According to Paul McCartney, working on the Beatles Anthology project inspired him to record an album that was stripped-back, immediate, and fun, one less studied and produced than most of his recent work. In many ways, Flaming Pie fulfills those goals. A largely acoustic collection of simple songs, Flaming Pie is direct and unassuming, and at its best, it recalls the homely charm of McCartney and Ram. McCartney still has a tendency to wallow in trite sentiment, and his more ambitious numbers, like the string-drenched epic "Beautiful Night" or the silly Beatlesque psychedelia of "Flaming Pie," fall a little flat. But when he works on a small scale, as on the waltzing "The Song We Were Singing," "Calico Skies," "Great Day," and "Little Willow," he's gently affecting, and the moderately rocking pop of "The World Tonight" and "Young Boy" is more ingratiating than the pair of aimless bluesy jams with Steve Miller. Even with the filler, which should be expected on any McCartney album, Flaming Pie is one of his most successful latter-day efforts, mainly because McCartney is at his best when he doesn't try so hard and lets his effortless melodic gifts rise to the surface.
~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine, All Music
Track List:
01. The Song We Were Singing [3:55]
02. The World Tonight [4:06]
03. If You Wanna [4:37]
04. Somedays [4:15]
05. Young Boy [3:54]
06. Calico Skies [2:32]
07. Flaming Pie [2:30]
08. Heaven On A Sunday [4:27]
09. Used To Be Bad [4:12]
10. Souvenir [3:42]
11. Little Willow [2:58]
12. Really Love You [5:18]
13. Beautiful Night [5:09]
14. Great Day [2:10]
Exact Audio Copy V1.3 from 2. September 2016
EAC extraction logfile from 21. February 2020, 10:26
Paul McCartney / Flaming Pie
Used drive : ASUS DRW-24D5MT Adapter: 1 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 128 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
Additional command line options : -V -8 -T "Date=%year%" -T "Genre=%genre%" %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:55.17 | 0 | 17641
2 | 3:55.17 | 4:05.73 | 17642 | 36089
3 | 8:01.15 | 4:37.35 | 36090 | 56899
4 | 12:38.50 | 4:15.17 | 56900 | 76041
5 | 16:53.67 | 3:54.25 | 76042 | 93616
6 | 20:48.17 | 2:32.03 | 93617 | 105019
7 | 23:20.20 | 2:30.20 | 105020 | 116289
8 | 25:50.40 | 4:26.65 | 116290 | 136304
9 | 30:17.30 | 4:12.12 | 136305 | 155216
10 | 34:29.42 | 3:41.48 | 155217 | 171839
11 | 38:11.15 | 2:57.60 | 171840 | 185174
12 | 41:09.00 | 5:17.70 | 185175 | 209019
13 | 46:26.70 | 5:08.65 | 209020 | 232184
14 | 51:35.60 | 2:09.50 | 232185 | 241909
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename F:\ЕАС\rwa12\Paul McCartney - Flaming Pie.wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 6.9 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 3129FCE0
Copy CRC 3129FCE0
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 30) [C1C44A22] (AR v2)
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 30) [E2CA78FD] (AR v2)
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 30) [7524D7FC] (AR v2)
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 30) [E4CC7187] (AR v2)
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 30) [04F37013] (AR v2)
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 30) [006BC24B] (AR v2)
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 30) [EBCE8082] (AR v2)
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 30) [67FDD38A] (AR v2)
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 30) [B4D916A8] (AR v2)
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 30) [917316B7] (AR v2)
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 30) [0FE9E626] (AR v2)
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 30) [EB194043] (AR v2)
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 29) [9C871094] (AR v2)
Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 29) [ADC44ADA] (AR v2)
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
---- CUETools DB Plugin V2.1.6
Submit result: EEKuwVPM9IpSDCJVaUNB0LA3Wd0- has been confirmed
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (72/73) Accurately ripped
2 | (72/73) Accurately ripped
3 | (72/73) Accurately ripped
4 | (72/73) Accurately ripped
5 | (72/73) Accurately ripped
6 | (72/73) Accurately ripped
7 | (72/73) Accurately ripped
8 | (73/73) Accurately ripped
9 | (72/73) Accurately ripped
10 | (72/73) Accurately ripped
11 | (72/73) Accurately ripped
12 | (71/73) Accurately ripped
13 | (72/73) Accurately ripped
14 | (64/73) Accurately ripped, or (3/73) differs in 2151 samples @02:09:29-02:09:39, or (2/73) differs in 627 samples @02:09:35-02:09:39
==== Log checksum 61999EFED0341605EE1EA697A79D52BEFF19913C44A55707C51276BB291DC912 ====
[CUETools log; Date: 12.03.2020 15:25:35; Version: 2.1.6]
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (74/75) Accurately ripped
2 | (74/75) Accurately ripped
3 | (74/75) Accurately ripped
4 | (74/75) Accurately ripped
5 | (74/75) Accurately ripped
6 | (74/75) Accurately ripped
7 | (74/75) Accurately ripped
8 | (75/75) Accurately ripped
9 | (74/75) Accurately ripped
10 | (74/75) Accurately ripped
11 | (74/75) Accurately ripped
12 | (73/75) Accurately ripped
13 | (74/75) Accurately ripped
14 | (66/75) Accurately ripped, or (3/75) differs in 2151 samples @02:09:29-02:09:39, or (2/75) differs in 627 samples @02:09:35-02:09:39
[AccurateRip ID: 001bf925-0129082a-b40c990e] found.
Track [ CRC | V2 ] Status
01 [dfd941d5|c1c44a22] (06+30/36) Accurately ripped
02 [07f8e65b|e2ca78fd] (06+30/36) Accurately ripped
03 [bbfd1da1|7524d7fc] (06+30/36) Accurately ripped
04 [5549fb49|e4cc7187] (06+30/36) Accurately ripped
05 [626ac896|04f37013] (06+30/36) Accurately ripped
06 [9fa75b16|006bc24b] (06+30/36) Accurately ripped
07 [ffb8e5b9|ebce8082] (06+30/36) Accurately ripped
08 [7722435b|67fdd38a] (06+30/36) Accurately ripped
09 [c130ffbe|b4d916a8] (06+30/36) Accurately ripped
10 [12c2fcdf|917316b7] (06+30/36) Accurately ripped
11 [562c19fb|0fe9e626] (06+30/36) Accurately ripped
12 [e5467b0f|eb194043] (06+30/36) Accurately ripped
13 [1fb4a2a2|9c871094] (06+29/35) Accurately ripped
14 [2a27f7a8|adc44ada] (05+29/34) Accurately ripped
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL] [ LOG ]
-- 99,9 [3129FCE0] [36B9B850] CRC32
01 99,9 [59DBDBE2] [09601460]
02 99,9 [3B04B322] [1C0B6050]
03 99,9 [00961564] [10F3217F]
04 99,9 [3E119962] [A4C51B6B]
05 99,9 [A7F8DF23] [714C9593]
06 99,9 [01901072] [901717C3]
07 99,9 [79EE1F55] [549A6D53]
08 99,9 [0D71265C] [EC2E1EA6]
09 94,4 [D10800C8] [918C2D79]
10 99,9 [2A342FA9] [A26DB4A7]
11 99,9 [F98EBABC] [2BC11258]
12 89,1 [23CAA4AA] [39BBABAB]
13 99,9 [D1ED03A7] [8D8DE4A6]
14 99,9 [5AA49CBA] [70BB3DE2]