fido: VIII Gigue
Handel Edition Volume 4
001. Messiah: Part 1 Symphony
002. Messiah: Part 1 "Comfort ye my people"
003. Messiah: Part 1 "Ev'ry valley shall be exalted"
004. Messiah: Part 1 "And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed"
005. Messiah: Part 1 "Thus saith the Lord"
006. Messiah: Part 1 "But who may abide the day of his coming?"
007. Messiah: Part 1 "And he shall purify the sons of Levi"
008. Messiah: Part 1 "Behold, a virgin shall concieve, and bear a son"
009. Messiah: Part 1 "O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion"
010. Messiah: Part 1 "O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion"
011. Messiah: Part 1 "For behold, darkness shall cover the earth"
012. Messiah: Part 1 "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light"
013. Messiah: Pt. 1: For Unto Us a Child Is Born
014. Messiah: Part 1 Pastoral Symphony
015. Messiah: Part 1 "There were shepherds abiding in the field" "And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them" "And the angel said unto them-Fear not" "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heav'nly host"
016. Messiah: Part 1 "Glory to God in the highest"
017. Messiah: Part 1 "Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion"
018. Messiah: Part 1 "Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened"
019. Messiah: Part 1 "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd"
020. Messiah: Part 1 "His yoke is easy"
021. Messiah: Part 2 "Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world"
022. Messiah: Part 2 "He was despised and rejected of men"
023. Messiah: Part 2 "Surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows"
024. Messiah: Part 2 "And with his stripes we are healed"
025. Messiah: Part 2 "All we like sheep have gone astray"
026. Messiah: Part 2 "All they that see him laugh him to scorn"
027. Messiah: Part 2 "He trusted in God that he would deliver him"
028. Messiah: Part 2 "Thy rebuke hath broken his heart"
029. Messiah: Part 2 "Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto his sorrow"
030. Messiah: Part 2 "He was cut off out of the land of the living"
031. Messiah: Part 2 "But thou didst not leave his soul in hell"
032. Messiah: Part 2 "Lift up your heads, o ye gates"
033. Messiah: Part 2 "Unto which of the angels said he at any time"
034. Messiah: Part 2 "Let all the angels of God worship him"
035. Messiah: Part 2 "Thou art gone up on high, thou hast led captivity captive"
036. Messiah: Part 2 "The Lord gave the word-great was the company of the preachers"
037. Messiah: Part 2 "How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace"
038. Messiah: Part 2 "Their sound is gone out into all lands"
039. Messiah: Part 2 "Why do the nations so furiously rage together"
040. Messiah: Part 2 "Let us break their bonds asunder"
041. Messiah: Part 2 "He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh them to scorn"
042. Messiah: Part 2 "Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron"
043. Messiah: HWV 56, Part 2: "Hallelujah" (Chorus)
044. Messiah: HWV 56: Part 3 "I know that my Redeemer liveth"
045. Messiah: Part 3 "Since by man came death"
046. Messiah: Part 3 "Behold, I tell you a mystery"
047. Messiah: Part 3 "The trumpet shall sound"
048. Messiah: Part 3 "Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written"
049. Messiah: Part 3 "O death, where is thy sting?"
050. Messiah: Part 3 "But thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory"
051. Messiah: Part 3 "If God be for us, who can be against us?"
052. Messiah: Part 3 "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain"
053. Messiah: Part 3 "Amen"
054. Samson: Act 1 Sinfonia
055. Samson: Act 1 "This day, a solemn feast to Dagon held" [Samson]
056. Samson: Act 1 "Awake the trumpet's lofty sound!" [Chorus]
057. Samson: Act 1 "Ye men of Gaza, hither bring the merry pipe and pleasing string" [Dalila]
058. Samson: Act 1 "Awake the trumpet's lofty sound" [Chorus]
059. Samson: Act 1 "Loud as the thunder's awful voice" [Philistine]
060. Samson: Act 1 "Then free from sorrow, free from the thrall" [Philistine Woman]
061. Samson: Act 1 "Awake the trumpet's lofty sound!" [Chorus]
062. Samson: Act 1 "Why by an angel was my birth foretold" [Samson]
063. Samson: Act 1 "Torments, alas! are not confin'd to heart, or head, or breast!" [Samson]
064. Samson: Act 1 "Oh change beyond report, thought or belief!" [Micah]
065. Samson: Act 1 "Oh mirror of our fickle state!" [Micah]
066. Samson: Act 1 "Whom have I to compain of but myself" [Samson] ... "Oh loss of sight! of thee I most complain!" [Samson]
067. Samson: Act 1 "Total eclipse! no sun, no moon, all dark amidst the blaze of noon!" [Samson]
068. Samson: Act 1 "Since light so necessary is to life" [Micah]
069. Samson: Act 1 "Oh first created beam!" [Chorus]
070. Samson: Act 1 "Ye see, my friends, how woes enclose me round" [Samson], "Here comes thy rev'rend sire, old Manoah" [Micah, Samson]
071. Samson: Act 1 "Brethren and men of Dan, say, where is my son" [Manoah, Micah] "O miserable change!" [Manoah] "Oh ever failing trust in mortal strength!" [Israelitish Man]
072. Samson: Act 1 "God of our fathers, what is man?" [Israelitish Man]
073. Samson: Act 1 "The good we wish for, often proves our bane" [Manoah]
074. Samson: Act 1 "Thy glorious deeds inspir'd my tongue" [Manoah]
075. Samson: Act 1 "Justly these evils have befall'n thy son" [Samson] "Worse yet remains" [Manoah] "This have I done" [Samson]
076. Samson: Act 1 "My griefs for this forbid mine eyes to close" [Samson]
077. Samson: Act 1 "Why does the God of Israel sleep?" [Samson]
078. Samson: Act 1 "There lies our hope!" [Micah]
079. Samson: Act 1 "Then shall they know" [Chorus]
080. Samson: Act 1 "For thee, my dearest son" [Manoah] "It should be so-to expiate my crime" [Samson] "Be for thy fate contrite" [Manoah] "Why should I live?" [Samson]
081. Samson: Act 1 "Then long eternity shall greet your bliss" [Micah]
082. Samson: Act 1 "Joys that are pure" [Micah]
083. Samson: Act 1 "Then round about the starry throne" [Chorus]
084. Samson: Act 2 "Despair not thus" [Manoah] "Wher'er the liquid brook or fountain flow'd" [Samson] "Trust yet in God!" [Manoah]
085. Samson: Act 2 "Just are the way of God to man" [Manoah]
086. Samson: Act 2 "My evils hopeless are!" [Samson] "Relieve thy champion" [Micah]
087. Samson: Act 2 "Return, oh God of hosts!" [Micah]
088. Samson: Act 2 "To dust his glory they would tread" [Chorus]
089. Samson: Act 2 "But who is this?" [Micah] ... "How cunningly the sorceress displays her own transgressions" [Samson]
090. Samson: Act 2 "With plaintive notes and am'rous moan" [Dalila, Samson]
091. Samson: Act 2 "Did Love constrain thee?" [Samson]
092. Samson: Act 2 "Your charms to ruin led the way" [Samson]
093. Samson: Act 2 "Forgive what's done" [Dalila]
094. Samson: Act 2 "My-Her faith and truth, oh Samson, prove Dalila" [Dalila, Virgin]
095. Samson: Act 2 "Her faith and truth, oh Samson, prove" [Chorus]
096. Samson: Act 2 "To fleeting pleasures make your court" [Dalila]
097. Samson: Act 2 "Her faith and truth, oh Samson, prove" [Chorus]
098. Samson: Act 2 "How charming is domestic ease!" [Dalila]
099. Samson: Act 2 "Her faith and truth, oh Samson, prove" [Chorus]
100. Samson: Act 2 "Ne'er think of that! I know thy warbling charms" [Samson] "Let me approach, at least" [Dalila] "Not for thy life" [Samson] "Thou art more deaf to pray'rs than winds or seas" [Dalila]
101. Samson: Act 2 "Traitor to love! I'll sue no more" [Dalila] "Traitress to love! I'll hear no more" [Samson] "She's gone! a serpent manifest" [Micah, Samson]
102. Samson: Act 2 "It is not virtue, valour, wit" [Israelitish Man]
103. Samson: Act 2 "Favour'd of heaven is he, who finds one true" [Samson]
104. Samson: Act 2 "To man God's universal law gave pow'r to keep the wife in awe" [Chorus]
105. Samson: Act 2 "No words of peace, no voice enchanting fear" [Micah] ... "The honour certain to have won from thee I lose" [Harapha]
106. Samson: Act 2 "Honour and arms scorn such a foe" [Harapha]
107. Samson: Act 2 "Put on your arms" "My strength is from the living God" [Samson]
108. Samson: Act 2 "With thee!" [Harapha] "Cam'st thou for this, vain boaster?" [Samson, Harapha]
109. Samson: Act 2 "Go, baffled coward, go" [Samson] "Presume not on thy God" [Harapha]
110. Samson: Act 2 "Here lies the proof" [Micah]
111. Samson: Act 2 "Hear, Jacob's God, Jehovah, hear!" [Chorus]
112. Samson: Act 2 "Dagon, arise! attend thy sacred feast!" [Harapha]
113. Samson: Act 2 "To song and dance we give the day" [Philistine]
114. Samson: Act 2 "To song and dance we give the day" [Chorus]
115. Samson: Act 2 "Fix'd in his everlasting seat" [Chorus]
116. Samson: Act 3 "More trouble is behind" [Micah] ... "My message, given with speed, brooks no delay" [Harapha]
117. Samson: Act 3 "Presuming slave, to move their wrath!" [Harapha]
118. Samson: Act 3 "Reflect then, Samson, matters now are strain'd" [Micah] "Shall I abuse this consecrated gift of strength" [Samson]
119. Samson: Act 3 "With thunder arm'd, great God, arise!" [Chorus]
120. Samson: Act 3 "Be of good courage" [Samson, Micah, Harapha]
121. Samson: Act 3 "Thus when the sun from's wat'ry bed" [Samson]
122. Samson: Act 3 "With might endued, above the sons of men" [Micah]
123. Samson: Act 3 "The Holy One of Israel be thy guide" [Micah] "To fame immortal go" [Chorus]
124. Samson: Act 3 "Old Manoah, with youthful steps, makes haste to find his son" [Micah] "I come, my brethren, not to seek my son" [Manoah]
125. Samson: Act 3 "Great Dagon has subdued our foe" [Philistine] "Great Dagon has subdued our foe" [Chorus]
126. Samson: Act 3 "What noise of joy was that?" [Manoah, Micah]
127. Samson: Act 3 "How willing my paternal love the weight to share of filial care" [Manoah]
128. Samson: Act 3 "Your hopes of his deliv'ry seem not vain" [Micah] "I know your friendly minds, and-Heav'n! what noise!" [Manoah] "Hear us, our God!" [Chorus]
129. Samson: Act 3 "Noise call you this? an universal groan" [Micah] ... "Unwounded of his enemies he fell" [Messenger, Manoah]
130. Samson: Act 3 "Ye sons of Israel, now lament" [Micah] "Weep, Israel, weep" [Chorus]
131. Samson: Act 3 "Proceed we hence to find his body" [Manoah]
132. Samson: Act 3 Dead March
133. Samson: Act 3 "The body comes" [Micah, Manoah]
134. Samson: Act 3 "Glorious hero, may thy grave peace and honour ever have" [Chorus]
135. Samson: Act 3 "Come, come! no time for lamentation" [Manoah]
136. Samson: Act 3 "Let the bright Seraphim" [Israelitish Woman]
137. Samson: Act 3 "Let their celestial concerts all unite" [Chorus]
138. Rinaldo: Act 3 "Or la tromba in suon festante" [Rinaldo]
139. Rinaldo: Act 1 "Cara sposa" [Rinaldo]
140. Rinaldo: Act 1 "Venti, turbini, prestate" [Rinaldo]
141. Rinaldo: Act 1 "Cor ingrato, ti rammembri" [Rinaldo]
142. Serse: Act 1 "Frondi tenere e belle... Ombra mai fù di vegetabile" [Serse]
143. Partenope: Act 2 "Furibondo spira il vento" [Arsace]
144. Agrippina: Act 3 "Bel piacere è godere fido amor!" [Poppea]
145. Rinaldo: Act 2 "Laschia ch'io pianga mia cruda sorte" [Almirena]
146. Orlando: Act 1 "Fammi combattere mostri e tifei" [Orlando]
147. Serse, HWV 40, Act 1: "Ombra mai fu" (Serse)
148. Ariodante: Act 3 "Dopo notte" [Ariodante]
149. Rinaldo: Act 1 "Cara sposa" [Rinaldo]
150. Giulio Cesare: Act 3 "Caro... Bella" [Cleopatra, Cesare]
151. Hercules: Act 3 " Where shall I fly" [Dejanira]
152. Semele: Act 2 "Hence, Iris, hence away" [Juno]
Handel Edition Volume 5
001. Semele: Overture To Act 1
002. Semele: Act 1 "Behold! Auspicious Flashes Rise" [Priest]
003. Semele: Act 1 "Lucky Omens Bless Our Rites" [Chorus] "Daughter Obey" [Cadmus, Athamas]
004. Semele: Act 1 "Ah Me! What Refuge Now Is Left Me?" "O Jove! In Pity Teach Me Which To Choose" [Semele] "Alas, She Yields" [Ino, Athamas]
005. Semele: Act 1 "Why Dost Thou Untimely Grieve" [Cadmus, Ino, Athamas, Semele]
006. Semele: Act 1 "Avert These Omens, All Ye Pow'rs!" [Chorus] "Again Auspicious Flashes Rise" [Cadmus] "Thy Aid, Pronubial Juno" [Athamas, Semele]
007. Semele: Act 1 "Cease, Cease Your Vows" [Chorus]
008. Semele: Act 1 "Oh Athamas; What Torture Hast Thou Borne!" [Athamas] "Turn, Hopeless Lover" [Ino] "Ah Me, What Have I Heard!" [Athamas]
009. Semele: Act 1 "You've Undone Me" [Ino, Athamas]
010. Semele: Act 1 "Ah, Wretched Prince" [Cadmus, Athamas] "Wing'd With Our Fears" [Cadmus]
011. Semele: Act 1 "See, See! Jove's Priests And Holy Augurs Come" [Cadmus] "Hail Cadmus, Hail!" [Chorus]
012. Semele: Act 1 "Endless Pleasure" [Semele]
013. Semele: Act 1 "Endless Pleasure" [Chorus]
014. Semele: Act 2 Symphony "Iris, Impatient Of Thy Stay" [Juno, Iris]
015. Semele: Act 2 "Look, Where Cithaeron Proudly Stands" [Iris] "There, From Mortal Cares Retiring" [Iris] "No More!" [Juno] "Awake Saturnia From Thy Lethargy" [Juno, Iris]
016. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Hence, Iris, hence away!" (Juno)
017. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Come, Zephyrs, come" (Cupid) "O sleep, why dost thou leave me?" (Semele)
018. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Let me not another moment" (Semele)
019. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Lay your doubts and fears aside" "You are mortal" (Jupiter)
020. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "With fond desiring" (Semele)
021. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "How engaging, how endearing" (Chorus) "Ah me! Why sighs my Semele?" (Semele, Jupiter)
022. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Too well I read her meaning" (Jupiter) "I must with speed amuse her" (Jupiter)
023. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Now Love" (Chorus)
024. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "By my command" (Jupiter, Semele)
025. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "See, she appears" (Jupiter) "Where'er you walk" (Jupiter)
026. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Dear sister, how was your journey hither?" (Semele, Ino) "But hark! the heav'nly sphere turns round" (Ino)
027. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Prepare then, ye immortal choir" (Semele, Ino)
028. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Bless the glad earth" (Chorus)
029. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: Symphony "Somnus, awake!" (Juno, Iris)
030. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Leave me, loathsome light!" (Somnus) "Dull God, canst thou attend the water's fall" (Iris, Juno)
031. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "More sweet is that name" (Somnus) "My will obey, she shall be thine" (Juno, Somnus)
032. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Obey my will" (Juno, Somnus)
033. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "My racking thoughts" (Semele)
034. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Thus shap'd like Ino" (Juno, Semele)
035. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "O ecstasy of happiness!" (Semele) "Myself I shall adore" (Semele) "Be wise, as you are beautiful" (Juno, Semele)
036. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Conjure him by his oath" (Juno)
037. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Thus let my thanks be pay'd" (Semele) "Rich odours fill the fragrant air" (Semele, Juno)
038. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Come to my arms" (Jupiter) "Oh Semele! Why art thou thus insensible?" (Jupiter)
039. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "I ever am granting" (Semele),..."Then cast off this human shape" (Semele)
040. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Ah, take heed what you press!" (Jupiter)
041. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "No, no, I'll take no less" (Semele)
042. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Ah, whither is she gone!" (Jupiter)
043. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Above measure is the pleasure" (Juno)
044. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Ah, me! too late I now repent" (Semele)
045. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "If my ill-boding dream" (Ino) "Oh terror and astonishment!..." (Chorus) "Nature to each allots his proper sphere" (Chorus)
046. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "See from above the bellying clouds descend" (Cadmus) Sinfonia "Apollo comes to relieve your care" (Apollo)
047. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Happy, happy shall we be" (Chorus)
048. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Overture: "Lamentations of the Israelites for the death of Joseph"
049. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "Now there arose" (Tenor)
050. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "And the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage" (Counter-Tenor, Chorus)
051. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "Then sent He Moses" (Tenor)
052. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "They loathed to drink" (Chorus)
053. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "Their land brought" (Counter-Tenor)
054. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "He spake the word" (Chorus)
055. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "He gave them hailstones" (Chorus)
056. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "He sent a thick darkness" (Chorus)
057. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "He smote all the first-born" (Chorus)
058. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "But as for His people" (Chorus)
059. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "Egypt was glad" (Chorus)
060. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "He rebuked the Red Sea" (Chorus)
061. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "He led them" (Chorus)
062. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "But the waters" (Chorus)
063. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "And Israel saw" (Chorus)
064. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "And believed the Lord" (Chorus)
065. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "Moses, and the children" (Chorus)
066. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "I will sing" (Chorus)
067. Israel in Egypt, HWW 54, Moses' song: "The Lord is my strength" (Sopranos)
068. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "He is my God" (Chorus)
069. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song "And I will exalt him" (Chorus)
070. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "The Lord is a man of war" (Basses)
071. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "The depths have covered them" (Chorus)
072. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "Thy right hand" (Chorus)
073. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "And in the greatness" (Chorus)
074. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "Thou sentest forth" (Chorus)
075. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "And with the blast" (Chorus)
076. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "The enemy said" (Tenor)
077. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "Thou didst blow" (Soprano)
078. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "Who is like unto Thee" (Chorus)
079. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "The earth swallowed them" (Chorus)
080. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "Thou in thy mercy" (Counter-Tenor, Tenor)
081. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "The people shall hear" (Chorus)
082. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "Thou shalt bring" (Counter-Tenor)
083. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "The Lord shall reign" (Chorus)
084. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "For the horse of Pharoah" (Tenor)
085. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "The Lord shall reign" (Chorus)
086. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "And Miriam the prophetess" (Tenor)
087. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriusly! The Lord shall reign..." (Soprano, Chorus)
088. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: I Sinfonia
089. The ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: II. The ways of Zion do Mourn
090. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: III "How are the mighty fall'n" (Chorus)
091. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: IV "She put on righteousness" (Chorus)
092. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: V "When the ear heard her" (Chorus, Bass, Counter-Tenor, Tenor, Soprano)
093. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: VI "How are the mighty fall'n!" (Chorus)
094. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: VII "She deliver'd the poor that cried" (Chorus)
095. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: VIII "How are the mighty fall'n!" (Chorus)
096. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: IX "The righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance" (Chorus, Bass, Counter-Tenor, Tenor, Soprano)
097. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: X "Their bodies are buried in peace" (Chorus)
098. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: XI "The people will tell of their wisdom" (Chorus)
099. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: XII "They shall receive a glorious kingdom" (Chorus, Bass, Counter-Tenor, Tenor, Soprano)
100. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: XIII "The merciful goodness of the Lord endureth forever" (Chorus)
101. 4 Coronation Anthems: No. 1 Zadok the Priest, HWV 258
102. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: Sonata
103. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Disserratevi, o porte d'Averno" (Angelo)
104. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Qual'insolita luce" (Lucifero)
105. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Caddi, è ver, ma nel cadere" (Lucifero)
106. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Ma che veggio?" (Lucifero, Angelo)
107. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Chi sei? Chi è questo re" (Lucifero, Angelo)
108. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "D'amor fu consiglio" (Angelo)
109. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "E ben, questo tuo Nume" (Lucifero, Angelo)
110. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "O voi, dell'Erebo" (Lucifero)
111. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Notte, notte funesta" (Maddalena)
112. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Ferma l'ali, e su miei lumi" (Maddalena)
113. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Concedi, o Maddalena" (Maddalena, Cleofe)
114. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Piangete, sì, piangete" (Cleofe)
115. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Ahi, dolce mio Signore" (Maddalena, Cleofe)
116. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Dolci chiodi, amate spine" (Maddalena, Cleofe)
117. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "O Cleofe, o Maddalena" (San Giovanni, Maddalena)
118. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Quando è parto dell'affetto" (San Giovanni)
119. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Ma dinne, e sarà vero" (Cleofe, San Giovanni, Maddalena)
120. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Naufragando va per l'onde" (Cleofe)
121. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Itene pure, o fide amiche donne" (San Giovanni, Maddalena)
122. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Così la tortorella" (San Giovanni)
123. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Se Maria dunque spera" (Maddalena)
124. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Ho un non so che nel cor" (Maddalena)
125. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Uscite pure, uscite" (Angelo)
126. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Il Nume vincitor" (Angelo, Chorus)
127. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: Introduction
128. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Di quai nuovi portenti" (San Giovanni)
129. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Ecco il sol, ch'esce dal mare" (San Giovanni)
130. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Ma ove Maria dimora" (San Giovanni)
131. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Risorga il mondo" (Angelo)
132. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Di rabbia indarno freme" (Angelo)
133. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Misero! ho pure udito?" (Lucifero, Angelo)
134. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Per celare il nuovo scorno" (Lucifero)
135. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Oh come cieco il tuo furor delira!" (Angelo)
136. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Impedirlo io saprò" (Lucifero, Angelo)
137. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Amica, troppo tardo" (Maddalena, Cleofe)
138. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Per me già di morire" (Maddalena)
139. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Ahi, abborrito nome!" (Lucifero)
140. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Vedo il Ciel che più sereno" (Cleofe)
141. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Cleofe, siam giunte al luogo" (Maddalena, Cleofe, Angelo)
142. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Se per colpa di donna infelice" (Angelo)
143. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Mio Gesù, mio Signore" (Maddalena)
144. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Del ciglio dolente" (Maddalena)
145. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Sì, sì, cerchiamo pure" (Cleofe)
146. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Augelletti, ruscelletti" (Cleofe)
147. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Dove sì frettolosi" (San Giovanni, Cleofe)
148. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Caro Figlio!" (San Giovanni)
149. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Cleofe, Giovanni, udite" (Maddalena, San Giovanni, Cleofe)
150. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Se impassibile, immortale" (Maddalena)
151. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Sì, sì, col Redentore" (San Giovanni, Cleofe, Maddalena)
152. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Diasi lode in Cielo, in terra" (Chorus)
153. Dixit Dominus HWV232: I Dixit Dominus [Soprano, Counter-Tenor, Tenor, Chorus]
154. Dixit Dominus HWV232: II Virgam virtutis tuae [Counter-Tenor]
155. Dixit Dominus HWV232: III Tecum principium in die virtutis [Soprano]
156. Dixit Dominus HWV232: IV Juravit Dominus [Chorus]
157. Dixit Dominus HWV232: V Tu es sacerdos in aeternum [Chorus]
158. Dixit Dominus HWV232: VI Dominus a dextris tuis [Sopranos, Tenors, Bass, Chorus]
159. Dixit Dominus HWV232: VII De torrente in via bibet [Sopranos, Chorus]
160. Dixit Dominus HWV232: VIII Gloria Patri, et Filio [Chorus]
Handel Edition Volume 6
01. Belshazzar: Overture To Act 1
02. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Vain, fluctuating state" [Nitocris]
03. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Thou, God most high" [Nitocris]
