Disc 1:
Track 01: Musique ꞉ Taqsim - «Oud»; Narration ꞉ “Shams ad-Din Abu Abdallah Muhammad ...”
Track 02: «Bismillah ir-Rahman» - «Voix»
Track 03: Musique ꞉ Taqsim - «Valiha»
Track 04: Kouroukanfouga (instr.) – Mali
Track 05: Musique ꞉ Lamento di Tristano - «Rebec»; Narration ꞉ “Le célèbre voyageur vénitien meurt à Venise ...”
Track 06: «Plainte grecque» – Asie Mineure
Track 07: Musique ꞉ Taqsim - «Oud»; Narration ꞉ “À l’âge de 21 ans, Ibn Battuta de Tanger, débute son voyage de pérégrination à la Mecque ...”
Track 08: Musique ꞉ Taqsim - «Ney»; Narration ꞉ “Ibn Battuta remonte le Nil pour embarquer vers la Mecque ...”
Track 09: Kevoque (instrumental)
Track 10: Musique ꞉ Taqsim - «Kanun»; Ibn Battuta ꞉ (Récité en arabe). “C’est l’un des édifices les plus surprenants ...”
Track 11: «Qays ibn al-Moullawwah» (Majnoun Layla)
Track 12: Musique ꞉ Taqsim - «Oud»; Narration ꞉ “Mort d’Osman Ier ...”
Track 13: «Nihavent» (Chant ottoman)
Track 14: Musique ꞉ Taqsim - «Ney»; Narration ꞉ “Après une visite à la seconde ville sainte de l’Islam, Medina ...”
Track 15: Musique ꞉ Danse de l’âme, Taqsim ꞉ «Oud & Percussion»; Ibn Battuta ꞉ (Récité en arabe). “La majorité de ceux qui font les tours de la Kaaba ...”
Track 16: «Sallatu Allah»
Track 17: Musique ꞉ Taqsim - «Santur»; Ibn Battuta ꞉ (Récité en arabe). “La partie occidentale de Bagdad ...”; Chahamezrab - Anonyme (Perse)
Track 18: Taqsim ꞉ «Vièle & Kemancha»; Neveser • Hal asmar
Track 19: Musique ꞉ Taqsim - «Valiha»; Narration ꞉ “Après la Perse et l’Irak, Ibn Battuta revient à la Mecque ...”
Track 20: Véro (instr.) - Yémen - «Valiha & Oud»; Ibn Battuta ꞉ (Récité en arabe). “Depuis la ville de Mogadiscio, j’embarquais en direction des côtes du pays swahili ...”
Track 21: Musique ꞉ Percussion; Narration ꞉ “Bataille entre Turcs et Byzantins ...”
Track 22: Der makām-ı Hüseynī Sakīl-i Ağa Rıżā – Anonyme Ottoman
Track 23: Musique ꞉ Taqsim - «Oud»; Narration ꞉ “Revenu de son périple par les côtes africaines ...”
Track 24: «Talaa’ al-badr ‘aleina»
Track 25: Musique : Taqsim - «Duduk & Kemancha»; Narration : “Ibn Battuta prendra deux ans pour traverser et visiter les anciens territoires byzantins ...”
Track 26: Sufí Dance (instr.)
Track 27: Musique : Taqsim - «Kaval»; Narration : “Depuis la côte turque de la Mer Noire ...”
Track 28: Musique ꞉ Taqsim - «Organetto, Cloches»; Ibn Battuta ꞉ (Récité en arabe). “Notre arrivée dans la grande Constantinople ...”
Track 29: «En to stavro pares tosa» - Chant byzantin anonyme
Track 30: Musique ꞉ Ясен месец веч изгряава (Une lune claire s’élève) - Bulgarie; Ibn Battuta ꞉ (Récité en arabe). “Ensuite, je me suis dirigé vers Samarcande ...”
Track 31: Musique ꞉ «Tabla»; Narration ꞉ “Ibn Battuta parti de Constantinople ...”
Track 32: Laïla Djân (instr.) – Chant-danse de Kabul (Afghanistan)
Disc 2
Track 01: Musique ꞉ Taqsim - «Rebab»; Narration Ibn Battuta ꞉ “Ensuite, je me suis dirigé vers Samarcande...”
Track 02: Laïla Djân (instr.) – Chant-danse de Kabul (Afghanistan)
Track 03: Musique ꞉ Taqsim - «Sarod»; Narration Ibn Battuta ꞉ “Au centre du vaisseau, il y avait une estrade en bois...”