04. Belshazzar: Act 1 "The fate of Babylon" [Nitocris] "Oh much belov'd" [Nitocris, Daniel]
05. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Lament not thus" [Daniel]
06. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Behold, by Persia's hero made" [Chorus]
07. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Well may they laugh" [Gobrias, Cyrus] "Oh memory!" [Gobrias]
08. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Oppress'd with never-ceasing grief" [Gobrias]
09. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Dry those anavailing tears" [Cyrus]
10. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Be comforted" [Cyrus] "Methought, as on the bank" [Cyrus] "Now tell me, Gobrias" [Cyrus, Gobrias]
11. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Behold the monstrous human beast" [Gobrias]
12. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Can you then think" "Great God! who, yet but darkly known" "My friends, be confident" [Cyrus]
13. Belshazzar: Act 1 "All empires" [Chorus]
14. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Oh sacred oracles" [Daniel]
15. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Rejoice, my countrymen" "For long ago" "Thus saith the Lord" [Daniel]
16. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Sing, oh ye heav'ns!" [Chorus]
17. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Let festal joy" [Belshazzar]
18. Belshazzar: Act 1 "For you, my friends" [Belshazzar, Nitocris]
19. Belshazzar: Act 1 "The leafy honours" [Nitocris]
20. Belshazzar: Act 1 "It is the custom" [Belshazzar, Nitocris]
21. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Recall, oh king!" [Chorus]
22. Belshazzar: Act 1 "They tell you true" [Nitocris, Belshazzar]
23. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Oh dearer than my life" [Nitocris, Belshazzar]
24. Belshazzar: Act 1 "By slow degrees" [Chorus]
25. Belshazzar: Act 2 "See from his post" "Why, faithless river" "Euphrates hath his task" "Of things on earth" [Chorus]
26. Belshazzar: Act 2 "You see, my friends" "Amaz'd to find the foe so near" [Cyrus]
27. Belshazzar: Act 2 "To arms, to arms!" [Chorus]
28. Belshazzar: Act 2 "Ye tutelar gods" [Chorus]
29. Belshazzar: Act 2 "Let the deep bowl" [Belshazzar] "Where is the God" [Chorus] "Help, help the king!" [Chorus, Belshazzar] "Call all my wise men" [Belshazzar]
30. Belshazzar: Act 2 "Ye sages!" [Belshazzar] "Alas! too hard a task" [Chorus]
31. Belshazzar: Act 2 "Oh misery!" [Chorus]
32. Belshazzar: Act 2 "Oh king" [Nitocris] "Art thou that Daniel" [Belshazzar]
33. Belshazzar: Act 2 "No! to thyself" [Daniel] "Yet to obey" [Daniel] "Though, o king" [Daniel] "Oh sentence too severe!" [Nitocris]
34. Belshazzar: Act 2 "Regard, oh son" [Nitocris]
35. Belshazzar: Act 2 "Oh God of Truth!" "You, Gobrias, lead directly to the palace" [Cyrus]
36. Belshazzar: Act 2 "Oh glorious prince!" [Chorus]
37. Belshazzar: Act 3 "Alternate hopes and fears" [Nitocris]
38. Belshazzar: Act 3 "Fain would I hope" [Nitocris, Daniel] "Can the black Aethiop change his skin?" [Daniel]
39. Belshazzar: Act 3 "My hopes revive" [Nitocris, Arioch, Messenger]
40. Belshazzar: Act 3 "Bel boweth down" [Chorus]
41. Belshazzar: Act 3 "I thank thee, Sesach" [Belshazzar] A Marital Symphony
42. Belshazzar: Act 3 "To pow'r immortal" [Gobrias]
43. Belshazzar: Act 3 "Be it thy care" "Destructive War" [Cyrus]
44. Belshazzar: Act 3 "Great Victor" [Nitocris, Cyrus]
45. Belshazzar: Act 3 "Say, venerable prophet" [Cyrus, Daniel]
46. Belshazzar: Act 3 "Tell it out" [Chorus] "Yes, I will build the city" [Cyrus]
47. Belshazzar: Act 3 "I will magnify thee" [Chorus, Belshazzar, Nitocris, Cyrus, Daniel, Gobrias, Arioch, Messenger]
48. Jephtha HWV70: Overture-Menuet
49. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "It must be so-or these vile Ammonites" "Pour forth no more unheeded pray'rs" [Zebul]
50. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "No more to Ammon's god and king" [Chorus]
51. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "But Jephtha comes" [Zebul, Jephtha] "Virtue my soul shall still embrace" [Jephtha]
52. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "'Twill be a painful separation, Jephtha" "In gentle murmurs will I mourn" [Storgè]
53. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "Happy this embassy, my charming Iphis" "Dull delay, in piercing anguish" [Hamor]
54. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "Ill suits the voice of love when glory calls" "Take the heart you fondly gave" [Iphis]
55. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "I go; my soul, inspir'd by thy command" [Hamor] "These labours past, how happy we!" [Iphis]
56. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "What mean these doubtful fancies" "If, Lord, susain'd" "'Tis said" [Jephtha]
57. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "O God, behold our sore distress" [Chorus]
58. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "Some dire event hangs o'er our heads" "Scenes of horror, scenes of woe" [Storgè]
59. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "Say, my dear mother" [Iphis, Storgè] "The smiling dawn of happy days" [Iphis]
60. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "Such, Jephtha, was the haughty king's reply" [Zebul, Jephtha]
61. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "When his loud voice in thunder spoke" [Chorus]
62. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Glad tidings of great joy to thee, dear Iphis" [Hamor]
63. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Cherub and Seraphim, unbodied forms" [Chorus]
64. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Up the dreadful steep ascending" [Hamor]
65. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "'Tis well. Haste, haste, ye maidens" "Tune the soft melodious lute" [Iphis]
66. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Again Heav'n smiles on his repentant people" "Freedom now once more possessing" [Zebul]
67. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Zebul, thy deeds were valiant" "His mighty arm, with sudden blow" [Jephtha]
68. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "In glory high, in might serene" [Chorus]
69. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 Symphony
70. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Hail, glorious conqueror!" "Welcome as the cheerful light" [Iphis, Chorus]
71. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Horror! confusion!" "Open thy marble jaws, O tomb" [Jephtha]
72. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Why is my brother thus afflicted" [Zebul, Jephtha]
73. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "First perish thou, and perish all the world!... Let other creatures die" [Storgè]
74. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "If such thy cruel purpose" "On me let blind mistaken zeal" [Hamor]
75. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "O spare your daughter!" [Zebul, Storgè, Hamor, Jephtha]
76. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Such news fly swift" "Happy they! this vital breath" [Iphis]
77. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Deeper and deeper still" [Jephtha]
78. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "How dark, O Lord, are Thy decrees!" [Chorus]
79. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "Hide thou thy hated beams, O sun" "A father, offering up" "Waft her, angels, through the skies" [Jephtha]
80. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "Ye sacred priests" "Farewell, ye limpid springs and floods" [Iphis]
81. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "Doubtful fear and rev'rent awe" [Chorus]
82. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "And they determin'd will declare" Symphony [Chorus]
83. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "Rise, Jephtha, and ye rev'rend priests" "Happy, Iphis, shalt thou live" [Angel]
84. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "For ever blessed be thy holy name" [Jephtha]
85. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "Theme sublime of endless praise" [Chorus]
86. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "Let me congratulate this happy turn" "Laud her, all ye virgin train" [Zebul]
87. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "O let me fold thee in a mother's arms" "Sweet as sight to the blind" [Storgè]
88. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "With transport, Iphis, I behold thy safety" "'Tis Heaven's all-ruling pow'r" [Hamor]
89. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "My faithful Hamor, may that Providence" "Freely I to Heaven resign" [Iphis]
90. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "Ye house of Gilead, with one voice" [Chorus]
Handel Edition Volume 7
001. Saul, HWV 53: Symphony (Allegro-Larghetto-Allegro-Menuet. Andante larghetto)
002. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 1, Chorus, "How excellent thy name, oh Lord" (Chorus)
003. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 2, Aria, "An infant raised by thy command" (Soprano)
004. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 3, Trio, "Along the monster atheist strode" (Counter-Tenor, Tenor, Bass)
005. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 4, Chorus, "The youth inspired by Thee, o Lord"-No. 5, Chorus, "How excellent Thy name, o Lord"
006. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 6, Recitative, "He comes!"-No. 7, Air, "O godlike youth!" (Michal)
007. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 8, Recitative, "Behold, o King, the brave, victorious youth" (Abner, Saul, David)-No. 9, Air, "O King, your favours with delight I take" (David)
008. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 10, Recitative, "Oh early piety!" (Jonathan)
009. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 11a, Air, "What abject thoughts" (Merab)
010. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 12, Recitative, "Yet think, on whom this honour" (Merab)-No. 13, Air, "Birth and fortune I despise!" (Jonathan)
011. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 16, Recitative, "Thou, Merab, first in birth" (Saul, Merab)-No. 17, Air, "My soul rejects the thoughts with scorn" (Merab)
012. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 18, Air, "See, with what a scornful air"-No. 19, Air, "Ah! lovely youth!" (Michal)
013. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 20, Symphony (Andante allegro)
014. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 3: No. 21, Recitative, "Already see, the daughters of the land" (Michal)
015. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 3: No. 22, Chorus, "Welcome, mighty king!" (Chorus)
016. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 3: No. 23, Recitative, "What do I hear?" (Saul)-No. 24, Chorus, "David his ten thousands slew"-No. 25, Recitative, "To him ten thousands!" (Saul)-No. 26, Air, "With rage I shall burst his praises to hear!" (S
017. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 4: No. 27, Recitative, "Imprudent women!" (Jonathan, Michal)-No. 28, Air, "Fell rage and black despair possest" (Michal)
018. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 31, Recitative, "Racked with infernal pains" (Abner)
019. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 32b, Air, "O Lord, whose mercies numberless" (David)
020. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 34, Recitative, "Tis all in vain" (Jonathan)
021. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 35, Air, "A serpent, in my bosom warmed"-No. 36, Recitative, "Has he escaped my rage?" (Saul)
022. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 37, Air, "Capricious man, in humour lost" (Merab)
023. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 6: No. 38, Recitative, "O filial piety!"-No. 29, Air, "No, cruel father, no" (Jonathan)
024. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 6: No. 41, Chorus, "Preserve him for the glory of thy name"
025. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 1: No. 42, Chorus, "Envy! eldest born of hell!"
026. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 2: No. 43, Recitative, "Ah, dearest friend"-No. 44, Air, "But sooner Jordan's stream"-No. 47, Recitative, "My father comes" (Jonathan)
027. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 3: No. 48, Recitative, "Hast thou obeyed my orders" (Saul, Jonathan)-No. 49, Air, "Sin not, o King" (Jonathan)
028. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 3: No. 50, Air, "As great Jehovah lives" (Saul)
029. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 3: No. 51, Air, "From cities stormed, and battles won" (Jonathan)
030. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 4: No. 52, Recitative, "Appear, my friend" (Jonathan, Saul)
031. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 4: No. 53, Air, "Your words, o King" (David)
032. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 4: No. 54, Recitative, "Yes, he shall wed my daughter" (Saul)
033. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 55, Recitative, "A father's will has authoriz'd my love" (Michal)
034. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 56, Duet, "O fairest of ten thousand fair" (Michal, David)
035. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 57, Chorus, "Is there a man"
036. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 58a, Symphony (Largo-Allegro)
037. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 6: No. 59, Recitative, "Thy father is as cruel" (David)-No. 60, Duet, "At persecution I can laugh" (David, Michal)
038. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 7: No. 61, Recitative, "Whom dost thou seek?" (Michal, Doeg)-No. 62, Air, "No, no, let the guilty tremble" (Michal)
039. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 8: No. 63, Recitative, "Mean as he was"-No. 64, Air, "Author of peace" (Merab)
040. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 9: No. 65, Symphony (Allegro)
041. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 9: No. 66a, Recitative, "The time at length is come" (Saul)
042. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 10: No. 67, Recitative, "Where is the son of Jesse?" (Saul, Jonathan)
043. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 10: No. 68, Chorus, "O fatal consequence of rage"
044. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 1: No. 69, Recitative, "Wretch that I am!"-No. 70, Air, "Tis said, here lives a woman" (Saul)
045. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 2: No. 71, Recitative, "With me what would'st thou?" (Witch, Saul)-No. 72, Air, "Infernal spirits" (Witch)
046. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 3: No. 73, Recitative, "Why hast thou forced me … O holy prophet!" (Samuel, Saul)
047. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 3: No. 74, Symphony (Allegro)
048. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 4: No. 75, Recitative, "Whence comst thou?" (David, Amalekite)-No. 76, Air, "Impious wretch, of race accurst" (David)
049. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 4: No. 77b, March (Grave)
050. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 78, Chorus, "Mourn, Israel, mourn, thy beauty lost!"
051. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 79, Air, "O let it not in Gath be heard" (Jonathan)-No. 80, Air, "From this unhappy day" (Michal)
052. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 82, Chorus, "Eagles were not so swift as they"
053. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 83, Air, "In sweetest harmony they lived" (Merab)-No. 84, Solo and Chorus, "O fatal day!" (David, Chorus)
054. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 85a, Recitative, "Ye men of Judah, weep no more" (High Priest)
055. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 86, Chorus, "Gird on thy sword" (Chorus)
056. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: Overture (Larghetto e staccato-Allegro-Adagio-Andante)
057. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: Recitative, "T'was at the royal feast, for Persia won by Philip's warlike son" (Tenor)
058. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 1, Air and Chorus, "Happy pair!" (Tenor, Soprano, Chorus)
059. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: Recitative, "Timotheus, plac'd on high" (Tenor)
060. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 3, Recitative accompanied, "The song began from Jove" (Soprano)
061. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 4, Chorus, "The list'ning crowd admire the lofty sound"
062. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 5, Aria, "With ravish'd ears the monarch hears" (Soprano)
063. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: Recitative, "The praise of Bacchus then the sweet musician sung" (Tenor)
064. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 6, Air and Chorus, "Bacchus, ever fair and young … Bacchus' blessings are a treasure" (Bass, Chorus)
065. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: Recitative, "Sooth'd with the sound" (Tenor)
066. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 7, Recitative accompanied, "He choose a mournful Muse" (Soprano)
067. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 8, Air, "He sung Darius, great and good" (Soprano)
068. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 9, Recitative accompanied, "With downcast looks the joyless victor sate" (Soprano)
069. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 10, Chorus, "Behold Darius great and good"
070. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: Recitative, "The mighty master smiled to see" (Tenor)
071. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 11, Arioso, "Softly sweet in Lydian measures" (Soprano)
072. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 12, Air, "War, he sung, is toil and trouble" (Tenor)
073. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 13, Chorus, "The many rend the skies with loud applause"
074. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 14a, Air, "The Prince, unable to conceal his pain" (Soprano)
075. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 14b, Chorus, "The many rend the skies with loud applause" (da capo)
076. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2: No. 15, Recitative accompanied with Chorus, "Now strike the golden Lyre again! … Break his bonds of sleep asunder … Hark, hark!" (Tenor, Chorus)
077. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2: No. 16, Air, "Revenge, Timotheus cries" (Bass)
078. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2: No. 17, Recitative accompanied, "Give the vengeance due to the valiant crew" (Tenor)
079. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2: No. 18, Air, "The princes applaud with a furious joy" (Tenor)
080. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2: No. 19, Air with Chorus, "Thais led the way … The princes applaud with a furious joy" (Soprano, Chorus)
081. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2: No. 20, Recitative accompanied with Chorus, "Thus, long ago, ere heaving Bellows … At last divine Cecilia came" (Tenor, Chorus)
082. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2: Recitative, "Let old Timotheus yield the prize" (Tenor, Bass)
083. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2: No. 21, Chorus, "Let old Timotheus yield the prize" (Soprano, Tenor, Bass, Chorus)
084. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: Overture (Larghetto e staccato-Allegro-Menuet)-Recitative, "From Harmony, from heavenly Harmony"-No. 1, Recitative accompanied, "When Nature underneath a heap" (Tenor)
085. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 2, Chorus, "From Harmony, from heavenly Harmony"
086. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 3, Air, "What passion cannot Music raise and quell!" (Soprano)
087. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 4, Solo and Chorus, "The trumpet's loud clangor excites us" (Tenor, Chorus)
088. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 5, March
089. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 6, Air, "The soft complainning flute" (Soprano)
090. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 7, Air, "Sharp Violins proclaim their jealous pangs" (Tenor)
091. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 8, Air, "But oh! what art can teach" (Soprano)
092. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 9, Air, "Orpheus could lead" (Soprano)
093. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 10, Recitative accompanied, "But bright Cecilia rais'd the wonder high'r" (Soprano)
094. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 11, Chorus, "As from the power of sacred lays"
095. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 1, Chorus, (a) "We praise thee, o God"
096. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 1, Chorus, (b) "All the earth doth worship Thee"
097. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 2, Solo and Chorus, "To Thee all angels cry aloud" (Tenor 1, Alto, Chorus)
098. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 3, Solo and Chorus, "To Thee, Cherubim and Seraphim" (Soprano, Alto, Chorus)
099. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 4, Solo and Chorus, (a) "The glorious company" (Tenor 1, Bass, Soprano, Alto, Chorus)
100. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 4, Solo and Chorus, (b) "Thou art the King of Glory" (Chorus)
101. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 5, Solo and Chorus, (a) "When Thou took'st upon Thee" (Alto, Soprano, Tenors, Bass, Chorus)
102. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 5, Solo and Chorus, (b) "Thou sittest at the right hand of God" (Chorus)
103. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 6, Solo and Chorus, "We believe that Thou shalt come" (Chorus, Alto, Tenor 1, Soprano)
104. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 7, Chorus, "Day by day we magnify Thee" (Soloists, Chorus)
105. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 8, Chorus, "And we worship thy name"
106. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 9, Solo and Chorus, "Vouchsafe, o Lord" (Soprano, Alto, Tenors, Bass, Chorus)
107. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 10, Chorus, "O Lord in Thee have I trusted"
108. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: Recitativo, "La terra è liberata" (Apollo)
109. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 1, Aria, "Pende il ben dell'universo" (Apollo)
110. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: Rcitativo, "Ch'il superbetto Amore" (Apollo)
111. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 2, Aria, "Spezza l'arco e getta l'armi" (Apollo)
112. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 3, Aria, "Felicissima quest'alma" (Dafne)
113. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: Recitativo, "Che voce! Che beltà!" (Apollo, Dafne)
114. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 4, Aria, "Ardi, adori e preghi in vano" (Dafne)
115. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: Recitativo, "Che crudel! Ch'importuno" (Apollo, Dafne)
116. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 5, Duet, "Una guerra ho dentro il seno" (Dafne, Apollo)
117. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: Recitativo, "Placati al fin, o cara" (Apollo)
118. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 6, Aria, "Come rosa in su la spina" (Apollo)
119. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: Recitativo, "Ah ch'un Dio non dovrebbe" (Dafne)
120. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 7, Aria, "Come in ciel benigna stella" (Dafne)
121. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: Recitativo, "Odi la mia ragion!" (Apollo, Dafne)
122. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 8, Duet, "Deh lascia addolcire" (Apollo, Dafne)
123. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: Recitativo, "Sempre t'adorerò!" (Apollo, Dafne)
124. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 9, Aria, "Mie piante correte, mie braccie stringete" (Apollo)
125. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 10, Aria, "Cara pianta co'miei pianti" (Apollo)
126. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17: Overture (Andante-Allegro)
127. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 1, Coro, "Viva il nostro Alcide!" (Chorus)
128. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 2, Aria, "Presti omai l'Egizia terra" (Giulio Cesare)
129. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1 Scene 4: No. 4, Aria, "Priva son d'ogni conforto" (Cornelia)
130. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1 Scene 4: Recitativo, "Vani sono i lamenti" (Sesto)
131. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1 Scene 4: No. 5, Aria, "Svegliatevi nel core" (Sesto)
132. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1 Scene 8: No. 12, Aria, "Cara speme, questo core" (Sesto)
133. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1 Scene 9: No. 14, Aria, "Va tacito e nascosto" (Cesare)
134. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 2 Scene 6: No. 24, Aria, "Cessa omai di sospirare!" (Cornelia)
135. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 2 Scene 8: No. 29, Aria, "Se pietà di me non senti" (Cleopatra)
136. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 3 Scene 2: No. 33, Sinfonia
137. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 3 Scene 7: No. 40, Aria, "Da tempeste il legno infranto" (Cleopatra)
138. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 3 Scene 10: No. 42b, La Marche
139. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 3 Scene 10: No. 44, Coro, "Ritorni omai nel nostro core" (Chorus, Cesare, Cleopatra)
Handel Edition Volume 8
001. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 1, Sinfonia (Presto-Adagio)
002. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 2, Chorus, "Oh the pleasure of the plains!"
003. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 3, Recitative accompanied, "Ye verdant plains and woody mountains" (Galatea)
004. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 4, Air, "Hush, ye pretty warbling quire" (Galatea)
005. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 5, Air, "Where shall I seek the charming fair?" (Acis)
006. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: Recitative, "Stay, shepherd, stay!" (Damon)
007. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 6, Air, "Shepherd, what art thou pursuing?" (Damon)
008. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: Recitative, "Lo! Here my love!" (Acis)
009. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 7, Air, "Love in her eyes sits playing" (Acis)
010. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: Recitative, "Oh! Didst thou know the pains of absent love" (Galatea)
011. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 8, Air, "As when the dove laments her love" (Galatea)
012. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 9a, Duet, "Happy we!" (Acis, Galatea)
013. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 9b, Chorus, "Happy we!"
014. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 10, Chorus, "Wretched lovers!"
015. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 11, Recitative accompanied, "I rage, I melt, I burn!" (Polyphemus)
016. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 12, Air, "O ruddier than the cherry" (Polyphemus)
017. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: Recitative, "Whither, fairest, art thou running" (Polyphemus, Galatea)
018. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 13, Air, "Cease to beauty to be suing" (Polyphemus)
019. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 14, Air, "Would you gain the tender creature" (Damon)
020. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: Recitative, "His hideous love provokes my rage" (Acis)
021. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 15, Air, "Love sounds th'alarm" (Acis)
022. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 16, Air, "Consider, fond shepherd, how fleeting's the pleasure" (Coridon)
023. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: Recitative, "Cease, oh cease, thou gentle youth" (Galatea)
024. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 17, Trio, "The flocks shall leave the mountains" (Acis, Galatea, Polyphemus)
025. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 18, Recitative accompanied, "Help, Galatea!" (Acis)
026. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 19, Chorus, "Mourn, all ye muses!"
027. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 20, Solo and Chorus, "Must I my Acis still bemoan" (Galatea, Chorus)
028. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: Recitative, "Tis done, thus I exert my pow'r divine" (Galatea)
029. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 21, Air, "Heart, the seat of soft delight" (Galatea)
030. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 22, Chorus, "Galatea, dry thy tears"
031. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1: Overtura (Maestoso-Allegro)
032. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1: Trio (Larghetto e piano)
033. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1: Courante
034. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 1: Recitative, "Tis Diocletian's natal day" (Valens)
035. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 1a, Aria, "Go, my faithful soldier, go" (Valens)
036. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 2, Chorus, "And draw a blessing down on his imperial crown" (Heathens)
037. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 1: Recitative, "Vouchsafe, dread Sir, a gracious ear" (Didymus, Valens)
038. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 3, Aria, "Racks, gibbets, sword and fire" (Valens)
039. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 4, Chorus, "For ever thus stands fix'd the doom" (Heathens)
040. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 2: Recitative, "Most cruel edict!" (Didymus)
041. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 5, Aria, "The raptur'd soul defies the sword" (Didymus)
042. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 2: Recitative, "I know thy virtues" (Septimius)
043. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 6, Aria, "Descend, kind Pity, heav'nly guest" (Septimius)
044. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 3: Recitative, "Though hard, my friends" (Theodora)
045. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 3: No. 7, Aria, "Fond flatt'ring world, adieu!" (Theodora)
046. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 3: Recitative, "O bright example of all goodness!" (Irene)
047. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 3: No. 8, Aria, "Bane of virtue, nurse of passions" (Irene)
048. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 3: No. 9, Chorus, "Come, mighty Father, mighty Lord" (Christians)
049. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 4: Recitative, "Fly, my brethren!" (Messenger)-Recitative, "Ah! wither should we fly?" (Irene)
050. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 4: No. 10, Aria, "As with rosy steps the morn advancing" (Irene)
051. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 4: No. 11, Chorus, "All pow'r heaven above, or earth beneath" (Christians)
052. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 5: Recitative, "Mistaken wretches! why thus blind to fate" (Septimius)
053. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 12, Aria, "Dread the fruits of Christian folly" (Septimius)
054. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 5: Recitative, "Deluded mortal! Call it not rebellion" (Theodora, Septimius)
055. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 13, Recitative accompanied, "Oh worse than death indeed!" (Theodora)
056. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 14, Aria, "Angels, ever bright and fair" (Theodora)
057. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 6: Recitative, "Unhappy, happy crew!" (Didymus, Irene)
058. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 6: No. 15, Aria, "Kind Heav'n if virtue be thy care" (Didymus)
059. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 6: Recitative, "O love, how great thy pow'r!" (Irene)
060. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 6: No. 16, Chorus, "Go, gen'rous pious youth" (Christians)
061. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 1: Recitative, "Ye men of Antioch" (Valens)
062. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 1: No. 17, Chorus, "Queen of summer, queen of love" (Heathens)
063. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 1: No. 18, Aria, "Wide spread his name and make his glory" (Valens)
064. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 1: Recitative, "Return, Septimius" (Valens)
065. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 1: No. 19, "Venus laughing from the skies" (Heathens)
066. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 2: No. 20, Symphony (Largo)
067. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 2: Recitative, "O thou bright sun!" (Theodora)
068. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 2: No. 21a, Aria, "With darkness deep, as is my woe" (Theodora)
069. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 2: No. 21b, Sinfonia (Largo)
070. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 2: Recitative, "But why art thou disquited, my soul?" (Theodora)
071. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 2: No. 22, Aria, "Oh that I on wings could rise" (Theodora)
072. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 3: Recitative, "Long have I known thy friendly social soul" (Didymus, Septimius)
073. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 3: No. 23, Aria, "Though the honours that Flora and Venus receive" (Septimius)
074. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 3: Recitative, "Oh save her then or give me pow'r to save" (Didymus, Septimius)
075. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 3: No. 24, Aria, "Deeds of kindness to display" (Didymus)
076. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 4: Recitative, "The clouds begin to veil the hemisphere" (Irene)
077. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 4: No. 25, Aria, "Defend her, Heav'n, let angels spread" (Irene)
078. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: Recitative, "Or lull'd with grief or rapt her soul to Heav'n" (Didymus)
079. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 26, Aria, "Sweet rose and lily, flow'ry form!" (Didymus)
080. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: Recitative, "O save me, Heav'n, in this my perilous hour!" (Theodora, Didymus)
081. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 27, Aria, "The pilgrim's home, the sick man's health" (Theodora)
082. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 28, Recitative accompanied, "Forbid it, Heav'n!" (Didymus)
083. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: Recitative, "Or, say, what right have I to take" (Didymus, Theodora)
084. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 29, Duet, "To thee, thou glorious son of worth" (Theodora, Didymus)
085. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 6: Recitative, "Tis night, but night's sweet blessing" (Irene)
086. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 6: No. 30, Chorus, "He saw the lovely thruth" (Christians)
087. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 1: No. 31, Aria, "Lord, to thee each night and day" (Irene)
088. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 2: Recitative, "But see, the good, the virtuous Didymus!" (Irene, Theodora)
089. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 2: No. 32a, Aria, "When sunk in anguish and despair" (Theodora)
090. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 2: No. 33, Solo and Chorus, "Blest be the hand" (Theodora, Christians)
091. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 3: Recitative, "Undaunted in the court stands Didymus" (Messenger, Irene)
092. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 3: No. 34, Recitative accompanied, "Oh my Irene, Heav'n is kind"-Recitative, "Stay me not, my friend" (Theodora)
093. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 3: No. 35, Duet, "Wither, princess, do you fly?" (Irene, Theodora)
094. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 3: Recitative, "She's gone! disdaining liberty" (Irene)
095. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 3: No. 36, Aria, "New scenes of joy come crowding on" (Irene)
096. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 4: Recitative, "Is it a Christian virtue" (Valens, Didymus)-Recitative, "Be that my doom!" (Theodora, Septimius)
097. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 37a, Aria, "From virtue springs each gen'rous deed" (Septimius)
098. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 38a, Aria, "Cease, ye slaves, your fruitless pray'r" (Valens)
099. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 5: Recitative, "Tis kind, my friends" (Didymus, Theodora)
100. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 39, Chorus, "How strange their ends and yet how glorious!" (Christians)
101. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 5: Recitative, "On me your frowns" (Didymus, Theodora, Valens)-Recitative, "Ye ministers of justice" (Valens)
102. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 6: Recitative, "And must such beauty suffer!" (Didymus, Theodora, Septimius)
103. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 6: No. 41, Aria and Duet, "Streams of pleasure ever flowing … Thither let our hearts aspire!" (Didymus, Theodora)
104. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 6: Recitative, "Ere this their doom is past" (Irene)
105. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 6: No. 42, Chorus, "Oh Love divine, thou source of fame" (Irene, Christians)
106. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 1, Recitativo, "Dunque sarà pur vero" (Soprano)
107. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 2, Aria, "Orrida, oscura, l'etra si renda" (Soprano)
108. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 3, Recitativo, "Ma pria che d'empia morte" (Soprano)
109. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 4, Aria, "Renda cenere il tiranno" (Soprano)
110. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 5, Recitativo, "Sì, sì, del gran tiranno" (Soprano)
111. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 6, Arioso e Recitativo, "Come, o Dio! bramo la morte" (Soprano)
112. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 7, Aria, "Se infelice al mondo vissi" (Soprano)
113. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 8, Recitativo, "Trema l'ingrato figlio" (Soprano)
114. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 9, Aria, "Su lacerate il seno" (Soprano)
115. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 10, Recitativo, "Ecco a morte gia corro" (Soprano)
116. Cantata "Armida abbandonata", HWV 105: No. 1, Recitativo accompagnato, "Dietro l'orme fugaci" (Soprano)
117. Cantata "Armida abbandonata", HWV 105: No. 2, Aria, "Ah! crudele e pur ten vai" (Soprano)
118. Cantata "Armida abbandonata", HWV 105: No. 3, Recitativo, "Per te mi struggo, infido" (Soprano)
119. Cantata "Armida abbandonata", HWV 105: No. 4, Recitativo accompagnato, "O voi dell'incostante e procelloso" (Soprano)
120. Cantata "Armida abbandonata", HWV 105: No. 5, Aria, "Venti, fermate" (Soprano)
121. Cantata "Armida abbandonata", HWV 105: No. 6, Recitativo, "Ma che parlo, che dico?" (Soprano)
122. Cantata "Armida abbandonata", HWV 105: No. 7, Aria, "In tanti affanni miei assistimi almen" (Soprano)
123. Cantata "La Lucrezia", HWV 145: No. 1, Recitativo, "Oh Numi eterni!" (Soprano)
124. Cantata "La Lucrezia", HWV 145: No. 2, Aria, "Gia superbo del moi affanno" (Soprano)
125. Cantata "La Lucrezia", HWV 145: No. 3, Recitativo, "Ma voi forse nel cielo" (Soprano)
126. Cantata "La Lucrezia", HWV 145: No. 4, Aria, "Il suol che preme" (Soprano)
127. Cantata "La Lucrezia", HWV 145: No. 5, Recitativo, "Ah! che ancor nell'abisso" (Soprano)
128. Cantata "La Lucrezia", HWV 145: No. 6, Arioso, "Alla salma in fedel porga la pena" (Soprano)
129. Cantata "La Lucrezia", HWV 145: No. 7, Recitativo, "A voi, padre, consorte" (Soprano)
130. Cantata "La Lucrezia", HWV 145: No. 8, Arioso, "Gia nel seno comincia" (Soprano)
Handel Edition Volume 9
001. Concerto Grosso No.4 In F Major Op.3 HWV315: I Largo-Allegro
002. Concerto Grosso No.4 In F Major Op.3 HWV315: II Andante
003. Concerto Grosso No.4 In F Major Op.3 HWV315: III Allegro
004. Concerto Grosso No.4 In F Major Op.3 HWV315: IV Menuet-Alternat-Allegro
005. Concerto Grosso No.6 In D Major Op.3 HWV317: I Vivace
006. Concerto Grosso No.6 In D Major Op.3 HWV317: II Ad Libitum [Adagio, Improvised]
007. Concerto Grosso No.6 In D Major Op.3 HWV317: III Allegro
008. Concerto Grosso No.5 In D Minor Op.3 HWV316: I Largo
009. Concerto Grosso No.5 In D Minor Op.3 HWV316: II Allegro
010. Concerto Grosso No.5 In D Minor Op.3 HWV316: III Adagio
011. Concerto Grosso No.5 In D Minor Op.3 HWV316: IV Allegro Ma Non Troppo
012. Concerto Grosso No.5 In D Minor Op.3 HWV316: V Allegro
013. Concerto Grosso No.1 In B Flat Major Op.3 HWV312: I Allegro
014. Concerto Grosso No.1 In B Flat Major Op.3 HWV312: II Largo
015. Concerto Grosso No.1 In B Flat Major Op.3 HWV312: III Allegro
016. Concerto Grosso No.3 In G Major Op.3 HWV314: I Largo E Staccato
017. Concerto Grosso No.3 In G Major Op.3 HWV314: II Allegro
018. Concerto Grosso No.3 In G Major Op.3 HWV314: III Allegro
019. Concerto Grosso No.2 In B Flat Major Op.3 HWV313: I Vivace
020. Concerto Grosso No.2 In B Flat Major Op.3 HWV313: II Largo
021. Concerto Grosso No.2 In B Flat Major Op.3 HWV313: III Allegro
022. Concerto Grosso No.2 In B Flat Major Op.3 HWV313: IV Menuet
023. Concerto Grosso No.2 In B Flat Major Op.3 HWV313: V Gavotte
024. Concerto Grosso No.1 In G Major Op.6 HWV319: I A Tempo Giusto
025. Concerto Grosso No.1 In G Major Op.6 HWV319: II Allegro E Forte
026. Concerto grosso No.1 in G major Op.6 HWV319: III Adagio
027. Concerto grosso No.1 in G major Op.6 HWV319: IV Allegro
028. Concerto grosso No.1 in G major Op.6 HWV319: V Allegro
029. Concerto grosso No.2 in F major Op.6 HWV320: I Andante larghetto
030. Concerto grosso No.2 in F major Op.6 HWV320: II Allegro
031. Concerto grosso No.2 in F major Op.6 HWV320: III Largo-Adagio-Larghetto andante e piano
032. Concerto grosso No.2 in F major Op.6 HWV320: IV Allegro ma non troppo
033. Concerto grosso No.3 in E minor Op.6 HWV321: I Larghetto
034. Concerto grosso No.3 in E minor Op.6 HWV321: II Andante
035. Concerto grosso No.3 in E minor Op.6 HWV321: III Allegro
036. Concerto grosso No.3 in E minor Op.6 HWV321: IV Polonaise-Andante
037. Concerto grosso No.3 in E minor Op.6 HWV321: V Allegro ma non troppo
038. Concerto grosso No.4 in A minor Op.6 HWV322: I Larghetto affettuoso
039. Concerto grosso No.4 in A minor Op.6 HWV322: II Allegro
040. Concerto grosso No.4 in A minor Op.6 HWV322: III Largo e piano
041. Concerto grosso No.4 in A minor Op.6 HWV322: IV Allegro
042. Concerto grosso No.5 in D major Op.6 HWV323: I Overture-Larghetto e staccato
043. Concerto grosso No.5 in D major Op.6 HWV323: II Allegro
044. Concerto grosso No.5 in D major Op.6 HWV323: III Presto
045. Concerto grosso No.5 in D major Op.6 HWV323: IV Largo
046. Concerto grosso No.5 in D major Op.6 HWV323: V Allegro
047. Concerto grosso No.5 in D major Op.6 HWV323: VI Menuet-Un poco larghetto
048. Concerto grosso No.6 in G minor Op.6 HWV324: I Largo affettuoso
049. Concerto grosso No.6 in G minor Op.6 HWV324: II A tempo giusto
050. Concerto grosso No.6 in G minor Op.6 HWV324: III Musette-Larghetto
051. Concerto grosso No.6 in G minor Op.6 HWV324: IV Allegro
052. Concerto grosso No.6 in G minor Op.6 HWV324: V Allegro
053. Concerto grosso No.7 in B flat major Op.6 HWV325: I Largo
054. Concerto grosso No.7 in B flat major Op.6 HWV325: II Allegro
055. Concerto grosso No.7 in B flat major Op.6 HWV325: III Largo
056. Concerto grosso No.7 in B flat major Op.6 HWV325: IV Andante
057. Concerto grosso No.7 in B flat major Op.6 HWV325: V Hornpipe
058. Concerto grosso No.8 in C minor Op.6 HWV326: I Allemande
059. Concerto grosso No.8 in C minor Op.6 HWV326: II Grave
060. Concerto grosso No.8 in C minor Op.6 HWV326: III Andante allegro
061. Concerto grosso No.8 in C minor Op.6 HWV326: IV Adagio
062. Concerto grosso No.8 in C minor Op.6 HWV326: V Siciliana
063. Concerto grosso No.8 in C minor Op.6 HWV326: VI Allegro
064. Concerto grosso No.9 in F major Op.6 HWV327: I Largo
065. Concerto grosso No.9 in F major Op.6 HWV327: II Allegro
066. Concerto grosso No.9 in F major Op.6 HWV327: III Larghetto
067. Concerto grosso No.9 in F major Op.6 HWV327: IV Allegro
068. Concerto grosso No.9 in F major Op.6 HWV327: V Menuet
069. Concerto grosso No.9 in F major Op.6 HWV327: VI Gigue
070. Concerto grosso No.10 in D minor Op.6 HWV328: I Overture-Allegro-Lentement
071. Concerto grosso No.10 in D minor Op.6 HWV328: II Air-Lent
072. Concerto grosso No.10 in D minor Op.6 HWV328: III Allegro
073. Concerto grosso No.10 in D minor Op.6 HWV328: IV Allegro
074. Concerto grosso No.10 in D minor Op.6 HWV328: V Allegro moderato
075. Concerto grosso No.11 in A major Op.6 HWV329: I Andante larghetto e staccato
076. Concerto grosso No.11 in A major Op.6 HWV329: II Allegro
077. Concerto grosso No.11 in A major Op.6 HWV329: III Largo e staccato
078. Concerto grosso No.11 in A major Op.6 HWV329: IV Andante
079. Concerto grosso No.11 in A major Op.6 HWV329: V Allegro
080. Concerto grosso No.12 in B minor Op.6 HWV330: I Largo
081. Concerto grosso No.12 in B minor Op.6 HWV330: II Allegro
082. Concerto grosso No.12 in B minor Op.6 HWV330: III Aria
083. Concerto grosso No.12 in B minor Op.6 HWV330: IV Largo
084. Concerto grosso No.12 in B minor Op.6 HWV330: V Allegro
085. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': I Alla hornpipe
086. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': II Ouverture
087. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': III Adagio e staccato
088. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': IV (Menuet)
089. Suite in F Major, HWV348, 'Water Music': V Andante
090. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': VI Menuet (reprise)
091. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': VII (Passepied)
092. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': VIII Air
093. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': IX Menuet
094. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': X Bourrée
095. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': XI Hornpipe (Andante)
096. Suite in F major HWV 348, 'Water Music': XII (Allegro)
097. Suite in G Major, HWV 350, 'Water Music': I (Menuet)
098. Suite in G Major, HWV 350, 'Water Music': II Rigaudon I & II
099. Suite in G major, HWV 350, 'Water Music': III Menuet I & II
100. Suite in G Major, HWV 350, 'Water Music': IV (Gigue) I & II
101. Suite in D Major, HWV 349, 'Water Music': I (Allegro)
102. Suite in D Major, HWV 349, 'Water Music': II Alla hornpipe
103. Suite in D Major, HWV 349, 'Water Music': III Menuet
104. Suite in D Major, HWV 349, 'Water Music': IV Lentement
105. Suite in D Major, HWV 349, 'Water Music': V Bourrée
106. Music for the Royal Fireworks, HWV. 351: I. Overture
107. Music for the Royal Fireworks HWV351: II Bourrée
108. Music for the Royal Fireworks HWV351: III La paix-Sicilienne
109. Music for the Royal Fireworks, HWV 351: IV. La réjouissance
110. Music for the Royal Fireworks, HWV 351: V. Menuets 1 & 2
111. Oboe Concerto No.1 in B flat major HWV301: I Adagio
112. Oboe Concerto No.1 in B flat major HWV301: II Allegro
113. Oboe Concerto No.1 in B flat major HWV301: III Siciliano-Largo
114. Oboe Concerto No.1 in B flat major HWV301: IV Allegro
115. Violin Sonata in B flat major HWV288: I Andante
116. Violin Sonata in B flat major HWV288: II Adagio
117. Violin Sonata in B flat major HWV288: III Allegro
118. Oboe Concerto No.2 in B flat major HWV302: I Vivace
119. Oboe Concerto No.2 in B flat major HWV302: II Fuga-Allegro
120. Oboe Concerto No.2 in B flat major HWV302: III Andante
121. Oboe Concerto No.2 in B flat major HWV302: IV Allegro
122. Concerto grosso in C major HWV318, 'Alexander's Feast': I Allegro