Track 04: Muddhu gare yashoda (Raga) – instr.
Track 05: Musique ꞉ Taqsim - «Sarod»; Narration Ibn Battuta ꞉ “Les habitants des Îles Maldives sont des gens pieux et religieux...”
Track 06: Danse instrumentale
Track 07: 高山流水 Gao shan liu shui (« Ruisseau et montagne ») - Musique traditionnelle de la province Shandong
Track 08: Musique ꞉ Improvisation - «Zheng»; Narration Ibn Battuta ꞉ “Les Chinois sont des infidèles adorant des idoles...”
Track 09: 蕉窗夜雨 Jiao chuang ye yu « La pluie tombe sur le feuillage »
Track 10: Chanson dansée « Ya bourdaeyn »
Track 11: Musique ꞉ Improvisation - «Flûte double»; Narration Ibn Battuta ꞉ “Je partis de Tunis par mer sur un vaisseau de Catalans...”
Track 12: «Quant ai lo mont consirat» - Anonyme catalan (Chant spirituel)
Track 13: Musique ꞉ Taqsim - «Oud»; Narration Ibn Battuta ꞉ “Depuis Alhamma j’ai continué mon voyage vers la ville de Grenade”
Track 14: «Fiyachia» - Tradition arabe
Track 15: Taqsim - «Ney»; Anonyme arabe ꞉ «‘Al maya, ‘Al maya» (Chanson dansée)
Track 16: Musique ꞉ Taqsim - «Valiha»; Narration Ibn Battuta ꞉ “Parmi tous les peuples, les Noirs sont les plus exagérés...”
Track 17: «Danse impériale» - Anonyme (Improvisation de Paroles et Musique)
Track 18: Isabella (Stampitta)
Track 19: 天山之春 Tian shan zhi chun « Le printemps de la Montagne Tian Shan » - Musique de l’ouest de la Chine (Osman Jan, version Wang Fandi)
Track 20: Taqsim ꞉ «Oud & Kanun»; Der makām Çargah sirto - (instr.)
Track 21: Anonyme ꞉ «Cerco de Baeza» (Romance de la Frontière, CMP 106)
Track 22: 行街 Xing jie « Joyeuse promenade dans la rue » - Sud-est de la Chine
Track 23: Taqsim ꞉ Duduk, Ney, Organetto, Percussion; Lamentation arabe ꞉ «Li Saheb ꞉ Chant de la séparation»
Ibn Battuta, dubbed the traveler of Islam, was a Moroccan scholar who at the age of 21 began a series of travels that eventually covered all of the Muslim world and several lands beyond. He traversed the Middle East, making the pilgrimage to Mecca and seeing the other great capitals of the region; traveled to what was then El Andalus in Spain and along the Mediterranean coast; recorded the glories of the Byzantine empire in its later stages; traveled to India, where he was appointed the Sultan's ambassador to China and described that culture as well; and definitely made it as far as what is now the western part of Indonesia and perhaps even to Java and the Philippines (the location of a land he called Talawisi is disputed). In an effort ambitious by the standards of Jordi Savall and his Hespèrion XXI ensemble, Battuta's perambulations are described in music. Hespèrion XXI here is less a standing ensemble than a group of musicians assembled for the occasion; the players come from all over the Arab world, from Turkey, Greece, the rest of the Mediterranean, and China (during the Chinese portions of his sojourn). Savall depicts not only Ibn Battuta's impressions but the historical events he witnessed or those of which he experienced in the aftermath. This two-disc set will give listeners a knowledge of a great swath of important but mostly (to Westerners) unfamiliar world history as Islam advanced in Byzantium and Central Asia but lost ground in Spain. The program is put together from two live concerts, one in Abu Dhabi in 2014, and one in Paris two years later. The first one covered the first half of Ibn Battuta's career; the second, his later life. The two halves don't fit together perfectly as a single piece (for example, the first half is narrated in English, while the second is in French), but the method is the same throughout: Ibn Battuta's life is narrated, excerpts from his writing are given and accompanied by appropriate music, and instrumental or vocal pieces for each locale are reconstructed. These reconstructions tend a bit toward the impressionistic; at one point a valiha -- an instrument little played outside of Madagascar -- is used. The booklet (hardly an accurate word for this 386-page monster) includes essays on Ibn Battuta, on the tradition of Islamic travel writing, and on Arab culture, and there is even a letter to Ibn Battuta from a modern observer. As with nearly everything Savall does, this release is extraordinarily rich and historically evocative. -- James Manheim
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