123. Concerto grosso in C major HWV318, 'Alexander's Feast': II Largo
124. Concerto grosso in C major HWV318, 'Alexander's Feast': III Allegro
125. Concerto grosso in C major HWV318, 'Alexander's Feast': IV Andante, non presto
126. Organ Concerto No.15 in D minor HWV304: I Andante
127. Organ Concerto No.15 in D minor HWV304: II Adagio-Organo ad libitum, e poi una Fuga allegro ad libitum
128. Organ Concerto No.15 in D minor HWV304: III Allegro
Handel Edition Volume 10
001. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.1 HWV306: I Andante
002. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.1 HWV306: II Andante
003. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.1 HWV306: III Largo
004. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.1 HWV306: IV Allegro
005. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.1 HWV306: V Adagio-Ad Libitum
006. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.1 HWV306: VI Bourrée-Allegro
007. Organ Concerto In A Major Op.7 No.2 HWV307: I Overture
008. Organ Concerto In A Major Op.7 No.2 HWV307: II A Tempo Ordinario
009. Organ Concerto In A Major Op.7 No.2 HWV307: III Largo-Ad Libitum
010. Organ Concerto In A Major Op.7 No.2 HWV307: IV Allegro
011. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.3 HWV308: I Allegro
012. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.3 HWV308: II Fuga-Ad Libitum
013. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.3 HWV308: III Spiritoso
014. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.3 HWV308: IV Menuets 1 & 2
015. Organ Concerto In D Minor Op.7 No.4 HWV309: I Adagio
016. Organ Concerto In D Minor Op.7 No.4 HWV309: II Allegro
017. Organ Concerto In D Minor Op.7 No.4 HWV309: III Adagio-Ad Libitum
018. Organ Concerto In D Minor Op.7 No.4 HWV309: IV Allegro
019. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.7 No.5 HWV310: I Allegro Ma Non Troppo-Adagio
020. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.7 No.5 HWV310: II Andante
021. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.7 No.5 HWV310: III Menuet
022. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.7 No.5 HWV310: IV Gavotte
023. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.6 HWV311: I Pomposo
024. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.6 HWV311: II Adagio-Ad Libitum
025. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.6 HWV311: III A Tempo Ordinario
026. Organ Concerto In F Major Op.4 No.4 HWV292: I Allegro
027. Organ Concerto In F Major Op.4 No.4 HWV292: II Andante
028. Organ Concerto In F Major Op.4 No.4 HWV292: III Adagio-Ad Libitum
029. Organ Concerto In F Major Op.4 No.4 HWV292: IV Allegro
030. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.4 No.6 HWV294: I Andante-Allegro
031. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.4 No.6 HWV294: II Larghetto
032. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.4 No.6 HWV294: III Allegro Moderato
033. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.4 No.3 HWV291: I Adagio
034. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.4 No.3 HWV291: II Allegro
035. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.4 No.3 HWV291: III Adagio
036. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.4 No.3 HWV291: IV Gavotte-Allegro
037. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.4 No.2 HWV290: I A Tempo Ordinario
038. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.4 No.2 HWV290: II Allegro
039. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.4 No.2 HWV290: III Adagio
040. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.4 No.2 HWV290: IV Allegro Ma Non Troppo
041. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.4 No.1 HWV289: I Larghetto
042. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.4 No.1 HWV289: II Allegro
043. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.4 No.1 HWV289: III Adagio
044. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.4 No.1 HWV289: IV Andante
045. Organ Concerto In F Major Op.4 No.5 HWV293: I Larghetto
046. Organ Concerto In F Major Op.4 No.5 HWV293: II Allegro
047. Organ Concerto In F Major Op.4 No.5 HWV293: III Alla Siciliana
048. Organ Concerto In F Major Op.4 No.5 HWV293: IV Presto
049. Organ Concerto No.13 In F Major HWV295, 'The Cuckoo And The Nightingale': I Larghetto
050. Organ Concerto No.13 In F Major HWV295, 'The Cuckoo And The Nightingale': II Allegro
051. Organ Concerto No.13 In F Major HWV295, 'The Cuckoo And The Nightingale': III Larghetto
052. Organ Concerto No.13 In F Major HWV295, 'The Cuckoo And The Nightingale': IV Allegro
053. Organ Concerto No.14 In A Major HWV296: I Largo
054. Organ Concerto No.14 In A Major HWV296: II Andante
055. Organ Concerto No.14 In A Major HWV296: III Grave
056. Organ Concerto No.14 In A Major HWV296: IV Allegro
057. Organ Concerto No.19 In D Minor HWV304: I Andante
058. Organ Concerto No.19 In D Minor HWV304: II Pastorale-Ad Libitum
059. Organ Concerto No.19 In D Minor HWV304: III Allegro
060. Organ Concerto No.20 In F Major HWV305a: I Overture
061. Organ Concerto No.20 In F Major HWV305a: II Allegro Ma Non Troppo
062. Organ Concerto No.20 In F Major HWV305a: III Adagio
063. Organ Concerto No.20 In F Major HWV305a: IV Andante
064. Organ Concerto No.20 In F Major HWV305a: V Allegro
065. Organ Concerto No.20 In F Major HWV305a: VI Marche
066. Chaconne In D Minor
067. Fugue No.1 In G Minor HWV605
068. Capriccio In G Minor HWV483
069. Fugue No.3 In B Flat Major HWV607
070. Harpsichord Suite No.6 In G Minor HWV439: I Prelude
071. Harpsichord Suite No.6 In G Minor HWV439: II Allmand
072. Harpsichord Suite No.6 In G Minor HWV439: III Corrant
073. Harpsichord Suite No.6 In G Minor HWV439: IV Jigg
074. Harpsichord Suite No.5 In E Minor HWV438: I Allmand
075. Harpsichord Suite No.5 In E Minor HWV438: II Saraband
076. Harpsichord Suite No.5 In E Minor HWV438: III Jigg
077. Harpsichord Suite No.2 In G Major HWV435, 'Chaconne': I Theme-Variations 1-8
078. Harpsichord Suite No.2 In G Major HWV435, 'Chaconne': II Variations 9-16
079. Harpsichord Suite No.2 In G Major HWV435, 'Chaconne': III Variations 17-20
080. Harpsichord Suite No.4 In D Minor HWV437: I Prelude
081. Harpsichord Suite No.4 In D Minor HWV437: II Allmand
082. Harpsichord Suite No.4 In D Minor HWV437: III Corrant
083. Harpsichord Suite No.4 In D Minor HWV437: IV Sarabande
084. Harpsichord Suite No.4 In D Minor HWV437: V Jigg
085. Sonata In C Major In C Major HWV577, 'Fantaisie'
086. Capriccio In F Major HWV481
087. Preludio Ed Allegro In G Minor HWV574
088. Fantaisie In C Major HWV490
089. Harpsichord Suite No.1 In A Major HWV426: I Prelude
090. Harpsichord Suite No.1 In A Major HWV426: II Allemande
091. Harpsichord Suite No.1 In A Major HWV426: III Courante
092. Harpsichord Suite No.1 In A Major HWV426: IV Gigue
093. Harpsichord Suite No.2 In F Major HWV427: I Adagio
094. Harpsichord Suite No.2 In F Major HWV427: II Allegro
095. Harpsichord Suite No.2 In F Major HWV427: III Adagio
096. Harpsichord Suite No.2 In F Major HWV427: IV Fugue
097. Harpsichord Suite No.5 In E Major HWV430: I Prelude
098. Harpsichord Suite No.5 In E Major HWV430: II Allemande
099. Harpsichord Suite No.5 In E Major HWV430: III Courante
100. Harpsichord Suite No.5 in E major HWV430: IV Air Con Variazioni
101. Harpsichord Suite No.7 In G Minor HWV432: I Overture
102. Harpsichord Suite No.7 In G Minor HWV432: II Andante
103. Harpsichord Suite No.7 In G Minor HWV432: III Allegro
104. Harpsichord Suite No.7 In G Minor HWV432: IV Sarabande
105. Harpsichord Suite No.7 In G Minor HWV432: V Gigue
106. Harpsichord Suite No.7 In G Minor HWV432: VI Passacaille
Handel Edition Volume 1
001. Alcina: Sinfonia
002. Alcina: Menuet
003. Alcina: Musette
004. Alcina: Act 1 "Oh Dei! quivi non scorgo alcun sentiero!" [Bradamante, Melisso, Morgana]
005. Alcina: Act 1 "O s'apre al riso" [Morgana]
006. Alcina: Act 1 "Questo è il cielo de' contenti" [Chorus]
007. Alcina: Act 1 "Ecco l'infido" [Bradamante, Melisso, Alcina]
008. Alcina: Act 1 "Di', cor mio, quanto t'amai" [Alcina]
009. Alcina: Act 1 "Generosi guerrier" [Oberto, Melisso, Bradamante]
010. Alcina: Act 1 "Chi m'insegna il caro padre?" [Oberto]
011. Alcina: Act 1 "Mi ravvisi" [Bradamante, Ruggiero, Melisso]
012. Alcina: Act 1 "Di te mi rido" [Ruggiero]
013. Alcina: Act 1 "Qua dunque ne veniste" [Oronte, Bradamante] "Io sono tua difesa" [Morgana, Bradamante]
014. Alcina: Act 1 "E gelosia" [Bradamante]
015. Alcina: Act 1 "Io dunque" [Oronte, Morgana] "La cerco in vano" [Ruggiero, Oronte]
016. Alcina: Act 1 "Semplicetto!" [Oronte]
017. Alcina: Act 1 "Ah, infedele, infedel!" [Ruggiero, Alcina]
018. Alcina: Act 1 "Sì, son quella!" [Alcina]
019. Alcina: Act 1 "Se nemico mi fossi" [Bradamante] "Bradamante favella?" [Ruggiero]
020. Alcina: Act 1 "La bocca vaga" [Ruggiero]
021. Alcina: Act 1 "Fuggi cor mio" [Morgana, Bradamante]
022. Alcina: Act 1 "Tornami a vagheggiar" (Morgana)
023. Alcina: Act 2 "Col celarvi a chi v'ama" [Ruggiero] "Taci, taci, codardo" [Melisso, Ruggiero]
024. Alcina: Act 2 "Qual portento mi richiama" [Ruggiero]
025. Alcina: Act 2 "Ah! Bradamante!" [Ruggiero, Melisso]
026. Alcina: Act 2 "Pensa a chi geme d'amor piagata" [Melisso]
027. Alcina: Act 2 "Qual odio ingiusto contro me?" [Bradamante, Ruggiero]
028. Alcina: Act 2 "Vorrei vendicarmi" [Bradamante]
029. Alcina: Act 2 "Chi scopre al mio pensiero" [Ruggiero]
030. Alcina: Act 2 "Mi lusinga il dolce affetto" [Ruggiero]
031. Alcina: Act 2 "S'acquieti il rio sospetto" [Alcina, Morgana] "E la tua pace" [Morgana, Alcina, Ruggiero]
032. Alcina: Act 2 "Ama, sospira" [Morgana]
033. Alcina: Act 2 "Non scorgo nel tuo viso" [Alcina, Ruggiero]
034. Alcina: Act 2 "Mio bel tesoro" [Ruggiero]
035. Alcina: Act 2 "Regina, io cerco in vano" [Oberto, Alcina]
036. Alcina: Act 2 "Tra speme e timore" [Oberto]
037. Alcina: Act 2 "Regina, sei tradita" [Oronte, Alcina]
038. Alcina: Act 2 "Ah! mio cor!" [Alcina]
039. Alcina: Act 2 "Or, che dici, Morgana?" [Oronte, Morgana] "All'offesa, il disprezzo giunge l'ingrata?" [Oronte]
040. Alcina: Act 2 "E un folle" [Oronte]
041. Alcina: Act 2 "Eccomi a' piedi tuoi" [Ruggiero, Bradamante, Morgana]
042. Alcina: Act 2 "Verdi prati" [Ruggiero]
043. Alcina: Act 2 "Ah! Ruggiero crudel" [Alcina]
044. Alcina: Act 2 "Ombre pallide" [Alcina]
045. Alcina: Act 3 Sinfonia
046. Alcina: Act 3 "Voglio amar e disamar" [Oronte, Morgana]
047. Alcina: Act 3 "Credete al mio dolore" [Morgana]
048. Alcina: Act 3 "M'inganna, me n'avveggo" [Oronte]
049. Alcina: Act 3 "Un momento di contento" [Oronte]
050. Alcina: Act 3 "Molestissimo incontro!" [Ruggiero, Alcina]
051. Alcina: Act 3 "Ma quando tornerai" [Alcina]
052. Alcina: Act 3 "Tutta d'armate squadre" [Melisso, Ruggiero, Bradamante]
053. Alcina: Act 3 "Sta nell'Ircana" [Ruggiero]
054. Alcina: Act 3 "Vanne tu seco ancora" [Melisso, Bradamante]
055. Alcina: Act 3 "All'alma fedel" [Bradamante]
056. Alcina: Act 3 "Niuna forza Io arresta" [Oronte, Alcina]
057. Alcina: Act 3 "Mi restano le lagrime" [Alcina]
058. Alcina: Act 3 "Già vicino è il momento" [Oberto, Alcina]
059. Alcina: Act 3 "Barbara!" [Oberto]
060. Alcina: Act 3 "Le lusinghe, gl'inganni" [Bradamante, Alcina, Ruggiero]
061. Alcina: Act 3 "Non è amor, nè gelosia" [Ruggiero, Alcina, Bradamante]
062. Alcina: Act 3 "Ah! mio Ruggier, che tenti?" [Alcina, Ruggiero, Bradamante] "Misera, ah, no!" [Alcina, Morgana] "A che tardi?" [Melisso, Ruggiero, Oronte, Alcina, Morgana]
063. Alcina: Act 3 "Dall'orror di notte cieca" [Chorus]
064. Alcina: Act 3 Entrée
065. Alcina: Act 3 Tamburino
066. Alcina: Act 3 "Dopo tante amare pene" [Chorus]
067. Orlando: Overture-I Lentement
068. Orlando: Overture-II Allegro
069. Orlando: Act 1 "Gieroglifici eterni!" [Zoroastro]
070. Orlando: Act 1 "Stimulato dalla gloria" [Orlando] "Purgalo ormai" [Zoroastro, Orlando]
071. Orlando: Act 1 "Lascia Amore" [Zoroastro]
072. Orlando: Act 1 "Imagini funeste" [Orlando]
073. Orlando: Act 1 "Non fù già men forte Alcide" [Orlando]
074. Orlando: Act 1 "Quanto diletto avea" [Dorinda]
075. Orlando: Act 1 "Itene pur fremendo" [Orlando, Dorinda]
076. Orlando: Act 1 "Ho un certo rossore" [Dorinda]
077. Orlando: Act 1 "M'hai vinto al fin" [Angelica]
078. Orlando: Act 1 "Ritornava al suo bel viso" [Angelica, Medoro]
079. Orlando: Act 1 "Chi possessore è del mio core" [Angelica]
080. Orlando: Act 1 "Ecco Dorinda, nè sfugirla io posso" [Medoro, Dorinda]
081. Orlando: Act 1 "Se il cor mai ti dirà" [Medoro] "Povera me!" [Dorinda]
082. Orlando: Act 1 "O care parolette" [Dorinda]
083. Orlando: Act 1 "Noti o me sono i tuoi fatali amori" [Zoroastro, Angelica, Orlando]
084. Orlando: Act 1 "Se fedel vuoi ch'io ti creda" [Angelica] "T'ubbidirò" [Orlando]
085. Orlando: Act 1 "Fammi combattere" [Orlando]
086. Orlando: Act 1 "Angelica, deh lascia..." [Medoro, Angelica] "O Angelica, o Medoro" [Dorinda, Angelica, Medoro]
087. Orlando: Act 1 "Consolati, o bella" [Angelica, Medoro, Dorinda]
088. Orlando: Act 2 "Quando spieghi i tuoi tormenti" [Dorinda]
089. Orlando: Act 2 "Perchè, gentil Dorinda" [Orlando, Dorinda]
090. Orlando: Act 2 "Se mi rivolgo al prato" [Dorinda] "E questa la mercede Angelica spietata!" [Orlando]
091. Orlando: Act 2 "Cielo! Se tu il consenti" [Orlando] "A qual rischio vi espone incauti amanti" [Zoroastro, Angelica, Medoro]
092. Orlando: Act 2 "Tra caligini profondi" [Zoroastro]
093. Orlando: Act 2 "Da queste amiche piante" [Angelica, Medoro]
094. Orlando: Act 2 "Verdi allori" [Medoro] "Dopo tanti perigli" [Angelica]
095. Orlando: Act 2 "Non potrà dirmi ingrata" [Angelica]
096. Orlando: Act 2 "Dove, dove guidate, Furie" [Orlando] "Tutto a poter partire ha già disposto il mio gradito amante" [Angelica]
097. Orlando: Act 2 "Verdi piante" [Angelica]
098. Orlando: Act 2 "Ah perfida, qui sei!" [Orlando, Angelica] "Ohimè! Che miro!" [Medoro] "Amor, caro amore!" [Angelica, Orlando]
099. Orlando: Act 2 "Ah, Stigie larve!" [Orlando]
100. Orlando: Act 2 "Già latra Cerbero" [Orlando]
101. Orlando: Act 2 "Vaghe pupille, non piangete" [Orlando]
102. Orlando: Act 3 Sinfonia "Di Dorinda alle mura" [Medoro, Dorinda]
103. Orlando: Act 3 "Vorrei poterti amar" [Medoro]
104. Orlando: Act 3 "Più obbligate gli sono" [Dorinda] "Pur ti trovo, o mio bene" [Orlando, Dorinda]
105. Orlando: Act 3 "Unisca amor in noi" [Orlando, Dorinda]
106. Orlando: Act 3 "Già lo stringo" [Orlando]
107. Orlando: Act 3 "Di Dorinda all'albergo" [Angelica, Dorinda]
108. Orlando: Act 3 "Così giusta è questa speme" [Angelica] "S'è corrisposto un core" [Dorinda]
109. Orlando: Act 3 "Amor è qual vento" [Dorinda]
110. Orlando: Act 3 "Impari ognun da Orlando" [Orlando]
111. Orlando: Act 3 "Sorge infausta una procella" [Zoroastro]
112. Orlando: Act 3 "Dorinda, e perchè piangi" [Angelica, Dorinda] "Più non fuggir potrai" [Orlando, Angelica]
113. Orlando: Act 3 "Finché prendi ancora il sangue" [Angelica, Orlando]
114. Orlando: Act 3 "Vieni!" [Orlando, Angelica] "Già per la man d'Orlando" [Orlando]
115. Orlando: Act 3 "Già l'ebro mio ciglio" [Orlando]
116. Orlando: Act 3 "Ecco il tempo prefisso!" "Tu, che del gran Tonante" [Zoroastro, Dorinda] Sinfonia
117. Orlando: Act 3 "Dormo ancora" [Orlando, Dorinda]
118. Orlando: Act 3 "Per far, mia diletta" [Orlando]
119. Orlando: Act 3 "Orlando si mora" [Orlando] "Dei viver ancora" [Angelica, Orlando, Medoro, Zoroastro, Dorinda] "Vinse incanti" [Orlando, Angelica, Medoro, Dorinda, Zoroastro]
120. Orlando: Act 3 "Trionfa oggi 'l mio cor" [Orlando, Angelica, Medoro, Dorinda, Zoroastro]
Handel Edition Volume 2
001. Il Trionfo Del Tempo E Del Disinganno: Part 1 Sonata
002. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Fido specchio" [Bellezza]
003. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Io, che sono il Piacere" [Piacere, Bellezza]
004. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Fosco genio, e nero duolo" [Piacere]
005. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Ed io che 'l Tempo sono" [Tempo, Disinganno]
006. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Se la bellezza perde vaghezza" [Disinganno]
007. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Dunque, si prendon l'armi" [Piacere, Bellezza, Tempo, Disinganno]
008. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Una schiera di piaceri" [Bellezza]
009. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "I colossi del sole per me caddero a terra" [Tempo]
010. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Urne, voi che racchiudete" [Tempo]
011. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Sono troppo crudeli i tuoi consigli" [Piacere]
012. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Il voler nel fior degl'anni" [Bellezza, Piacere]
013. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Della vita mortale" [Disinganno, Bellezza]
014. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Un pensiero nemico di pace" [Bellezza]
015. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Folle, tu nieghi il Tempo" [Disinganno, Piacere, Bellezza]
016. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Nasce l'uomo, ma nasce bambino" [Tempo, Disinganno]
017. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Questo è la reggia mia" [Piacere]
018. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Taci-qual suono ascolto?" [Bellezza]
019. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Un leggiadro giovinetto" [Piacere]
020. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Ha nella destra l'ali" [Bellezza]
021. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Venga il Tempo" [Bellezza]
022. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Crede l'uom ch'egli riposi" [Disinganno]
023. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Tu credi che sia lungi, e il Tempo è teco" [Tempo, Bellezza]
024. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Folle, dunque tu solo presumi che non voli più il Tempo" [Tempo]
025. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "La reggia del Piacer vedesti" [Disinganno, Tempo]
026. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 1 "Se non sei più ministro di pene" [Bellezza, Piacere, Disinganno, Tempo]
027. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Se del falso piacere vedesti già la favolosa scena" [Tempo]
028. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Chiudi i vaghi rai" [Piacere]
029. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "In tre parti divise l'ore del viver tuo misura" [Tempo]
030. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Io sperai trovar nel vero il Piacer" [Bellezza]
031. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Tu vivi invan dolente" [Piacere]
032. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Tu giurasti di mai non lasciarmi" [Piacere]
033. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Sguardo, che infermo ai rai del sol si volge" [Tempo]
034. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Io vorrei due cori" [Bellezza]
035. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Ma, dimmi, a qual piacere?" [Disinganno, Bellezza]
036. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Più non cura valle oscura" [Disinganno]
037. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "E un ostinato errore" [Tempo]
038. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "E ben folle quel nocchier" [Tempo]
039. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Dicesti il vero" [Bellezza]
040. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Voglio Tempo" [Bellezza, Tempo, Disinganno, Piacere]
041. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Presso la reggia ove il Piacer risiede" [Bellezza, Disinganno]
042. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Lascia la spina" [Piacere]
043. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Con troppo chiare note la Verità mi chiama" [Bellezza, Disinganno]
044. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Voglio cangiar desio" [Bellezza]
045. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Or che tiene la destra vero specchio" [Bellezza, Piacere, Disinganno]
046. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Chi già fu del biondo crine consigliero" [Disinganno]
047. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Ma che veggio, che miro?" [Bellezza]
048. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Ricco pino" [Bellezza]
049. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Sì, bella Penitenza" [Bellezza]
050. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Il bel pianto dell'aurora" [Tempo, Disinganno]
051. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Piacer, che meco già vivesti" [Bellezza]
052. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Come nembo che fugge col vento" [Piacere]
053. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Pure del Cielo intelligenze eterne" [Bellezza]
054. Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno: Part 2 "Tu del Ciel ministro eletto" [Bellezza]
055. Teseo: Overture to Act 1
056. Teseo: Act 1 "Sia qual' vuole il mio fato" [Agilea] "Clizia, son gli Ateniesi" [Agilea, Clizia]
057. Teseo: Act 1 "E pur bello, in nobil core" [Agilea]
058. Teseo: Act 1 "Ora svelaci Arcane" [Agilea, Arcane]
059. Teseo: Act 1 "Deh serbate, o giusti Dei, quella vita per cui vivo" [Agilea]
060. Teseo: Act 1 "Parte Agilea per venerar la Dea" [Clizia, Arcane]
061. Teseo: Act 1 "Ti credo, sì, ben mio" [Clizia]
062. Teseo: Act 1 "Comanda dunque, o bella" [Arcane, Clizia]
063. Teseo: Act 1 "Ah! cruda gelosia" [Arcane]
064. Teseo: Act 1 "Dunque all'affetto mio" [Clizia, Arcane]
065. Teseo: Act 1 "Addio, mio caro bene" [Clizia, Arcane]
066. Teseo: Act 1 "Serenatevi, oh luci belle" [Egeo]
067. Teseo: Act 1 "Or ch'affermato ho il soglio" [Egeo, Agilea]
068. Teseo: Act 1 "Ricordati, o bella" [Egeo]
069. Teseo: Act 1 "Ah, che sol per Teseo arde quest'alma" [Agilea]
070. Teseo: Act 1 "M'adora l'idol mio" [Agilea]
071. Teseo: Act 2 "Dolce riposo, ed innocente pace" [Medea]
072. Teseo: Act 2 "L'infelice Medea" [Medea]
073. Teseo: Act 2 "Quell'amor ch'è nato à forza" [Medea]
074. Teseo: Act 2 "Delle armi nostre" [Egeo, Medea]
075. Teseo: Act 2 "Sì, ti lascio, altro amore io chiudo" [Medea, Egeo]
076. Teseo: Act 2 "Sire, tutto è periglio" [Arcane, Egeo]
077. Teseo: Act 2 "Ogn'uno acclami il nostro Alcide" [Chorus] "Amici, a bastanza mostraste il vostro affetto" [Teseo]
078. Teseo: Act 2 "Teseo, dove te n'vai?" [Medea, Teseo]
079. Teseo: Act 2 "Quando che a me sian care le luci del mio bene" [Teseo]
080. Teseo: Act 2 "Ai vostri amori, temo qualche fatal incontro" [Medea, Teseo]
081. Teseo: Act 2 "Non so più che bramar" [Teseo]
082. Teseo: Act 2 "Ira, sdegno, e furore" [Medea]
083. Teseo: Act 2 "O stringerò nel sen" [Medea]
084. Teseo: Act 3 "Risplendete, amiche stelle" [Clizia]
085. Teseo: Act 3 "Perdona, omai perdona" [Arcane, Clizia]
086. Teseo: Act 3 "Più non cerca libertà" [Arcane]
087. Teseo: Act 3 "Quivi sarà fra poco Teseo" [Clizia, Agilea]
088. Teseo: Act 3 "Vieni, torna, idolo mio" [Agilea]
089. Teseo: Act 3 "Teseo qui giunge" [Clizia] "Pur ti riveggio al fine" [Teseo, Agilea]
090. Teseo: Act 3 "S'armi il fato, s'armi amore" [Teseo]
091. Teseo: Act 3 "Egeo di qui venir m'impose" [Arcane, Agilea, Clizia] "Tu ben sai, principessa, quant'è grave il mio sdegno" [Medea, Agilea] "Numi, chi ci soccorre?" [Agilea, Clizia, Arcane] "Deh, dammi aita, Arcane" [Clizia, Arcane, Medea]
092. Teseo: Act 3 "Ombre, sortite dall'eterna notte" [Medea] "O ciel, che mai sara?" [Agilea]
093. Teseo: Act 3 "Sibilando, ululando, fulminate, la rival" [Medea]
094. Teseo: Act 4 "Sire, come imponesti" [Arcane, Egeo]
095. Teseo: Act 4 "Voglio stragi, e voglio morte" [Egeo]
096. Teseo: Act 4 "Amor per Agilea" [Arcane]
097. Teseo: Act 4 "Benchè tuoni e l'etra avvampi" [Arcane]
098. Teseo: Act 4 "Cruda, ed ancor non vuoi" [Agilea, Medea] "E che mai veggio, oh Dio!" [Agilea]
099. Teseo: Act 4 "Deh! v'aprite, o luci belle" [Agilea]
100. Teseo: Act 4 "E ancor su' gli occhi miei" [Medea]
101. Teseo: Act 4 "Dal cupo baratro venite, oh furie" [Medea]
102. Teseo: Act 4 "S'arma contro di me tutto l'inferno?" [Agilea, Medea]
103. Teseo: Act 4 "Chi ritorna alla mia mente la perduta rimembranza" [Teseo]
104. Teseo: Act 4 "Mira qual cura prendo" [Medea, Teseo] "Agilea più non m'ama!" [Teseo, Agilea]
105. Teseo: Act 4 "Qual tigre o qual megera" [Teseo]
106. Teseo: Act 4 "Tu piangi, e a me l'ascondi?" [Teseo, Agilea]
107. Teseo: Act 4 "Amarti sì vorrei" [Agilea]
108. Teseo: Act 4 "Troppo un re che t'adora ti fa temere" [Teseo, Agilea, Medea] "Chi di noi più beato?" [Teseo, Agilea]
109. Teseo: Act 4 "Cara, caro, ti dono in pegno il cor" [Teseo, Agilea]
110. Teseo: Act 5 "Dunque per vendicarmi" [Medea]
111. Teseo: Act 5 "Morirò, ma vendicata" [Medea]
112. Teseo: Act 5 "Scopria, ma non veduta l'ascosa fiamma" [Medea] "Questo vaso che miri" [Medea, Egeo]
113. Teseo: Act 5 "Non è da re quel cor" [Egeo]
114. Teseo: Act 5 "Ma del popolo l'odio avrà quel figlio" [Medea, Egeo] "Giuro per questo acciaro" [Teseo] "Che miro, o Ciel!" [Egeo] "Ah! perfida Medea!" [Arcane, Egeo, Agilea]
115. Teseo: Act 5 "Tengo in pugno l'idol mio" [Teseo]
116. Teseo: Act 5 "Signore, in questo giorno" [Arcane, Egeo, Agilea, Clizia]
117. Teseo: Act 5 "Unito ad un puro affetto" [Clizia, Arcane]
118. Teseo: Act 5 "Essenti dal mio sdegno ancor non siete" [Medea] "Soccorreteci o Numi!" [Agilea, Clizia, Egeo, Teseo, Arcane]
119. Teseo: Act 5 "Il ciel già si compiace" [Priest of Minerva]
120. Teseo: Act 5 "Goda ogn'or alma in sì bel giorno" [Chorus]
121. Amadigi di Gaula: Ouverture to Act 1
122. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Or che di negro ammanto" [Amadigi, Dardano]
123. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Pugnerò contro del fato" [Dardano]
124. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "O notte, oh cara notte" [Amadigi]
125. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Notte amica dei riposi" [Amadigi]
126. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Che miro!" [Amadigi] "E tu cerchi fuggir?" [Melissa, Amadigi]
127. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Non sa temere questo mio petto" [Amadigi]
128. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Il crudel m'abbandona" [Melissa]
129. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Ah, spietato! e non ti muove un affetto sì costante" [Melissa]
130. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Risveglian queste fiamme il mio coraggio" [Amadigi, Dardano]
131. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Vado, corro al mio tesoro" [Amadigi]
132. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Deh! ferma, oh Dio!" [Dardano]
133. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Agitato il cor mi sento" [Dardano]
134. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 Sinfonia
135. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Cieli, che fia?" [Oriana, Amadigi]
136. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Gioie, venite in sen" [Oriana]
137. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "In questo istante io provo" [Amadigi, Oriana]
138. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "E si dolce il mio contento" [Amadigi]
139. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Andiamo ora, mio ben" [Oriana, Amadigi]
140. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "O caro mio tesor" [Oriana]
141. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Cieli! Numi! che miro?" [Amadigi, Dardano, Melissa]
142. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Io godo, scherzo, e rido" [Melissa]
143. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "Ferma, deh! ferma, oh Dio!" [Amadigi]
144. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 1 "O rendetemi il mio bene" [Amadigi]
145. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Io ramingo men' vado" [Amadigi]
146. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Sussurrate, onde vezzose" [Amadigi]
147. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Numi! che veggio?" [Amadigi] "Svenne Amadigi" [Melissa] "Cieli, che sarà mai?" [Oriana]
148. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "S'estinto è l'idol mio" [Oriana]
149. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Ma qual scampo al mio affanno?" [Oriana, Amadigi]
150. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "T'amai quant'il mio cor" [Amadigi]
151. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Chi mai creduto havria?" [Oriana, Amadigi]
152. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Ti pentirai, crudel!" [Oriana]
153. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Dunquel colei, da cui speravo ogni conforto" [Amadigi, Melissa]
154. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Crudel, tu non farai" [Melissa, Amadigi]
155. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "D'un sventurato amante" [Dardano]
156. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Pena tiranna io sento al core" [Dardano]
157. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Arresta, o Prence!" [Melissa, Dardano]
158. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Se tu brami di godere" [Melissa]
159. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Ma, se questo non basta a mitigar la pena mia crudele" [Dardano]
160. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Amadigi, mio ben" [Oriana, Dardano]
161. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Tu mia speranza" [Dardano]
162. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Ma qui il rival?" [Dardano, Oriana]
163. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Cieli! Numi! soccorso" [Melissa, Oriana]
164. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Affannami, tormentami" [Oriana]
165. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Mi deride l'amante" [Melissa]
166. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 2 "Desterò dall'empia Dite ogni furia" [Melissa]
167. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Dove mi guida il fato mio tiranno!" [Oriana]
168. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Dolce vita del mio petto" [Oriana]
169. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Sento, nè so che sia" [Melissa]
170. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Vanne lungi dal mio petto" [Melissa]
171. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Se t'offese Oriana" [Oriana, Amadigi, Melissa]
172. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Cangia al fine il tuo rigore" [Oriana, Amadigi]
173. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "No, no! ho già risolto" [Melissa]
174. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Han penetrato i detti tuoi l'inferno" [Dardano]
175. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Cieli ingiusti, e inclementi" [Melissa, Oriana, Amadigi]
177. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Che orrore!" [Oriana, Amadigi]
178. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 Sinfonia
179. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Son finiti i tormenti" [Orgando, Amadigi, Oriana]
180. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Sento la gioia" [Amadigi]
181. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Godete omai felici" [Orgando]
182. Amadigi di Gaula: Act 3 "Godete, o cori amanti" [Chorus, Oriana, Amadigi]
Handel Edition Volume 3
001. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Hence loathed Melancholy" (Tenor I)
002. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Hence vain deluding joyes" (Soprano I)
003. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Come, thou Goddess" (Soprano II)
004. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Come, rather, Goddess" (Soprano III)
005. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Haste thee, nymph" (Tenor I)
006. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Haste thee, nymph" (Chorus)
007. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Come, and trip it" (Tenor II, Chorus)
008. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Come, pensive nun" (Soprano III)
009. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Come, but keep thy wonted state" (Soprano I)-"Join with thee" (Chorus)
010. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Hence, loathed Melancholy" (M. Hill)-"And if I give the honour due" (Soprano IV)
011. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "First, and chief, on golden wing" (Soprano I)
012. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "If I give thee honour due" (Bass)
013. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Oft on a plat of rising ground" (Soprano III)
014. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Far from all resort of Mirth" (Soprano II)
015. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "If I give thee honour due" (Tenor II)
016. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Straight mine eye" (Soprano II)
017. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 1: "Or let the merry bells" (Soprano IV)-"And young and old come" (Chorus)
018. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "Hence, vain deluding joys" (Soprano III)
019. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "Thus night oft see me" (Soprano I)
020. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "Populous cities" (Bass, Chorus)
021. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "There let Hymen oft appear" (Tenor II)
022. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "Me, when the sun begins to fling" (Soprano I)
023. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "I'll to the well-trod stage anon" (Tenor I)
024. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "And ever against eating cares" (Soprano II)
025. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "Orpheus' self may heave his head" (Soprano II)
026. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "These delights if thou canst give" (Tenor I, Chorus)
027. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "But let my due feet never fail" (Soprano I)
028. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "There let the pealing organ blow" (Chorus)-"And let their sweetness" (Soprano I)
029. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 2: "May at last my weary age" (J. Smith)-"These pleasures, Melancholy, give" (Soprano I, Chorus)
030. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 3: "Hence, boast not" (Bass)-"All this company serene" (Chorus)
031. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 3: "Come, with gentle hand restrain" (Soprano III)
032. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 3: "No more short life" (Tenor I)
033. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 3: "As steals the morn upon the night" (Soprano I, Tenor II)
034. L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part 3: "Thy pleasures, Moderation, give" (Chorus)
035. Tamerlano: Overture to Act 1
036. Tamerlano: Menuet
037. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Esci, oh Signore!" [Andronico, Bajazet]
038. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Forte e lieto a morte andrei" [Bajazet]
039. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Non si perda di vista il disperato" [Andronico, Tamerlano]
040. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Vo' dar pace a un alma altiera" [Tamerlano]
041. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Il Tartaro ama Asteria" [Andronico]
042. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Bella Asteria, il tuo cor mi difenda" [Andronico]
043. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Non è più tempo Asteria-Serve Asteria di prezzo" [Tamerlano, Asteria]
044. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Se non mi vuol amar" [Asteria]
045. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Non ascolto più nulla" [Bajazet, Andronico, Asteria]
046. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Ciel e terra armi di sdegno" [Bajazet]
047. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Asteria non parlate?" [Andronico, Asteria]
048. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Deh, lasciatemi il nemico" [Asteria]
049. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Così la sposa il Tamerlano accoglie?" [Irene, Leone, Andronico]
050. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Dal crudel che m'ha tradita" [Irene]
051. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Chi vide mai più sventurato amante?" [Andronico]
052. Tamerlano: Act 1 "Benchè mi sprezzi l'idol ch'adoro" [Andronico]
053. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Amico, tengo un testimon fedele" [Tamerlano, Andronico]
054. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Bella gara che faronno" [Tamerlano]
055. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Qui l'infedel! cogliamo" [Asteria, Andronico]
056. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Non è più tempo" [Asteria]
057. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Ah nò! dove trascorri, idolo mio?" [Andronico]
058. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Cerco in vano di placare" [Andronico]
059. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Signor, vergine illustre" [Leone, Tamerlano, Irene, Asteria]
060. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Par che mi nasce in seno un raggio di speranza" [Irene]
061. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Dov'è mia figlia, Andronico?" [Bajazet, Andronico]
062. Tamerlano: Act 2 "A suoi piedi padre esangue" [Bajazet]
063. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Se Asteria mi tradisce" [Andronico]
064. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Più d'una tigre altero" [Andronico]
065. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Al soglio, oh bella!" [Tamerlano, Asteria, Bajazet, Andronico, Irene]
066. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Ecco il cor, sarò contenta" "Voglio stragi, voglio sangue" "Ecco il petto, non mi paventa" [Asteria, Tamerlano, Bajazet]
067. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Padre, dimmi son più l'indegna figlia" [Asteria]
068. Tamerlano: Act 2 "No, il tuo sdegno mi placò" [Bajazet]
069. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Andronico, son più l'infida amante?" [Asteria]
070. Tamerlano: Act 2 "No, che del tuo gran cor" [Andronico]
071. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Amica, son quella superba donna?" [Asteria]
072. Tamerlano: Act 2 "No, che sei tanto costante nella la fede" [Irene]
073. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Sì, sì, son vendicata" [Asteria]
074. Tamerlano: Act 2 "Cor di padre, e cor d'amante" [Asteria]
075. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Figlia, siam rei, io di schernito sdegno" [Bajazet, Asteria]
076. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Sù la sponda del pigro Lete" [Bajazet]
077. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Andronico, il mio amore" [Tamerlano, Andronico, Asteria, Bajazet]
078. Tamerlano: Act 3 "A dispetto d'un volto ingrato" [Andronico]
079. Tamerlano: Act 3 "L'empietà de' ministri" [Leone, Andronico, Asteria]
080. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Vivo in te, mio caro bene!" [Asteria, Andronico]
081. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Eccoti Bajazete" [Tamerlano, Bajazet, Andronico]
082. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Eccomi, che si chiede?" [Asteria, Tamerlano, Andronico, Bajazet]
083. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Padre, amante" [Asteria] "Folle sei" [Asteria] "Beva dunque la rea" [Asteria, Andronico, Bajazet, Tamerlano]
084. Tamerlano: Act 3 "E il soffrirete" [Bajazet]
085. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Empio, per farti guerra" [Bajazet]
086. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Signor, fra tante cure" [Irene, Tamerlano]
087. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Vieni, Asteria" [Leono, Andronico, Tamerlano, Asteria]
088. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Oh per me lieto" [Bajazet, Tamerlano] ... "Sù, via, furie, e ministre" [Bajazet]
089. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Barbaro! al fin sei sazio ancor?" [Andronico, Asteria] "Mirami, io quella son che già due volte" [Asteria]
090. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Padre amato, in me riposa" [Asteria]
091. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Io più non posso vivere" [Andronico, Tamerlano, Irene]
092. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Coronata di gigli e di rose" [Andronico, Tamerlano]
093. Tamerlano: Act 3 "Ora invitta regina" [Tamerlano, Irene]
094. Tamerlano: Act 3 "D'atra notte già mirasi a scorno" [Irene, Andronico, Tamerlano, Leone]
095. Alcina: Prelude-Overture
096. Alcina: Prelude-Musette
097. Alcina: Prelude-Menuet
098. Alcina: Act 1 Ballo-Sarabande-Ballo da capo
099. Alcina: Act 1 Menuet
100. Alcina: Act 1 [Gavotte]
101. Alcina: Act 3 Sinfonia
102. Alcina: Act 3 Entrée
103. Alcina: Act 3 Tambourino
104. Alcina: Act 3 Entrée des songes agréables
105. Alcina: Act 3 Entrée des songes funestes
106. Alcina: Act 3 Entrée des songes agréables et effrayés-Combat des songes funestes et agréables
107. Alcina: Act 3 Entrée de Mori
108. Alcina: Act 3 Rondeau
109. Terpsichore: I Prelude-Chaconne
110. Terpsichore: II Sarabande
111. Terpsichore: III Gigue
112. Terpsichore: IV Air
113. Terpsichore: V Ballo
114. Il pastor fido: I A tempo di bourrée
115. Il pastor fido: II Bourrée
116. Il pastor fido: III Musette-Bourrée da capo
117. Il pastor fido: IV Menuet
118. Il pastor fido: V Menuet
119. Il pastor fido: VI Menuet
120. Il pastor fido: VII Gavotte
121. Il pastor fido: VIII Gigue
Handel Edition Volume 4
001. Messiah: Part 1 Symphony
002. Messiah: Part 1 "Comfort ye my people"
003. Messiah: Part 1 "Ev'ry valley shall be exalted"
004. Messiah: Part 1 "And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed"
005. Messiah: Part 1 "Thus saith the Lord"
006. Messiah: Part 1 "But who may abide the day of his coming?"
007. Messiah: Part 1 "And he shall purify the sons of Levi"
008. Messiah: Part 1 "Behold, a virgin shall concieve, and bear a son"
009. Messiah: Part 1 "O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion"
010. Messiah: Part 1 "O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion"
011. Messiah: Part 1 "For behold, darkness shall cover the earth"
012. Messiah: Part 1 "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light"
013. Messiah: Pt. 1: For Unto Us a Child Is Born
014. Messiah: Part 1 Pastoral Symphony
015. Messiah: Part 1 "There were shepherds abiding in the field" "And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them" "And the angel said unto them-Fear not" "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heav'nly host"
016. Messiah: Part 1 "Glory to God in the highest"
017. Messiah: Part 1 "Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion"
018. Messiah: Part 1 "Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened"
019. Messiah: Part 1 "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd"
020. Messiah: Part 1 "His yoke is easy"
021. Messiah: Part 2 "Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world"
022. Messiah: Part 2 "He was despised and rejected of men"
023. Messiah: Part 2 "Surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows"
024. Messiah: Part 2 "And with his stripes we are healed"
025. Messiah: Part 2 "All we like sheep have gone astray"
026. Messiah: Part 2 "All they that see him laugh him to scorn"
027. Messiah: Part 2 "He trusted in God that he would deliver him"
028. Messiah: Part 2 "Thy rebuke hath broken his heart"
029. Messiah: Part 2 "Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto his sorrow"
030. Messiah: Part 2 "He was cut off out of the land of the living"
031. Messiah: Part 2 "But thou didst not leave his soul in hell"
032. Messiah: Part 2 "Lift up your heads, o ye gates"
033. Messiah: Part 2 "Unto which of the angels said he at any time"
034. Messiah: Part 2 "Let all the angels of God worship him"
035. Messiah: Part 2 "Thou art gone up on high, thou hast led captivity captive"
036. Messiah: Part 2 "The Lord gave the word-great was the company of the preachers"
037. Messiah: Part 2 "How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace"
038. Messiah: Part 2 "Their sound is gone out into all lands"
039. Messiah: Part 2 "Why do the nations so furiously rage together"
040. Messiah: Part 2 "Let us break their bonds asunder"
041. Messiah: Part 2 "He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh them to scorn"
042. Messiah: Part 2 "Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron"
043. Messiah: HWV 56, Part 2: "Hallelujah" (Chorus)
044. Messiah: HWV 56: Part 3 "I know that my Redeemer liveth"
045. Messiah: Part 3 "Since by man came death"
046. Messiah: Part 3 "Behold, I tell you a mystery"
047. Messiah: Part 3 "The trumpet shall sound"
048. Messiah: Part 3 "Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written"
049. Messiah: Part 3 "O death, where is thy sting?"
050. Messiah: Part 3 "But thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory"
051. Messiah: Part 3 "If God be for us, who can be against us?"
052. Messiah: Part 3 "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain"
053. Messiah: Part 3 "Amen"
054. Samson: Act 1 Sinfonia
055. Samson: Act 1 "This day, a solemn feast to Dagon held" [Samson]
056. Samson: Act 1 "Awake the trumpet's lofty sound!" [Chorus]
057. Samson: Act 1 "Ye men of Gaza, hither bring the merry pipe and pleasing string" [Dalila]
058. Samson: Act 1 "Awake the trumpet's lofty sound" [Chorus]
059. Samson: Act 1 "Loud as the thunder's awful voice" [Philistine]
060. Samson: Act 1 "Then free from sorrow, free from the thrall" [Philistine Woman]
061. Samson: Act 1 "Awake the trumpet's lofty sound!" [Chorus]
062. Samson: Act 1 "Why by an angel was my birth foretold" [Samson]
063. Samson: Act 1 "Torments, alas! are not confin'd to heart, or head, or breast!" [Samson]
064. Samson: Act 1 "Oh change beyond report, thought or belief!" [Micah]
065. Samson: Act 1 "Oh mirror of our fickle state!" [Micah]
066. Samson: Act 1 "Whom have I to compain of but myself" [Samson] ... "Oh loss of sight! of thee I most complain!" [Samson]
067. Samson: Act 1 "Total eclipse! no sun, no moon, all dark amidst the blaze of noon!" [Samson]
068. Samson: Act 1 "Since light so necessary is to life" [Micah]
069. Samson: Act 1 "Oh first created beam!" [Chorus]
070. Samson: Act 1 "Ye see, my friends, how woes enclose me round" [Samson], "Here comes thy rev'rend sire, old Manoah" [Micah, Samson]
071. Samson: Act 1 "Brethren and men of Dan, say, where is my son" [Manoah, Micah] "O miserable change!" [Manoah] "Oh ever failing trust in mortal strength!" [Israelitish Man]
072. Samson: Act 1 "God of our fathers, what is man?" [Israelitish Man]
073. Samson: Act 1 "The good we wish for, often proves our bane" [Manoah]
074. Samson: Act 1 "Thy glorious deeds inspir'd my tongue" [Manoah]
075. Samson: Act 1 "Justly these evils have befall'n thy son" [Samson] "Worse yet remains" [Manoah] "This have I done" [Samson]
076. Samson: Act 1 "My griefs for this forbid mine eyes to close" [Samson]
077. Samson: Act 1 "Why does the God of Israel sleep?" [Samson]
078. Samson: Act 1 "There lies our hope!" [Micah]
079. Samson: Act 1 "Then shall they know" [Chorus]
080. Samson: Act 1 "For thee, my dearest son" [Manoah] "It should be so-to expiate my crime" [Samson] "Be for thy fate contrite" [Manoah] "Why should I live?" [Samson]
081. Samson: Act 1 "Then long eternity shall greet your bliss" [Micah]
082. Samson: Act 1 "Joys that are pure" [Micah]
083. Samson: Act 1 "Then round about the starry throne" [Chorus]
084. Samson: Act 2 "Despair not thus" [Manoah] "Wher'er the liquid brook or fountain flow'd" [Samson] "Trust yet in God!" [Manoah]
085. Samson: Act 2 "Just are the way of God to man" [Manoah]
086. Samson: Act 2 "My evils hopeless are!" [Samson] "Relieve thy champion" [Micah]
087. Samson: Act 2 "Return, oh God of hosts!" [Micah]
088. Samson: Act 2 "To dust his glory they would tread" [Chorus]
089. Samson: Act 2 "But who is this?" [Micah] ... "How cunningly the sorceress displays her own transgressions" [Samson]
090. Samson: Act 2 "With plaintive notes and am'rous moan" [Dalila, Samson]
091. Samson: Act 2 "Did Love constrain thee?" [Samson]
092. Samson: Act 2 "Your charms to ruin led the way" [Samson]
093. Samson: Act 2 "Forgive what's done" [Dalila]
094. Samson: Act 2 "My-Her faith and truth, oh Samson, prove Dalila" [Dalila, Virgin]
095. Samson: Act 2 "Her faith and truth, oh Samson, prove" [Chorus]
096. Samson: Act 2 "To fleeting pleasures make your court" [Dalila]
097. Samson: Act 2 "Her faith and truth, oh Samson, prove" [Chorus]
098. Samson: Act 2 "How charming is domestic ease!" [Dalila]
099. Samson: Act 2 "Her faith and truth, oh Samson, prove" [Chorus]
100. Samson: Act 2 "Ne'er think of that! I know thy warbling charms" [Samson] "Let me approach, at least" [Dalila] "Not for thy life" [Samson] "Thou art more deaf to pray'rs than winds or seas" [Dalila]
101. Samson: Act 2 "Traitor to love! I'll sue no more" [Dalila] "Traitress to love! I'll hear no more" [Samson] "She's gone! a serpent manifest" [Micah, Samson]
102. Samson: Act 2 "It is not virtue, valour, wit" [Israelitish Man]
103. Samson: Act 2 "Favour'd of heaven is he, who finds one true" [Samson]
104. Samson: Act 2 "To man God's universal law gave pow'r to keep the wife in awe" [Chorus]
105. Samson: Act 2 "No words of peace, no voice enchanting fear" [Micah] ... "The honour certain to have won from thee I lose" [Harapha]
106. Samson: Act 2 "Honour and arms scorn such a foe" [Harapha]
107. Samson: Act 2 "Put on your arms" "My strength is from the living God" [Samson]
108. Samson: Act 2 "With thee!" [Harapha] "Cam'st thou for this, vain boaster?" [Samson, Harapha]
109. Samson: Act 2 "Go, baffled coward, go" [Samson] "Presume not on thy God" [Harapha]
110. Samson: Act 2 "Here lies the proof" [Micah]
111. Samson: Act 2 "Hear, Jacob's God, Jehovah, hear!" [Chorus]
112. Samson: Act 2 "Dagon, arise! attend thy sacred feast!" [Harapha]
113. Samson: Act 2 "To song and dance we give the day" [Philistine]
114. Samson: Act 2 "To song and dance we give the day" [Chorus]
115. Samson: Act 2 "Fix'd in his everlasting seat" [Chorus]
116. Samson: Act 3 "More trouble is behind" [Micah] ... "My message, given with speed, brooks no delay" [Harapha]
117. Samson: Act 3 "Presuming slave, to move their wrath!" [Harapha]
118. Samson: Act 3 "Reflect then, Samson, matters now are strain'd" [Micah] "Shall I abuse this consecrated gift of strength" [Samson]
119. Samson: Act 3 "With thunder arm'd, great God, arise!" [Chorus]
120. Samson: Act 3 "Be of good courage" [Samson, Micah, Harapha]
121. Samson: Act 3 "Thus when the sun from's wat'ry bed" [Samson]
122. Samson: Act 3 "With might endued, above the sons of men" [Micah]
123. Samson: Act 3 "The Holy One of Israel be thy guide" [Micah] "To fame immortal go" [Chorus]
124. Samson: Act 3 "Old Manoah, with youthful steps, makes haste to find his son" [Micah] "I come, my brethren, not to seek my son" [Manoah]
125. Samson: Act 3 "Great Dagon has subdued our foe" [Philistine] "Great Dagon has subdued our foe" [Chorus]
126. Samson: Act 3 "What noise of joy was that?" [Manoah, Micah]
127. Samson: Act 3 "How willing my paternal love the weight to share of filial care" [Manoah]
128. Samson: Act 3 "Your hopes of his deliv'ry seem not vain" [Micah] "I know your friendly minds, and-Heav'n! what noise!" [Manoah] "Hear us, our God!" [Chorus]
129. Samson: Act 3 "Noise call you this? an universal groan" [Micah] ... "Unwounded of his enemies he fell" [Messenger, Manoah]
130. Samson: Act 3 "Ye sons of Israel, now lament" [Micah] "Weep, Israel, weep" [Chorus]
131. Samson: Act 3 "Proceed we hence to find his body" [Manoah]
132. Samson: Act 3 Dead March
133. Samson: Act 3 "The body comes" [Micah, Manoah]
134. Samson: Act 3 "Glorious hero, may thy grave peace and honour ever have" [Chorus]
135. Samson: Act 3 "Come, come! no time for lamentation" [Manoah]
136. Samson: Act 3 "Let the bright Seraphim" [Israelitish Woman]
137. Samson: Act 3 "Let their celestial concerts all unite" [Chorus]
138. Rinaldo: Act 3 "Or la tromba in suon festante" [Rinaldo]
139. Rinaldo: Act 1 "Cara sposa" [Rinaldo]
140. Rinaldo: Act 1 "Venti, turbini, prestate" [Rinaldo]
141. Rinaldo: Act 1 "Cor ingrato, ti rammembri" [Rinaldo]
142. Serse: Act 1 "Frondi tenere e belle... Ombra mai fù di vegetabile" [Serse]
143. Partenope: Act 2 "Furibondo spira il vento" [Arsace]
144. Agrippina: Act 3 "Bel piacere è godere fido amor!" [Poppea]
145. Rinaldo: Act 2 "Laschia ch'io pianga mia cruda sorte" [Almirena]
146. Orlando: Act 1 "Fammi combattere mostri e tifei" [Orlando]
147. Serse, HWV 40, Act 1: "Ombra mai fu" (Serse)
148. Ariodante: Act 3 "Dopo notte" [Ariodante]
149. Rinaldo: Act 1 "Cara sposa" [Rinaldo]
150. Giulio Cesare: Act 3 "Caro... Bella" [Cleopatra, Cesare]
151. Hercules: Act 3 " Where shall I fly" [Dejanira]
152. Semele: Act 2 "Hence, Iris, hence away" [Juno]
Handel Edition Volume 5
001. Semele: Overture To Act 1
002. Semele: Act 1 "Behold! Auspicious Flashes Rise" [Priest]
003. Semele: Act 1 "Lucky Omens Bless Our Rites" [Chorus] "Daughter Obey" [Cadmus, Athamas]
004. Semele: Act 1 "Ah Me! What Refuge Now Is Left Me?" "O Jove! In Pity Teach Me Which To Choose" [Semele] "Alas, She Yields" [Ino, Athamas]
005. Semele: Act 1 "Why Dost Thou Untimely Grieve" [Cadmus, Ino, Athamas, Semele]
006. Semele: Act 1 "Avert These Omens, All Ye Pow'rs!" [Chorus] "Again Auspicious Flashes Rise" [Cadmus] "Thy Aid, Pronubial Juno" [Athamas, Semele]
007. Semele: Act 1 "Cease, Cease Your Vows" [Chorus]
008. Semele: Act 1 "Oh Athamas; What Torture Hast Thou Borne!" [Athamas] "Turn, Hopeless Lover" [Ino] "Ah Me, What Have I Heard!" [Athamas]
009. Semele: Act 1 "You've Undone Me" [Ino, Athamas]
010. Semele: Act 1 "Ah, Wretched Prince" [Cadmus, Athamas] "Wing'd With Our Fears" [Cadmus]
011. Semele: Act 1 "See, See! Jove's Priests And Holy Augurs Come" [Cadmus] "Hail Cadmus, Hail!" [Chorus]
012. Semele: Act 1 "Endless Pleasure" [Semele]
013. Semele: Act 1 "Endless Pleasure" [Chorus]
014. Semele: Act 2 Symphony "Iris, Impatient Of Thy Stay" [Juno, Iris]
015. Semele: Act 2 "Look, Where Cithaeron Proudly Stands" [Iris] "There, From Mortal Cares Retiring" [Iris] "No More!" [Juno] "Awake Saturnia From Thy Lethargy" [Juno, Iris]
016. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Hence, Iris, hence away!" (Juno)
017. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Come, Zephyrs, come" (Cupid) "O sleep, why dost thou leave me?" (Semele)
018. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Let me not another moment" (Semele)
019. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Lay your doubts and fears aside" "You are mortal" (Jupiter)
020. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "With fond desiring" (Semele)
021. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "How engaging, how endearing" (Chorus) "Ah me! Why sighs my Semele?" (Semele, Jupiter)
022. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Too well I read her meaning" (Jupiter) "I must with speed amuse her" (Jupiter)
023. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Now Love" (Chorus)
024. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "By my command" (Jupiter, Semele)
025. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "See, she appears" (Jupiter) "Where'er you walk" (Jupiter)
026. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Dear sister, how was your journey hither?" (Semele, Ino) "But hark! the heav'nly sphere turns round" (Ino)
027. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Prepare then, ye immortal choir" (Semele, Ino)
028. Semele, HWV 58, Act 2: "Bless the glad earth" (Chorus)
029. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: Symphony "Somnus, awake!" (Juno, Iris)
030. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Leave me, loathsome light!" (Somnus) "Dull God, canst thou attend the water's fall" (Iris, Juno)
031. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "More sweet is that name" (Somnus) "My will obey, she shall be thine" (Juno, Somnus)
032. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Obey my will" (Juno, Somnus)
033. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "My racking thoughts" (Semele)
034. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Thus shap'd like Ino" (Juno, Semele)
035. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "O ecstasy of happiness!" (Semele) "Myself I shall adore" (Semele) "Be wise, as you are beautiful" (Juno, Semele)
036. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Conjure him by his oath" (Juno)
037. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Thus let my thanks be pay'd" (Semele) "Rich odours fill the fragrant air" (Semele, Juno)
038. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Come to my arms" (Jupiter) "Oh Semele! Why art thou thus insensible?" (Jupiter)
039. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "I ever am granting" (Semele),..."Then cast off this human shape" (Semele)
040. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Ah, take heed what you press!" (Jupiter)
041. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "No, no, I'll take no less" (Semele)
042. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Ah, whither is she gone!" (Jupiter)
043. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Above measure is the pleasure" (Juno)
044. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Ah, me! too late I now repent" (Semele)
045. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "If my ill-boding dream" (Ino) "Oh terror and astonishment!..." (Chorus) "Nature to each allots his proper sphere" (Chorus)
046. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "See from above the bellying clouds descend" (Cadmus) Sinfonia "Apollo comes to relieve your care" (Apollo)
047. Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: "Happy, happy shall we be" (Chorus)
048. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Overture: "Lamentations of the Israelites for the death of Joseph"
049. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "Now there arose" (Tenor)
050. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "And the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage" (Counter-Tenor, Chorus)
051. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "Then sent He Moses" (Tenor)
052. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "They loathed to drink" (Chorus)
053. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "Their land brought" (Counter-Tenor)
054. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "He spake the word" (Chorus)
055. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "He gave them hailstones" (Chorus)
056. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "He sent a thick darkness" (Chorus)
057. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "He smote all the first-born" (Chorus)
058. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "But as for His people" (Chorus)
059. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "Egypt was glad" (Chorus)
060. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "He rebuked the Red Sea" (Chorus)
061. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "He led them" (Chorus)
062. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "But the waters" (Chorus)
063. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "And Israel saw" (Chorus)
064. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Exodus: "And believed the Lord" (Chorus)
065. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "Moses, and the children" (Chorus)
066. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "I will sing" (Chorus)
067. Israel in Egypt, HWW 54, Moses' song: "The Lord is my strength" (Sopranos)
068. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "He is my God" (Chorus)
069. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song "And I will exalt him" (Chorus)
070. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "The Lord is a man of war" (Basses)
071. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "The depths have covered them" (Chorus)
072. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "Thy right hand" (Chorus)
073. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "And in the greatness" (Chorus)
074. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "Thou sentest forth" (Chorus)
075. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "And with the blast" (Chorus)
076. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "The enemy said" (Tenor)
077. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "Thou didst blow" (Soprano)
078. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "Who is like unto Thee" (Chorus)
079. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "The earth swallowed them" (Chorus)
080. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "Thou in thy mercy" (Counter-Tenor, Tenor)
081. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "The people shall hear" (Chorus)
082. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "Thou shalt bring" (Counter-Tenor)
083. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "The Lord shall reign" (Chorus)
084. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "For the horse of Pharoah" (Tenor)
085. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "The Lord shall reign" (Chorus)
086. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "And Miriam the prophetess" (Tenor)
087. Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Moses' song: "Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriusly! The Lord shall reign..." (Soprano, Chorus)
088. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: I Sinfonia
089. The ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: II. The ways of Zion do Mourn
090. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: III "How are the mighty fall'n" (Chorus)
091. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: IV "She put on righteousness" (Chorus)
092. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: V "When the ear heard her" (Chorus, Bass, Counter-Tenor, Tenor, Soprano)
093. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: VI "How are the mighty fall'n!" (Chorus)
094. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: VII "She deliver'd the poor that cried" (Chorus)
095. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: VIII "How are the mighty fall'n!" (Chorus)
096. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: IX "The righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance" (Chorus, Bass, Counter-Tenor, Tenor, Soprano)
097. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: X "Their bodies are buried in peace" (Chorus)
098. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: XI "The people will tell of their wisdom" (Chorus)
099. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: XII "They shall receive a glorious kingdom" (Chorus, Bass, Counter-Tenor, Tenor, Soprano)
100. The Ways of Zion do Mourn, HWV 264: XIII "The merciful goodness of the Lord endureth forever" (Chorus)
101. 4 Coronation Anthems: No. 1 Zadok the Priest, HWV 258
102. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: Sonata
103. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Disserratevi, o porte d'Averno" (Angelo)
104. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Qual'insolita luce" (Lucifero)
105. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Caddi, è ver, ma nel cadere" (Lucifero)
106. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Ma che veggio?" (Lucifero, Angelo)
107. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Chi sei? Chi è questo re" (Lucifero, Angelo)
108. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "D'amor fu consiglio" (Angelo)
109. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "E ben, questo tuo Nume" (Lucifero, Angelo)
110. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "O voi, dell'Erebo" (Lucifero)
111. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Notte, notte funesta" (Maddalena)
112. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Ferma l'ali, e su miei lumi" (Maddalena)
113. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Concedi, o Maddalena" (Maddalena, Cleofe)
114. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Piangete, sì, piangete" (Cleofe)
115. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Ahi, dolce mio Signore" (Maddalena, Cleofe)
116. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Dolci chiodi, amate spine" (Maddalena, Cleofe)
117. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "O Cleofe, o Maddalena" (San Giovanni, Maddalena)
118. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Quando è parto dell'affetto" (San Giovanni)
119. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Ma dinne, e sarà vero" (Cleofe, San Giovanni, Maddalena)
120. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Naufragando va per l'onde" (Cleofe)
121. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Itene pure, o fide amiche donne" (San Giovanni, Maddalena)
122. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Così la tortorella" (San Giovanni)
123. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Se Maria dunque spera" (Maddalena)
124. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Ho un non so che nel cor" (Maddalena)
125. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Uscite pure, uscite" (Angelo)
126. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 1: "Il Nume vincitor" (Angelo, Chorus)
127. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: Introduction
128. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Di quai nuovi portenti" (San Giovanni)
129. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Ecco il sol, ch'esce dal mare" (San Giovanni)
130. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Ma ove Maria dimora" (San Giovanni)
131. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Risorga il mondo" (Angelo)
132. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Di rabbia indarno freme" (Angelo)
133. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Misero! ho pure udito?" (Lucifero, Angelo)
134. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Per celare il nuovo scorno" (Lucifero)
135. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Oh come cieco il tuo furor delira!" (Angelo)
136. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Impedirlo io saprò" (Lucifero, Angelo)
137. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Amica, troppo tardo" (Maddalena, Cleofe)
138. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Per me già di morire" (Maddalena)
139. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Ahi, abborrito nome!" (Lucifero)
140. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Vedo il Ciel che più sereno" (Cleofe)
141. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Cleofe, siam giunte al luogo" (Maddalena, Cleofe, Angelo)
142. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Se per colpa di donna infelice" (Angelo)
143. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Mio Gesù, mio Signore" (Maddalena)
144. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Del ciglio dolente" (Maddalena)
145. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Sì, sì, cerchiamo pure" (Cleofe)
146. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Augelletti, ruscelletti" (Cleofe)
147. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Dove sì frettolosi" (San Giovanni, Cleofe)
148. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Caro Figlio!" (San Giovanni)
149. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Cleofe, Giovanni, udite" (Maddalena, San Giovanni, Cleofe)
150. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Se impassibile, immortale" (Maddalena)
151. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Sì, sì, col Redentore" (San Giovanni, Cleofe, Maddalena)
152. La resurrezione, HWV 47, Part 2: "Diasi lode in Cielo, in terra" (Chorus)
153. Dixit Dominus HWV232: I Dixit Dominus [Soprano, Counter-Tenor, Tenor, Chorus]
154. Dixit Dominus HWV232: II Virgam virtutis tuae [Counter-Tenor]
155. Dixit Dominus HWV232: III Tecum principium in die virtutis [Soprano]
156. Dixit Dominus HWV232: IV Juravit Dominus [Chorus]
157. Dixit Dominus HWV232: V Tu es sacerdos in aeternum [Chorus]
158. Dixit Dominus HWV232: VI Dominus a dextris tuis [Sopranos, Tenors, Bass, Chorus]
159. Dixit Dominus HWV232: VII De torrente in via bibet [Sopranos, Chorus]
160. Dixit Dominus HWV232: VIII Gloria Patri, et Filio [Chorus]
Handel Edition Volume 6
01. Belshazzar: Overture To Act 1
02. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Vain, fluctuating state" [Nitocris]
03. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Thou, God most high" [Nitocris]
04. Belshazzar: Act 1 "The fate of Babylon" [Nitocris] "Oh much belov'd" [Nitocris, Daniel]
05. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Lament not thus" [Daniel]
06. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Behold, by Persia's hero made" [Chorus]
07. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Well may they laugh" [Gobrias, Cyrus] "Oh memory!" [Gobrias]
08. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Oppress'd with never-ceasing grief" [Gobrias]
09. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Dry those anavailing tears" [Cyrus]
10. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Be comforted" [Cyrus] "Methought, as on the bank" [Cyrus] "Now tell me, Gobrias" [Cyrus, Gobrias]
11. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Behold the monstrous human beast" [Gobrias]
12. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Can you then think" "Great God! who, yet but darkly known" "My friends, be confident" [Cyrus]
13. Belshazzar: Act 1 "All empires" [Chorus]
14. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Oh sacred oracles" [Daniel]
15. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Rejoice, my countrymen" "For long ago" "Thus saith the Lord" [Daniel]
16. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Sing, oh ye heav'ns!" [Chorus]
17. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Let festal joy" [Belshazzar]
18. Belshazzar: Act 1 "For you, my friends" [Belshazzar, Nitocris]
19. Belshazzar: Act 1 "The leafy honours" [Nitocris]
20. Belshazzar: Act 1 "It is the custom" [Belshazzar, Nitocris]
21. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Recall, oh king!" [Chorus]
22. Belshazzar: Act 1 "They tell you true" [Nitocris, Belshazzar]
23. Belshazzar: Act 1 "Oh dearer than my life" [Nitocris, Belshazzar]
24. Belshazzar: Act 1 "By slow degrees" [Chorus]
25. Belshazzar: Act 2 "See from his post" "Why, faithless river" "Euphrates hath his task" "Of things on earth" [Chorus]
26. Belshazzar: Act 2 "You see, my friends" "Amaz'd to find the foe so near" [Cyrus]
27. Belshazzar: Act 2 "To arms, to arms!" [Chorus]
28. Belshazzar: Act 2 "Ye tutelar gods" [Chorus]
29. Belshazzar: Act 2 "Let the deep bowl" [Belshazzar] "Where is the God" [Chorus] "Help, help the king!" [Chorus, Belshazzar] "Call all my wise men" [Belshazzar]
30. Belshazzar: Act 2 "Ye sages!" [Belshazzar] "Alas! too hard a task" [Chorus]
31. Belshazzar: Act 2 "Oh misery!" [Chorus]
32. Belshazzar: Act 2 "Oh king" [Nitocris] "Art thou that Daniel" [Belshazzar]
33. Belshazzar: Act 2 "No! to thyself" [Daniel] "Yet to obey" [Daniel] "Though, o king" [Daniel] "Oh sentence too severe!" [Nitocris]
34. Belshazzar: Act 2 "Regard, oh son" [Nitocris]
35. Belshazzar: Act 2 "Oh God of Truth!" "You, Gobrias, lead directly to the palace" [Cyrus]
36. Belshazzar: Act 2 "Oh glorious prince!" [Chorus]
37. Belshazzar: Act 3 "Alternate hopes and fears" [Nitocris]
38. Belshazzar: Act 3 "Fain would I hope" [Nitocris, Daniel] "Can the black Aethiop change his skin?" [Daniel]
39. Belshazzar: Act 3 "My hopes revive" [Nitocris, Arioch, Messenger]
40. Belshazzar: Act 3 "Bel boweth down" [Chorus]
41. Belshazzar: Act 3 "I thank thee, Sesach" [Belshazzar] A Marital Symphony
42. Belshazzar: Act 3 "To pow'r immortal" [Gobrias]
43. Belshazzar: Act 3 "Be it thy care" "Destructive War" [Cyrus]
44. Belshazzar: Act 3 "Great Victor" [Nitocris, Cyrus]
45. Belshazzar: Act 3 "Say, venerable prophet" [Cyrus, Daniel]
46. Belshazzar: Act 3 "Tell it out" [Chorus] "Yes, I will build the city" [Cyrus]
47. Belshazzar: Act 3 "I will magnify thee" [Chorus, Belshazzar, Nitocris, Cyrus, Daniel, Gobrias, Arioch, Messenger]
48. Jephtha HWV70: Overture-Menuet
49. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "It must be so-or these vile Ammonites" "Pour forth no more unheeded pray'rs" [Zebul]
50. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "No more to Ammon's god and king" [Chorus]
51. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "But Jephtha comes" [Zebul, Jephtha] "Virtue my soul shall still embrace" [Jephtha]
52. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "'Twill be a painful separation, Jephtha" "In gentle murmurs will I mourn" [Storgè]
53. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "Happy this embassy, my charming Iphis" "Dull delay, in piercing anguish" [Hamor]
54. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "Ill suits the voice of love when glory calls" "Take the heart you fondly gave" [Iphis]
55. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "I go; my soul, inspir'd by thy command" [Hamor] "These labours past, how happy we!" [Iphis]
56. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "What mean these doubtful fancies" "If, Lord, susain'd" "'Tis said" [Jephtha]
57. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "O God, behold our sore distress" [Chorus]
58. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "Some dire event hangs o'er our heads" "Scenes of horror, scenes of woe" [Storgè]
59. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "Say, my dear mother" [Iphis, Storgè] "The smiling dawn of happy days" [Iphis]
60. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "Such, Jephtha, was the haughty king's reply" [Zebul, Jephtha]
61. Jephtha HWV70: Act 1 "When his loud voice in thunder spoke" [Chorus]
62. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Glad tidings of great joy to thee, dear Iphis" [Hamor]
63. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Cherub and Seraphim, unbodied forms" [Chorus]
64. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Up the dreadful steep ascending" [Hamor]
65. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "'Tis well. Haste, haste, ye maidens" "Tune the soft melodious lute" [Iphis]
66. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Again Heav'n smiles on his repentant people" "Freedom now once more possessing" [Zebul]
67. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Zebul, thy deeds were valiant" "His mighty arm, with sudden blow" [Jephtha]
68. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "In glory high, in might serene" [Chorus]
69. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 Symphony
70. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Hail, glorious conqueror!" "Welcome as the cheerful light" [Iphis, Chorus]
71. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Horror! confusion!" "Open thy marble jaws, O tomb" [Jephtha]
72. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Why is my brother thus afflicted" [Zebul, Jephtha]
73. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "First perish thou, and perish all the world!... Let other creatures die" [Storgè]
74. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "If such thy cruel purpose" "On me let blind mistaken zeal" [Hamor]
75. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "O spare your daughter!" [Zebul, Storgè, Hamor, Jephtha]
76. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Such news fly swift" "Happy they! this vital breath" [Iphis]
77. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "Deeper and deeper still" [Jephtha]
78. Jephtha HWV70: Act 2 "How dark, O Lord, are Thy decrees!" [Chorus]
79. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "Hide thou thy hated beams, O sun" "A father, offering up" "Waft her, angels, through the skies" [Jephtha]
80. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "Ye sacred priests" "Farewell, ye limpid springs and floods" [Iphis]
81. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "Doubtful fear and rev'rent awe" [Chorus]
82. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "And they determin'd will declare" Symphony [Chorus]
83. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "Rise, Jephtha, and ye rev'rend priests" "Happy, Iphis, shalt thou live" [Angel]
84. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "For ever blessed be thy holy name" [Jephtha]
85. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "Theme sublime of endless praise" [Chorus]
86. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "Let me congratulate this happy turn" "Laud her, all ye virgin train" [Zebul]
87. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "O let me fold thee in a mother's arms" "Sweet as sight to the blind" [Storgè]
88. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "With transport, Iphis, I behold thy safety" "'Tis Heaven's all-ruling pow'r" [Hamor]
89. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "My faithful Hamor, may that Providence" "Freely I to Heaven resign" [Iphis]
90. Jephtha HWV70: Act 3 "Ye house of Gilead, with one voice" [Chorus]
Handel Edition Volume 7
001. Saul, HWV 53: Symphony (Allegro-Larghetto-Allegro-Menuet. Andante larghetto)
002. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 1, Chorus, "How excellent thy name, oh Lord" (Chorus)
003. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 2, Aria, "An infant raised by thy command" (Soprano)
004. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 3, Trio, "Along the monster atheist strode" (Counter-Tenor, Tenor, Bass)
005. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 4, Chorus, "The youth inspired by Thee, o Lord"-No. 5, Chorus, "How excellent Thy name, o Lord"
006. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 6, Recitative, "He comes!"-No. 7, Air, "O godlike youth!" (Michal)
007. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 8, Recitative, "Behold, o King, the brave, victorious youth" (Abner, Saul, David)-No. 9, Air, "O King, your favours with delight I take" (David)
008. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 10, Recitative, "Oh early piety!" (Jonathan)
009. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 11a, Air, "What abject thoughts" (Merab)
010. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 12, Recitative, "Yet think, on whom this honour" (Merab)-No. 13, Air, "Birth and fortune I despise!" (Jonathan)
011. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 16, Recitative, "Thou, Merab, first in birth" (Saul, Merab)-No. 17, Air, "My soul rejects the thoughts with scorn" (Merab)
012. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 18, Air, "See, with what a scornful air"-No. 19, Air, "Ah! lovely youth!" (Michal)
013. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 20, Symphony (Andante allegro)
014. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 3: No. 21, Recitative, "Already see, the daughters of the land" (Michal)
015. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 3: No. 22, Chorus, "Welcome, mighty king!" (Chorus)
016. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 3: No. 23, Recitative, "What do I hear?" (Saul)-No. 24, Chorus, "David his ten thousands slew"-No. 25, Recitative, "To him ten thousands!" (Saul)-No. 26, Air, "With rage I shall burst his praises to hear!" (S
017. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 4: No. 27, Recitative, "Imprudent women!" (Jonathan, Michal)-No. 28, Air, "Fell rage and black despair possest" (Michal)
018. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 31, Recitative, "Racked with infernal pains" (Abner)
019. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 32b, Air, "O Lord, whose mercies numberless" (David)
020. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 34, Recitative, "Tis all in vain" (Jonathan)
021. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 35, Air, "A serpent, in my bosom warmed"-No. 36, Recitative, "Has he escaped my rage?" (Saul)
022. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 37, Air, "Capricious man, in humour lost" (Merab)
023. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 6: No. 38, Recitative, "O filial piety!"-No. 29, Air, "No, cruel father, no" (Jonathan)
024. Saul, HWV 53, Act 1 Scene 6: No. 41, Chorus, "Preserve him for the glory of thy name"
025. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 1: No. 42, Chorus, "Envy! eldest born of hell!"
026. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 2: No. 43, Recitative, "Ah, dearest friend"-No. 44, Air, "But sooner Jordan's stream"-No. 47, Recitative, "My father comes" (Jonathan)
027. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 3: No. 48, Recitative, "Hast thou obeyed my orders" (Saul, Jonathan)-No. 49, Air, "Sin not, o King" (Jonathan)
028. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 3: No. 50, Air, "As great Jehovah lives" (Saul)
029. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 3: No. 51, Air, "From cities stormed, and battles won" (Jonathan)
030. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 4: No. 52, Recitative, "Appear, my friend" (Jonathan, Saul)
031. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 4: No. 53, Air, "Your words, o King" (David)
032. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 4: No. 54, Recitative, "Yes, he shall wed my daughter" (Saul)
033. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 55, Recitative, "A father's will has authoriz'd my love" (Michal)
034. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 56, Duet, "O fairest of ten thousand fair" (Michal, David)
035. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 57, Chorus, "Is there a man"
036. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 58a, Symphony (Largo-Allegro)
037. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 6: No. 59, Recitative, "Thy father is as cruel" (David)-No. 60, Duet, "At persecution I can laugh" (David, Michal)
038. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 7: No. 61, Recitative, "Whom dost thou seek?" (Michal, Doeg)-No. 62, Air, "No, no, let the guilty tremble" (Michal)
039. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 8: No. 63, Recitative, "Mean as he was"-No. 64, Air, "Author of peace" (Merab)
040. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 9: No. 65, Symphony (Allegro)
041. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 9: No. 66a, Recitative, "The time at length is come" (Saul)
042. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 10: No. 67, Recitative, "Where is the son of Jesse?" (Saul, Jonathan)
043. Saul, HWV 53, Act 2 Scene 10: No. 68, Chorus, "O fatal consequence of rage"
044. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 1: No. 69, Recitative, "Wretch that I am!"-No. 70, Air, "Tis said, here lives a woman" (Saul)
045. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 2: No. 71, Recitative, "With me what would'st thou?" (Witch, Saul)-No. 72, Air, "Infernal spirits" (Witch)
046. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 3: No. 73, Recitative, "Why hast thou forced me … O holy prophet!" (Samuel, Saul)
047. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 3: No. 74, Symphony (Allegro)
048. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 4: No. 75, Recitative, "Whence comst thou?" (David, Amalekite)-No. 76, Air, "Impious wretch, of race accurst" (David)
049. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 4: No. 77b, March (Grave)
050. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 78, Chorus, "Mourn, Israel, mourn, thy beauty lost!"
051. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 79, Air, "O let it not in Gath be heard" (Jonathan)-No. 80, Air, "From this unhappy day" (Michal)
052. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 82, Chorus, "Eagles were not so swift as they"
053. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 83, Air, "In sweetest harmony they lived" (Merab)-No. 84, Solo and Chorus, "O fatal day!" (David, Chorus)
054. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 85a, Recitative, "Ye men of Judah, weep no more" (High Priest)
055. Saul, HWV 53, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 86, Chorus, "Gird on thy sword" (Chorus)
056. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: Overture (Larghetto e staccato-Allegro-Adagio-Andante)
057. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: Recitative, "T'was at the royal feast, for Persia won by Philip's warlike son" (Tenor)
058. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 1, Air and Chorus, "Happy pair!" (Tenor, Soprano, Chorus)
059. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: Recitative, "Timotheus, plac'd on high" (Tenor)
060. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 3, Recitative accompanied, "The song began from Jove" (Soprano)
061. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 4, Chorus, "The list'ning crowd admire the lofty sound"
062. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 5, Aria, "With ravish'd ears the monarch hears" (Soprano)
063. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: Recitative, "The praise of Bacchus then the sweet musician sung" (Tenor)
064. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 6, Air and Chorus, "Bacchus, ever fair and young … Bacchus' blessings are a treasure" (Bass, Chorus)
065. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: Recitative, "Sooth'd with the sound" (Tenor)
066. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 7, Recitative accompanied, "He choose a mournful Muse" (Soprano)
067. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 8, Air, "He sung Darius, great and good" (Soprano)
068. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 9, Recitative accompanied, "With downcast looks the joyless victor sate" (Soprano)
069. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 10, Chorus, "Behold Darius great and good"
070. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: Recitative, "The mighty master smiled to see" (Tenor)
071. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 11, Arioso, "Softly sweet in Lydian measures" (Soprano)
072. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 12, Air, "War, he sung, is toil and trouble" (Tenor)
073. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 13, Chorus, "The many rend the skies with loud applause"
074. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 14a, Air, "The Prince, unable to conceal his pain" (Soprano)
075. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 1: No. 14b, Chorus, "The many rend the skies with loud applause" (da capo)
076. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2: No. 15, Recitative accompanied with Chorus, "Now strike the golden Lyre again! … Break his bonds of sleep asunder … Hark, hark!" (Tenor, Chorus)
077. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2: No. 16, Air, "Revenge, Timotheus cries" (Bass)
078. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2: No. 17, Recitative accompanied, "Give the vengeance due to the valiant crew" (Tenor)
079. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2: No. 18, Air, "The princes applaud with a furious joy" (Tenor)
080. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2: No. 19, Air with Chorus, "Thais led the way … The princes applaud with a furious joy" (Soprano, Chorus)
081. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2: No. 20, Recitative accompanied with Chorus, "Thus, long ago, ere heaving Bellows … At last divine Cecilia came" (Tenor, Chorus)
082. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2: Recitative, "Let old Timotheus yield the prize" (Tenor, Bass)
083. Alexander's Feast or the Power of Musick, HWV 75, Pt. 2: No. 21, Chorus, "Let old Timotheus yield the prize" (Soprano, Tenor, Bass, Chorus)
084. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: Overture (Larghetto e staccato-Allegro-Menuet)-Recitative, "From Harmony, from heavenly Harmony"-No. 1, Recitative accompanied, "When Nature underneath a heap" (Tenor)
085. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 2, Chorus, "From Harmony, from heavenly Harmony"
086. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 3, Air, "What passion cannot Music raise and quell!" (Soprano)
087. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 4, Solo and Chorus, "The trumpet's loud clangor excites us" (Tenor, Chorus)
088. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 5, March
089. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 6, Air, "The soft complainning flute" (Soprano)
090. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 7, Air, "Sharp Violins proclaim their jealous pangs" (Tenor)
091. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 8, Air, "But oh! what art can teach" (Soprano)
092. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 9, Air, "Orpheus could lead" (Soprano)
093. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 10, Recitative accompanied, "But bright Cecilia rais'd the wonder high'r" (Soprano)
094. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: No. 11, Chorus, "As from the power of sacred lays"
095. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 1, Chorus, (a) "We praise thee, o God"
096. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 1, Chorus, (b) "All the earth doth worship Thee"
097. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 2, Solo and Chorus, "To Thee all angels cry aloud" (Tenor 1, Alto, Chorus)
098. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 3, Solo and Chorus, "To Thee, Cherubim and Seraphim" (Soprano, Alto, Chorus)
099. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 4, Solo and Chorus, (a) "The glorious company" (Tenor 1, Bass, Soprano, Alto, Chorus)
100. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 4, Solo and Chorus, (b) "Thou art the King of Glory" (Chorus)
101. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 5, Solo and Chorus, (a) "When Thou took'st upon Thee" (Alto, Soprano, Tenors, Bass, Chorus)
102. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 5, Solo and Chorus, (b) "Thou sittest at the right hand of God" (Chorus)
103. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 6, Solo and Chorus, "We believe that Thou shalt come" (Chorus, Alto, Tenor 1, Soprano)
104. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 7, Chorus, "Day by day we magnify Thee" (Soloists, Chorus)
105. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 8, Chorus, "And we worship thy name"
106. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 9, Solo and Chorus, "Vouchsafe, o Lord" (Soprano, Alto, Tenors, Bass, Chorus)
107. Te Deum in D Major, HWV 278, "Utrecht Te Deum": No. 10, Chorus, "O Lord in Thee have I trusted"
108. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: Recitativo, "La terra è liberata" (Apollo)
109. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 1, Aria, "Pende il ben dell'universo" (Apollo)
110. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: Rcitativo, "Ch'il superbetto Amore" (Apollo)
111. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 2, Aria, "Spezza l'arco e getta l'armi" (Apollo)
112. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 3, Aria, "Felicissima quest'alma" (Dafne)
113. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: Recitativo, "Che voce! Che beltà!" (Apollo, Dafne)
114. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 4, Aria, "Ardi, adori e preghi in vano" (Dafne)
115. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: Recitativo, "Che crudel! Ch'importuno" (Apollo, Dafne)
116. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 5, Duet, "Una guerra ho dentro il seno" (Dafne, Apollo)
117. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: Recitativo, "Placati al fin, o cara" (Apollo)
118. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 6, Aria, "Come rosa in su la spina" (Apollo)
119. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: Recitativo, "Ah ch'un Dio non dovrebbe" (Dafne)
120. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 7, Aria, "Come in ciel benigna stella" (Dafne)
121. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: Recitativo, "Odi la mia ragion!" (Apollo, Dafne)
122. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 8, Duet, "Deh lascia addolcire" (Apollo, Dafne)
123. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: Recitativo, "Sempre t'adorerò!" (Apollo, Dafne)
124. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 9, Aria, "Mie piante correte, mie braccie stringete" (Apollo)
125. Cantata "Apollo e Dafne", HWV 122: No. 10, Aria, "Cara pianta co'miei pianti" (Apollo)
126. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17: Overture (Andante-Allegro)
127. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 1, Coro, "Viva il nostro Alcide!" (Chorus)
128. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 2, Aria, "Presti omai l'Egizia terra" (Giulio Cesare)
129. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1 Scene 4: No. 4, Aria, "Priva son d'ogni conforto" (Cornelia)
130. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1 Scene 4: Recitativo, "Vani sono i lamenti" (Sesto)
131. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1 Scene 4: No. 5, Aria, "Svegliatevi nel core" (Sesto)
132. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1 Scene 8: No. 12, Aria, "Cara speme, questo core" (Sesto)
133. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 1 Scene 9: No. 14, Aria, "Va tacito e nascosto" (Cesare)
134. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 2 Scene 6: No. 24, Aria, "Cessa omai di sospirare!" (Cornelia)
135. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 2 Scene 8: No. 29, Aria, "Se pietà di me non senti" (Cleopatra)
136. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 3 Scene 2: No. 33, Sinfonia
137. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 3 Scene 7: No. 40, Aria, "Da tempeste il legno infranto" (Cleopatra)
138. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 3 Scene 10: No. 42b, La Marche
139. Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, Act 3 Scene 10: No. 44, Coro, "Ritorni omai nel nostro core" (Chorus, Cesare, Cleopatra)
Handel Edition Volume 8
001. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 1, Sinfonia (Presto-Adagio)
002. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 2, Chorus, "Oh the pleasure of the plains!"
003. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 3, Recitative accompanied, "Ye verdant plains and woody mountains" (Galatea)
004. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 4, Air, "Hush, ye pretty warbling quire" (Galatea)
005. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 5, Air, "Where shall I seek the charming fair?" (Acis)
006. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: Recitative, "Stay, shepherd, stay!" (Damon)
007. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 6, Air, "Shepherd, what art thou pursuing?" (Damon)
008. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: Recitative, "Lo! Here my love!" (Acis)
009. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 7, Air, "Love in her eyes sits playing" (Acis)
010. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: Recitative, "Oh! Didst thou know the pains of absent love" (Galatea)
011. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 8, Air, "As when the dove laments her love" (Galatea)
012. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 9a, Duet, "Happy we!" (Acis, Galatea)
013. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 9b, Chorus, "Happy we!"
014. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 10, Chorus, "Wretched lovers!"
015. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 11, Recitative accompanied, "I rage, I melt, I burn!" (Polyphemus)
016. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 12, Air, "O ruddier than the cherry" (Polyphemus)
017. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: Recitative, "Whither, fairest, art thou running" (Polyphemus, Galatea)
018. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 13, Air, "Cease to beauty to be suing" (Polyphemus)
019. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 14, Air, "Would you gain the tender creature" (Damon)
020. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: Recitative, "His hideous love provokes my rage" (Acis)
021. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 15, Air, "Love sounds th'alarm" (Acis)
022. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 16, Air, "Consider, fond shepherd, how fleeting's the pleasure" (Coridon)
023. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: Recitative, "Cease, oh cease, thou gentle youth" (Galatea)
024. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 17, Trio, "The flocks shall leave the mountains" (Acis, Galatea, Polyphemus)
025. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 18, Recitative accompanied, "Help, Galatea!" (Acis)
026. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 19, Chorus, "Mourn, all ye muses!"
027. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 20, Solo and Chorus, "Must I my Acis still bemoan" (Galatea, Chorus)
028. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: Recitative, "Tis done, thus I exert my pow'r divine" (Galatea)
029. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 21, Air, "Heart, the seat of soft delight" (Galatea)
030. Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 2: No. 22, Chorus, "Galatea, dry thy tears"
031. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1: Overtura (Maestoso-Allegro)
032. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1: Trio (Larghetto e piano)
033. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1: Courante
034. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 1: Recitative, "Tis Diocletian's natal day" (Valens)
035. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 1a, Aria, "Go, my faithful soldier, go" (Valens)
036. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 2, Chorus, "And draw a blessing down on his imperial crown" (Heathens)
037. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 1: Recitative, "Vouchsafe, dread Sir, a gracious ear" (Didymus, Valens)
038. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 3, Aria, "Racks, gibbets, sword and fire" (Valens)
039. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 4, Chorus, "For ever thus stands fix'd the doom" (Heathens)
040. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 2: Recitative, "Most cruel edict!" (Didymus)
041. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 5, Aria, "The raptur'd soul defies the sword" (Didymus)
042. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 2: Recitative, "I know thy virtues" (Septimius)
043. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 6, Aria, "Descend, kind Pity, heav'nly guest" (Septimius)
044. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 3: Recitative, "Though hard, my friends" (Theodora)
045. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 3: No. 7, Aria, "Fond flatt'ring world, adieu!" (Theodora)
046. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 3: Recitative, "O bright example of all goodness!" (Irene)
047. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 3: No. 8, Aria, "Bane of virtue, nurse of passions" (Irene)
048. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 3: No. 9, Chorus, "Come, mighty Father, mighty Lord" (Christians)
049. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 4: Recitative, "Fly, my brethren!" (Messenger)-Recitative, "Ah! wither should we fly?" (Irene)
050. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 4: No. 10, Aria, "As with rosy steps the morn advancing" (Irene)
051. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 4: No. 11, Chorus, "All pow'r heaven above, or earth beneath" (Christians)
052. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 5: Recitative, "Mistaken wretches! why thus blind to fate" (Septimius)
053. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 12, Aria, "Dread the fruits of Christian folly" (Septimius)
054. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 5: Recitative, "Deluded mortal! Call it not rebellion" (Theodora, Septimius)
055. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 13, Recitative accompanied, "Oh worse than death indeed!" (Theodora)
056. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 14, Aria, "Angels, ever bright and fair" (Theodora)
057. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 6: Recitative, "Unhappy, happy crew!" (Didymus, Irene)
058. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 6: No. 15, Aria, "Kind Heav'n if virtue be thy care" (Didymus)
059. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 6: Recitative, "O love, how great thy pow'r!" (Irene)
060. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 6: No. 16, Chorus, "Go, gen'rous pious youth" (Christians)
061. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 1: Recitative, "Ye men of Antioch" (Valens)
062. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 1: No. 17, Chorus, "Queen of summer, queen of love" (Heathens)
063. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 1: No. 18, Aria, "Wide spread his name and make his glory" (Valens)
064. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 1: Recitative, "Return, Septimius" (Valens)
065. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 1: No. 19, "Venus laughing from the skies" (Heathens)
066. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 2: No. 20, Symphony (Largo)
067. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 2: Recitative, "O thou bright sun!" (Theodora)
068. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 2: No. 21a, Aria, "With darkness deep, as is my woe" (Theodora)
069. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 2: No. 21b, Sinfonia (Largo)
070. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 2: Recitative, "But why art thou disquited, my soul?" (Theodora)
071. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 2: No. 22, Aria, "Oh that I on wings could rise" (Theodora)
072. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 3: Recitative, "Long have I known thy friendly social soul" (Didymus, Septimius)
073. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 3: No. 23, Aria, "Though the honours that Flora and Venus receive" (Septimius)
074. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 3: Recitative, "Oh save her then or give me pow'r to save" (Didymus, Septimius)
075. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 3: No. 24, Aria, "Deeds of kindness to display" (Didymus)
076. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 4: Recitative, "The clouds begin to veil the hemisphere" (Irene)
077. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 4: No. 25, Aria, "Defend her, Heav'n, let angels spread" (Irene)
078. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: Recitative, "Or lull'd with grief or rapt her soul to Heav'n" (Didymus)
079. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 26, Aria, "Sweet rose and lily, flow'ry form!" (Didymus)
080. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: Recitative, "O save me, Heav'n, in this my perilous hour!" (Theodora, Didymus)
081. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 27, Aria, "The pilgrim's home, the sick man's health" (Theodora)
082. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 28, Recitative accompanied, "Forbid it, Heav'n!" (Didymus)
083. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: Recitative, "Or, say, what right have I to take" (Didymus, Theodora)
084. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 29, Duet, "To thee, thou glorious son of worth" (Theodora, Didymus)
085. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 6: Recitative, "Tis night, but night's sweet blessing" (Irene)
086. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 6: No. 30, Chorus, "He saw the lovely thruth" (Christians)
087. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 1: No. 31, Aria, "Lord, to thee each night and day" (Irene)
088. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 2: Recitative, "But see, the good, the virtuous Didymus!" (Irene, Theodora)
089. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 2: No. 32a, Aria, "When sunk in anguish and despair" (Theodora)
090. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 2: No. 33, Solo and Chorus, "Blest be the hand" (Theodora, Christians)
091. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 3: Recitative, "Undaunted in the court stands Didymus" (Messenger, Irene)
092. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 3: No. 34, Recitative accompanied, "Oh my Irene, Heav'n is kind"-Recitative, "Stay me not, my friend" (Theodora)
093. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 3: No. 35, Duet, "Wither, princess, do you fly?" (Irene, Theodora)
094. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 3: Recitative, "She's gone! disdaining liberty" (Irene)
095. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 3: No. 36, Aria, "New scenes of joy come crowding on" (Irene)
096. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 4: Recitative, "Is it a Christian virtue" (Valens, Didymus)-Recitative, "Be that my doom!" (Theodora, Septimius)
097. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 37a, Aria, "From virtue springs each gen'rous deed" (Septimius)
098. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 38a, Aria, "Cease, ye slaves, your fruitless pray'r" (Valens)
099. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 5: Recitative, "Tis kind, my friends" (Didymus, Theodora)
100. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 39, Chorus, "How strange their ends and yet how glorious!" (Christians)
101. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 5: Recitative, "On me your frowns" (Didymus, Theodora, Valens)-Recitative, "Ye ministers of justice" (Valens)
102. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 6: Recitative, "And must such beauty suffer!" (Didymus, Theodora, Septimius)
103. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 6: No. 41, Aria and Duet, "Streams of pleasure ever flowing … Thither let our hearts aspire!" (Didymus, Theodora)
104. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 6: Recitative, "Ere this their doom is past" (Irene)
105. Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 6: No. 42, Chorus, "Oh Love divine, thou source of fame" (Irene, Christians)
106. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 1, Recitativo, "Dunque sarà pur vero" (Soprano)
107. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 2, Aria, "Orrida, oscura, l'etra si renda" (Soprano)
108. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 3, Recitativo, "Ma pria che d'empia morte" (Soprano)
109. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 4, Aria, "Renda cenere il tiranno" (Soprano)
110. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 5, Recitativo, "Sì, sì, del gran tiranno" (Soprano)
111. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 6, Arioso e Recitativo, "Come, o Dio! bramo la morte" (Soprano)
112. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 7, Aria, "Se infelice al mondo vissi" (Soprano)
113. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 8, Recitativo, "Trema l'ingrato figlio" (Soprano)
114. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 9, Aria, "Su lacerate il seno" (Soprano)
115. Cantata "Agrippina condotta a morire", HWV 110: No. 10, Recitativo, "Ecco a morte gia corro" (Soprano)
116. Cantata "Armida abbandonata", HWV 105: No. 1, Recitativo accompagnato, "Dietro l'orme fugaci" (Soprano)
117. Cantata "Armida abbandonata", HWV 105: No. 2, Aria, "Ah! crudele e pur ten vai" (Soprano)
118. Cantata "Armida abbandonata", HWV 105: No. 3, Recitativo, "Per te mi struggo, infido" (Soprano)
119. Cantata "Armida abbandonata", HWV 105: No. 4, Recitativo accompagnato, "O voi dell'incostante e procelloso" (Soprano)
120. Cantata "Armida abbandonata", HWV 105: No. 5, Aria, "Venti, fermate" (Soprano)
121. Cantata "Armida abbandonata", HWV 105: No. 6, Recitativo, "Ma che parlo, che dico?" (Soprano)
122. Cantata "Armida abbandonata", HWV 105: No. 7, Aria, "In tanti affanni miei assistimi almen" (Soprano)
123. Cantata "La Lucrezia", HWV 145: No. 1, Recitativo, "Oh Numi eterni!" (Soprano)
124. Cantata "La Lucrezia", HWV 145: No. 2, Aria, "Gia superbo del moi affanno" (Soprano)
125. Cantata "La Lucrezia", HWV 145: No. 3, Recitativo, "Ma voi forse nel cielo" (Soprano)
126. Cantata "La Lucrezia", HWV 145: No. 4, Aria, "Il suol che preme" (Soprano)
127. Cantata "La Lucrezia", HWV 145: No. 5, Recitativo, "Ah! che ancor nell'abisso" (Soprano)
128. Cantata "La Lucrezia", HWV 145: No. 6, Arioso, "Alla salma in fedel porga la pena" (Soprano)
129. Cantata "La Lucrezia", HWV 145: No. 7, Recitativo, "A voi, padre, consorte" (Soprano)
130. Cantata "La Lucrezia", HWV 145: No. 8, Arioso, "Gia nel seno comincia" (Soprano)
Handel Edition Volume 9
001. Concerto Grosso No.4 In F Major Op.3 HWV315: I Largo-Allegro
002. Concerto Grosso No.4 In F Major Op.3 HWV315: II Andante
003. Concerto Grosso No.4 In F Major Op.3 HWV315: III Allegro
004. Concerto Grosso No.4 In F Major Op.3 HWV315: IV Menuet-Alternat-Allegro
005. Concerto Grosso No.6 In D Major Op.3 HWV317: I Vivace
006. Concerto Grosso No.6 In D Major Op.3 HWV317: II Ad Libitum [Adagio, Improvised]
007. Concerto Grosso No.6 In D Major Op.3 HWV317: III Allegro
008. Concerto Grosso No.5 In D Minor Op.3 HWV316: I Largo
009. Concerto Grosso No.5 In D Minor Op.3 HWV316: II Allegro
010. Concerto Grosso No.5 In D Minor Op.3 HWV316: III Adagio
011. Concerto Grosso No.5 In D Minor Op.3 HWV316: IV Allegro Ma Non Troppo
012. Concerto Grosso No.5 In D Minor Op.3 HWV316: V Allegro
013. Concerto Grosso No.1 In B Flat Major Op.3 HWV312: I Allegro
014. Concerto Grosso No.1 In B Flat Major Op.3 HWV312: II Largo
015. Concerto Grosso No.1 In B Flat Major Op.3 HWV312: III Allegro
016. Concerto Grosso No.3 In G Major Op.3 HWV314: I Largo E Staccato
017. Concerto Grosso No.3 In G Major Op.3 HWV314: II Allegro
018. Concerto Grosso No.3 In G Major Op.3 HWV314: III Allegro
019. Concerto Grosso No.2 In B Flat Major Op.3 HWV313: I Vivace
020. Concerto Grosso No.2 In B Flat Major Op.3 HWV313: II Largo
021. Concerto Grosso No.2 In B Flat Major Op.3 HWV313: III Allegro
022. Concerto Grosso No.2 In B Flat Major Op.3 HWV313: IV Menuet
023. Concerto Grosso No.2 In B Flat Major Op.3 HWV313: V Gavotte
024. Concerto Grosso No.1 In G Major Op.6 HWV319: I A Tempo Giusto
025. Concerto Grosso No.1 In G Major Op.6 HWV319: II Allegro E Forte
026. Concerto grosso No.1 in G major Op.6 HWV319: III Adagio
027. Concerto grosso No.1 in G major Op.6 HWV319: IV Allegro
028. Concerto grosso No.1 in G major Op.6 HWV319: V Allegro
029. Concerto grosso No.2 in F major Op.6 HWV320: I Andante larghetto
030. Concerto grosso No.2 in F major Op.6 HWV320: II Allegro
031. Concerto grosso No.2 in F major Op.6 HWV320: III Largo-Adagio-Larghetto andante e piano
032. Concerto grosso No.2 in F major Op.6 HWV320: IV Allegro ma non troppo
033. Concerto grosso No.3 in E minor Op.6 HWV321: I Larghetto
034. Concerto grosso No.3 in E minor Op.6 HWV321: II Andante
035. Concerto grosso No.3 in E minor Op.6 HWV321: III Allegro
036. Concerto grosso No.3 in E minor Op.6 HWV321: IV Polonaise-Andante
037. Concerto grosso No.3 in E minor Op.6 HWV321: V Allegro ma non troppo
038. Concerto grosso No.4 in A minor Op.6 HWV322: I Larghetto affettuoso
039. Concerto grosso No.4 in A minor Op.6 HWV322: II Allegro
040. Concerto grosso No.4 in A minor Op.6 HWV322: III Largo e piano
041. Concerto grosso No.4 in A minor Op.6 HWV322: IV Allegro
042. Concerto grosso No.5 in D major Op.6 HWV323: I Overture-Larghetto e staccato
043. Concerto grosso No.5 in D major Op.6 HWV323: II Allegro
044. Concerto grosso No.5 in D major Op.6 HWV323: III Presto
045. Concerto grosso No.5 in D major Op.6 HWV323: IV Largo
046. Concerto grosso No.5 in D major Op.6 HWV323: V Allegro
047. Concerto grosso No.5 in D major Op.6 HWV323: VI Menuet-Un poco larghetto
048. Concerto grosso No.6 in G minor Op.6 HWV324: I Largo affettuoso
049. Concerto grosso No.6 in G minor Op.6 HWV324: II A tempo giusto
050. Concerto grosso No.6 in G minor Op.6 HWV324: III Musette-Larghetto
051. Concerto grosso No.6 in G minor Op.6 HWV324: IV Allegro
052. Concerto grosso No.6 in G minor Op.6 HWV324: V Allegro
053. Concerto grosso No.7 in B flat major Op.6 HWV325: I Largo
054. Concerto grosso No.7 in B flat major Op.6 HWV325: II Allegro
055. Concerto grosso No.7 in B flat major Op.6 HWV325: III Largo
056. Concerto grosso No.7 in B flat major Op.6 HWV325: IV Andante
057. Concerto grosso No.7 in B flat major Op.6 HWV325: V Hornpipe
058. Concerto grosso No.8 in C minor Op.6 HWV326: I Allemande
059. Concerto grosso No.8 in C minor Op.6 HWV326: II Grave
060. Concerto grosso No.8 in C minor Op.6 HWV326: III Andante allegro
061. Concerto grosso No.8 in C minor Op.6 HWV326: IV Adagio
062. Concerto grosso No.8 in C minor Op.6 HWV326: V Siciliana
063. Concerto grosso No.8 in C minor Op.6 HWV326: VI Allegro
064. Concerto grosso No.9 in F major Op.6 HWV327: I Largo
065. Concerto grosso No.9 in F major Op.6 HWV327: II Allegro
066. Concerto grosso No.9 in F major Op.6 HWV327: III Larghetto
067. Concerto grosso No.9 in F major Op.6 HWV327: IV Allegro
068. Concerto grosso No.9 in F major Op.6 HWV327: V Menuet
069. Concerto grosso No.9 in F major Op.6 HWV327: VI Gigue
070. Concerto grosso No.10 in D minor Op.6 HWV328: I Overture-Allegro-Lentement
071. Concerto grosso No.10 in D minor Op.6 HWV328: II Air-Lent
072. Concerto grosso No.10 in D minor Op.6 HWV328: III Allegro
073. Concerto grosso No.10 in D minor Op.6 HWV328: IV Allegro
074. Concerto grosso No.10 in D minor Op.6 HWV328: V Allegro moderato
075. Concerto grosso No.11 in A major Op.6 HWV329: I Andante larghetto e staccato
076. Concerto grosso No.11 in A major Op.6 HWV329: II Allegro
077. Concerto grosso No.11 in A major Op.6 HWV329: III Largo e staccato
078. Concerto grosso No.11 in A major Op.6 HWV329: IV Andante
079. Concerto grosso No.11 in A major Op.6 HWV329: V Allegro
080. Concerto grosso No.12 in B minor Op.6 HWV330: I Largo
081. Concerto grosso No.12 in B minor Op.6 HWV330: II Allegro
082. Concerto grosso No.12 in B minor Op.6 HWV330: III Aria
083. Concerto grosso No.12 in B minor Op.6 HWV330: IV Largo
084. Concerto grosso No.12 in B minor Op.6 HWV330: V Allegro
085. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': I Alla hornpipe
086. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': II Ouverture
087. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': III Adagio e staccato
088. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': IV (Menuet)
089. Suite in F Major, HWV348, 'Water Music': V Andante
090. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': VI Menuet (reprise)
091. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': VII (Passepied)
092. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': VIII Air
093. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': IX Menuet
094. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': X Bourrée
095. Suite in F Major, HWV 348, 'Water Music': XI Hornpipe (Andante)
096. Suite in F major HWV 348, 'Water Music': XII (Allegro)
097. Suite in G Major, HWV 350, 'Water Music': I (Menuet)
098. Suite in G Major, HWV 350, 'Water Music': II Rigaudon I & II
099. Suite in G major, HWV 350, 'Water Music': III Menuet I & II
100. Suite in G Major, HWV 350, 'Water Music': IV (Gigue) I & II
101. Suite in D Major, HWV 349, 'Water Music': I (Allegro)
102. Suite in D Major, HWV 349, 'Water Music': II Alla hornpipe
103. Suite in D Major, HWV 349, 'Water Music': III Menuet
104. Suite in D Major, HWV 349, 'Water Music': IV Lentement
105. Suite in D Major, HWV 349, 'Water Music': V Bourrée
106. Music for the Royal Fireworks, HWV. 351: I. Overture
107. Music for the Royal Fireworks HWV351: II Bourrée
108. Music for the Royal Fireworks HWV351: III La paix-Sicilienne
109. Music for the Royal Fireworks, HWV 351: IV. La réjouissance
110. Music for the Royal Fireworks, HWV 351: V. Menuets 1 & 2
111. Oboe Concerto No.1 in B flat major HWV301: I Adagio
112. Oboe Concerto No.1 in B flat major HWV301: II Allegro
113. Oboe Concerto No.1 in B flat major HWV301: III Siciliano-Largo
114. Oboe Concerto No.1 in B flat major HWV301: IV Allegro
115. Violin Sonata in B flat major HWV288: I Andante
116. Violin Sonata in B flat major HWV288: II Adagio
117. Violin Sonata in B flat major HWV288: III Allegro
118. Oboe Concerto No.2 in B flat major HWV302: I Vivace
119. Oboe Concerto No.2 in B flat major HWV302: II Fuga-Allegro
120. Oboe Concerto No.2 in B flat major HWV302: III Andante
121. Oboe Concerto No.2 in B flat major HWV302: IV Allegro
122. Concerto grosso in C major HWV318, 'Alexander's Feast': I Allegro
123. Concerto grosso in C major HWV318, 'Alexander's Feast': II Largo
124. Concerto grosso in C major HWV318, 'Alexander's Feast': III Allegro
125. Concerto grosso in C major HWV318, 'Alexander's Feast': IV Andante, non presto
126. Organ Concerto No.15 in D minor HWV304: I Andante
127. Organ Concerto No.15 in D minor HWV304: II Adagio-Organo ad libitum, e poi una Fuga allegro ad libitum
128. Organ Concerto No.15 in D minor HWV304: III Allegro
Handel Edition Volume 10
001. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.1 HWV306: I Andante
002. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.1 HWV306: II Andante
003. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.1 HWV306: III Largo
004. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.1 HWV306: IV Allegro
005. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.1 HWV306: V Adagio-Ad Libitum
006. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.1 HWV306: VI Bourrée-Allegro
007. Organ Concerto In A Major Op.7 No.2 HWV307: I Overture
008. Organ Concerto In A Major Op.7 No.2 HWV307: II A Tempo Ordinario
009. Organ Concerto In A Major Op.7 No.2 HWV307: III Largo-Ad Libitum
010. Organ Concerto In A Major Op.7 No.2 HWV307: IV Allegro
011. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.3 HWV308: I Allegro
012. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.3 HWV308: II Fuga-Ad Libitum
013. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.3 HWV308: III Spiritoso
014. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.3 HWV308: IV Menuets 1 & 2
015. Organ Concerto In D Minor Op.7 No.4 HWV309: I Adagio
016. Organ Concerto In D Minor Op.7 No.4 HWV309: II Allegro
017. Organ Concerto In D Minor Op.7 No.4 HWV309: III Adagio-Ad Libitum
018. Organ Concerto In D Minor Op.7 No.4 HWV309: IV Allegro
019. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.7 No.5 HWV310: I Allegro Ma Non Troppo-Adagio
020. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.7 No.5 HWV310: II Andante
021. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.7 No.5 HWV310: III Menuet
022. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.7 No.5 HWV310: IV Gavotte
023. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.6 HWV311: I Pomposo
024. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.6 HWV311: II Adagio-Ad Libitum
025. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.7 No.6 HWV311: III A Tempo Ordinario
026. Organ Concerto In F Major Op.4 No.4 HWV292: I Allegro
027. Organ Concerto In F Major Op.4 No.4 HWV292: II Andante
028. Organ Concerto In F Major Op.4 No.4 HWV292: III Adagio-Ad Libitum
029. Organ Concerto In F Major Op.4 No.4 HWV292: IV Allegro
030. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.4 No.6 HWV294: I Andante-Allegro
031. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.4 No.6 HWV294: II Larghetto
032. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.4 No.6 HWV294: III Allegro Moderato
033. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.4 No.3 HWV291: I Adagio
034. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.4 No.3 HWV291: II Allegro
035. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.4 No.3 HWV291: III Adagio
036. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.4 No.3 HWV291: IV Gavotte-Allegro
037. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.4 No.2 HWV290: I A Tempo Ordinario
038. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.4 No.2 HWV290: II Allegro
039. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.4 No.2 HWV290: III Adagio
040. Organ Concerto In B Flat Major Op.4 No.2 HWV290: IV Allegro Ma Non Troppo
041. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.4 No.1 HWV289: I Larghetto
042. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.4 No.1 HWV289: II Allegro
043. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.4 No.1 HWV289: III Adagio
044. Organ Concerto In G Minor Op.4 No.1 HWV289: IV Andante
045. Organ Concerto In F Major Op.4 No.5 HWV293: I Larghetto
046. Organ Concerto In F Major Op.4 No.5 HWV293: II Allegro
047. Organ Concerto In F Major Op.4 No.5 HWV293: III Alla Siciliana
048. Organ Concerto In F Major Op.4 No.5 HWV293: IV Presto
049. Organ Concerto No.13 In F Major HWV295, 'The Cuckoo And The Nightingale': I Larghetto
050. Organ Concerto No.13 In F Major HWV295, 'The Cuckoo And The Nightingale': II Allegro
051. Organ Concerto No.13 In F Major HWV295, 'The Cuckoo And The Nightingale': III Larghetto
052. Organ Concerto No.13 In F Major HWV295, 'The Cuckoo And The Nightingale': IV Allegro
053. Organ Concerto No.14 In A Major HWV296: I Largo
054. Organ Concerto No.14 In A Major HWV296: II Andante
055. Organ Concerto No.14 In A Major HWV296: III Grave
056. Organ Concerto No.14 In A Major HWV296: IV Allegro
057. Organ Concerto No.19 In D Minor HWV304: I Andante
058. Organ Concerto No.19 In D Minor HWV304: II Pastorale-Ad Libitum
059. Organ Concerto No.19 In D Minor HWV304: III Allegro
060. Organ Concerto No.20 In F Major HWV305a: I Overture
061. Organ Concerto No.20 In F Major HWV305a: II Allegro Ma Non Troppo
062. Organ Concerto No.20 In F Major HWV305a: III Adagio
063. Organ Concerto No.20 In F Major HWV305a: IV Andante
064. Organ Concerto No.20 In F Major HWV305a: V Allegro
065. Organ Concerto No.20 In F Major HWV305a: VI Marche
066. Chaconne In D Minor
067. Fugue No.1 In G Minor HWV605
068. Capriccio In G Minor HWV483
069. Fugue No.3 In B Flat Major HWV607
070. Harpsichord Suite No.6 In G Minor HWV439: I Prelude
071. Harpsichord Suite No.6 In G Minor HWV439: II Allmand
072. Harpsichord Suite No.6 In G Minor HWV439: III Corrant
073. Harpsichord Suite No.6 In G Minor HWV439: IV Jigg
074. Harpsichord Suite No.5 In E Minor HWV438: I Allmand
075. Harpsichord Suite No.5 In E Minor HWV438: II Saraband
076. Harpsichord Suite No.5 In E Minor HWV438: III Jigg
077. Harpsichord Suite No.2 In G Major HWV435, 'Chaconne': I Theme-Variations 1-8
078. Harpsichord Suite No.2 In G Major HWV435, 'Chaconne': II Variations 9-16
079. Harpsichord Suite No.2 In G Major HWV435, 'Chaconne': III Variations 17-20
080. Harpsichord Suite No.4 In D Minor HWV437: I Prelude
081. Harpsichord Suite No.4 In D Minor HWV437: II Allmand
082. Harpsichord Suite No.4 In D Minor HWV437: III Corrant
083. Harpsichord Suite No.4 In D Minor HWV437: IV Sarabande
084. Harpsichord Suite No.4 In D Minor HWV437: V Jigg
085. Sonata In C Major In C Major HWV577, 'Fantaisie'
086. Capriccio In F Major HWV481
087. Preludio Ed Allegro In G Minor HWV574
088. Fantaisie In C Major HWV490
089. Harpsichord Suite No.1 In A Major HWV426: I Prelude
090. Harpsichord Suite No.1 In A Major HWV426: II Allemande
091. Harpsichord Suite No.1 In A Major HWV426: III Courante
092. Harpsichord Suite No.1 In A Major HWV426: IV Gigue
093. Harpsichord Suite No.2 In F Major HWV427: I Adagio
094. Harpsichord Suite No.2 In F Major HWV427: II Allegro
095. Harpsichord Suite No.2 In F Major HWV427: III Adagio
096. Harpsichord Suite No.2 In F Major HWV427: IV Fugue
097. Harpsichord Suite No.5 In E Major HWV430: I Prelude
098. Harpsichord Suite No.5 In E Major HWV430: II Allemande
099. Harpsichord Suite No.5 In E Major HWV430: III Courante
100. Harpsichord Suite No.5 in E major HWV430: IV Air Con Variazioni
101. Harpsichord Suite No.7 In G Minor HWV432: I Overture
102. Harpsichord Suite No.7 In G Minor HWV432: II Andante
103. Harpsichord Suite No.7 In G Minor HWV432: III Allegro
104. Harpsichord Suite No.7 In G Minor HWV432: IV Sarabande
105. Harpsichord Suite No.7 In G Minor HWV432: V Gigue
106. Harpsichord Suite No.7 In G Minor HWV432: VI Passacaille
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